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Show KfcW ADVERTISEMENTS. COMPETITION Left Behind! HOLIDAY CAKEs. CHRISTMAS TREES, PURE CAXDIES, of ,,U h!mh, Plue Apple, Imported Fruits. Fancy Groceries, Pastry, Pies, Provisions, Coufetlnry, Lue clieapcSL iu town, ai HENRY WALLACE'S. i : C. A. Lonjatreet. John Sedgwick. LONGSTREET & SEB3WICK, Mtiuutdcturcr.i of and Wholesale Dealers in KEN'S & S3YS: CLOTHING, -160 Jc 408 Bi(bvy, New York. HAUTlEST T tl E ATlSL". Just Published, by E. B. MYEKS, Chionss, a NEW EDITION- OF HAINES' TREATISE. Revised nud Enlarged. An Indispensiblo Book for Justices of the Peace, Police ,Vagietratei, County Judaea, Coroners, Constable?, and publin officers generally. gen-erally. A Taluabie Boole of Reference lor every Lawyer, ud useful for erery Business Alan. By ELIJAH M. HAINES, Counselor Coun-selor at Law. Fifth Edition. Revised and improved, containing the laws aud deci ions down to the present time. Complete in one elegant : octavo rolume of over S'J-J pae3. Bound in , best law sheep, Price S7.5U. j xac AIWEB' M II S3 -A- 'M? i m mi is a book well known to every justice of the peace, practicing lawyer and public officer in Illinois and the Northwestern btates and Territories, as tho most useful and complete work uf the kind extant. It haa lately boon ravised by the author, and materially improved by the addition of much import ant matter, giving all the late laws and published decisions down to ISoy-This ISoy-This book has, up to the present time, reached reach-ed a larger sale than any other work of the kind in this country. ThiE fact may bo mentioned men-tioned as evidence of its superior merit. Its excellence- consists both in the mnt'er embraced, em-braced, and the arrangement or classification classifica-tion of subjects. In the collection f matter contained in the wo.k it is intended to give all the statute Saw and the general principle of tho common com-mon law in connection therewith, which a .iusucoof the peace, polici magistrate, c m-stableor m-stableor coroner will require in discharging their duties, or that a practicing lawyer will need for reference iu ordinary discs, or that may be reo, dirt-J for the information of every business man. This will entires mpersede the necessity for icterence to the volumes oi the statute?. ihe arrangement of the work is mc-ihci.lt-cal, and ri to e.-st nee o! its value, pre?ent-iag pre?ent-iag each subject in it order and in its proper relation with othe. The plan oi tho arrangement is entirely original with the author, being the result oi aiulyand prHCtival ex pur i-uce. It h-tH long been a suo.ieec of geaeral remark that tne luihor ha?, in this w rk, rr-ented the law wiih a clearness and f iui pIL-ity of sf le which renders ren-ders the wliole ali - o plain to the common uuderotanding as to the more advanced lawyer. law-yer. The jusiioe of th pare. poli'-e nii i-;rMte, con"t cle. and coroner will lind in tiiii lioo k all tho necessary torm- arid iti-truc tion? in rep ird to every branch of his duty. The practicing lawyer will find ia it, collected col-lected utid arranKO'l in convenient lorn, all che statute l.iw uud djci.