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Show An Indiana Free Figlil. e have been furnished the particulars particu-lars of a terrible shootiuar aSair that occurred at Fair Flay, Union Township, Town-ship, about two miles below Henderson Ferry, in this county on Tuesday evening. It appealed by the evidence before Justice Newman, that two men named George Pc.bam and dames Oa'.etn or Uathum. from the neighborhood neighbor-hood of Cave ia-Fij.-k, or Shawm e-towu, e-towu, IP.., were at the store of 31;-. Cravens, at Fair l'.ay, on Tiles J;iy evening, just be tiro dark, and had been drinking ai.d acting rather b jistcruu-'y, when a colored man. who.-e name has not been ascertained, entered the .-tore, and Uathetu. with an oath, demamled that he should treat. The colored man replied: "L tiea'c those who treat me.'' and v.a; proceeding to attend at-tend to his basilic--, when i'eillaia seized him and shoved him out of the door, shooting h.m in the back a- he went. The colored man wall'cd about sixty paces from the house and fel . when he was taken home. Felhani, as soon as he shot him, turned mi-M''. Cravens, and pointed his revolvea at trial. Mr. Cravens, dodging under his counter, and taking a loaded levolver from his desk, quickly rose and fired three shots, one of which struck Pel-ham Pel-ham iu the breast, Polhaui iu the meantime firing in return, but without effect. Oatem, who drew a knil'e in the hu err, received a shot evidently from Mr. Cravens in the shoulder. Oatem e-oaped, and Pelhain was tak. n to a house in the neighborhood, where, at last accounts, he lay, as is supposed, dying. Mr. Cravens was arrested ami bi ought before Mr. Newman, when the above te-timony was elicited. Pel ham said, when wounded, that his revolver had ''gone back on him,'' that he knew it was death when he shot the negro, and he wanted the first shot at Cravens. Pelham and Oatem belong to a gang who live iu their neighborhood, who are known and dreaded in 1 nion Township as the "Shawneetown Boys." The only reason rea-son that can be as-icned for the desire of Pelham to shiot Mr. Cravens is that Mr. Cravens had tried hard 10 keep him still before any violence was committed. Mr. Craven; was discharged dis-charged from custody, of e.mr-e. Er.,,,srill,: (,!.) ...uriviL D:C. -. SOUTHWESTERN Mutual Life lnsuranoa Co. Io II. Y (XDV K P. Pre i V .,, II KKKIt -MIU1. - V.ee-I';-.-: 1. V.' Al'G. lililAlK. So-re are. Ilnnie Crtice. Ui.i.ihvv. cor. i.f AVi eou-.iu !M,, .I I i , iiukte, V Is. Dr. S. s. WAU.IIIVX. i...,,r.il Aeent R.jcky M-unti.o D .-t.-i t i ...-;, i rt'v., non- t o. i in. i .. . Men-,. PETER G. FERjUSO'd, .A .-eat :..r L till. Ofliie in llnoji.r. F: 1 il red tfe to.', i, mil.. TRAVELERS INSURANCE CCMPANY, OK 11 1 H T Ft 111 1). 1 ON F.CT II II. 1:.- ire : .,.::-' A I I- "-...- "g 1- .:':. "7 :o: .H ilc i J.-i'e . : g 1 : lie. j PETER G. FERGUSON. i ' ' ! ii ' r. h : r .j: ,v ( o. - D1EB0LD i lvlENZLE, i L'KLliiiiiA'i'i.i1 I iNCl.N.V.Vi I i I :'::::. n i i . a a KJ -liA -4- e A f Jy 1 U a rz. a . ! 1 l'.i.VT 1" e. i ..... ;- I " ' - " 1 '- 111. It. (LONDON. P.i. ..(, . 1 A IU r lltb 1 i r 1 1 i j . |