-ion-,wiih rctt-nice to adjudicated cue applicable ia ordinary practice. The ljuine--niau will tjirl in ii a comply e-i Netin of form required in the transaction transac-tion of buine?. Student ot the law will likewise tind this a very Talnible work for perun.il and reference, refer-ence, as containing the general principle of thaconirarin law. cle.i ly stated, in connection connec-tion wliIi the ordinary braueas of jurisprudence. jurispru-dence. l&a'ollowing brif reference tothetwn-tcnifl tothetwn-tcnifl ot thi" W'jrk will aft'rd iu -otne drret an ida of its peculiar merit". The book i-dirided i-dirided in five par's, the pubject each being be-ing methodically arranged in chapter4 or appropriate ap-propriate subdivision?, aa lollows : Part 1. Of Justices of the IVaco, election and qualification, and proceedings proceed-ings before thorn in citiI cas. CVmjirl-'f'i in thirteen chuptorn, tre.ttin-: 1 Of th riffle of juti e of the r.enc. 2 Of t!iJnridiclion t' jo-Hici A L t. 5 Oftb difrrnt form of ation. 4 Of tin cominncmtit el nil, aud the TTi-e and return ot proc-. i Of trm pernce oi thparitp. Of plf ndin-i. T Of witnMG', c'rt-.llm;: the it tn'Ln- thr-tf, tkii Urpo-ition, auJ uf oat hi wnd afflrnift tk.TH. ft CM tb trial, and incident thrpu. 0 Of eTideijfc 10 01 tb dov kt, nud f rmi r.f do--fct fntri'.-. 11 OI judtrnint, cot, ami It hup tmiwrip t. 12 Of hj :pl ami wi ll ol rirtiu nri. 13 Of execution and garBi.-bttfut. Part 2. Of proceeJiuics butura Jiu--tices of the Peace iu criminal cases. Cmprtcd in e!Ta cbajitt-r. treutio 1 Of ih power of jn-'icM .f tlie jtirr rIittiT lo thi enf-trcfiuwni tit t iit In f- r i lie prevent iod and .nni"limnt f I ofTn-f-, nod prMi vntioo und cl-"rvAtjCc of the .m. 2 Of pTiorw c .ipttt'ln ol rinjiroitting r -rirnn, of caitori", and v ho uwy ie witni4'ri in rnmt- 3 D.Tinition and i' iu;lini-nt f rrimei cVn- wi m prc-Tibcd by Ib crin.in il o 4 fff profMin? whre a criminal ofrn-o Xj'-rn committed. 6 Form of Hiiitornnt- of offnn-i in wt'rrnnti. fl 01 procreilili;;- in rel.tti .n t'i f fibf tthii r v n J nrty of tb- pcim untl good Ndiavior. 7 Of(iitip- frfiii jiMlire. 8 Of h wttimnH. 0 Of pro. f- !,. j; an. p-nutiir-i in rfliitaa t' lh n)ii'lcmHU(r4 of tMMt h-broukio, nnd tt tnrbiii wnr-bij-in "fmt'li. 10 Of pn-fcrdiri in of u-atil I nnd t-st tcry. and anjay. 11 Ol dorkt enTriv in rrimlnnl and .uimnary pio- cdin-, and jtntice'c fM in ' riminnl r Part 3. Of thi powers and duties of Ju?ticesof tho Pence undor particular statutf.H. Comprised in tweh t-ljapter, treating 1 Of tli" a' knolerluionl nnd proof ot'dMdi and rttlior in'trijmnt". 2 Of attachmrntH hf.lrn !u-ti-a of the pn'. 6 Of bastardy, and precluding in ca.s iUrrT. i Of COUtcllltlf Of I 'ITt . it OfconteMing Jo'-ljouv fl Of coroner. T Of lTn. Of lorf ilde fnlrv Hud dcta'a. 'J ff inclcr.n nnd f ft. 1') Of Inndlonl nnd tn mt, aad preeJiig br ditte-." fur rfnt. 11 0! m.-rriftt-'. 1J Of tn,, o ilif right a) frfliorly. pART-i. Of the Constablo, his election elec-tion and (Uftlifira(ion, and thn powfirn and dntif-3 of ConstnblrH in both civil and criminal cio-fn, (,'impi 1111 fha rlj.mr, t inOg 1 nrhe fifflfd o cfirwahl. - rfwmnd duti"" ol , .nt.il. in pio'-eedingfl .'I 01 lb liBl.dilyorron-t-blrn nndnrM. 4 Oflhi. i.tvor-an.1 dM conilMldet In criial-tinl criial-tinl rii-.n. ii 01 lcf .nd cftrMpn';itit, altcwad te '(,BfMf in buthcini Hl,.i rnmin .l '.(--e". I'aht ii. CoMimun fnrun lor th transaction "f l)iiHiner. I A.rirnliij. fl f'.'i-pArtaarbip. J Arbiirttti'in n'l iiw:t(li'l rm vkvhi' II A t. repni"ti l . 1 1 In tti . 4 A"'n'ir'lifl ajieiHl' '2 I,i-ic.e. i A-igtiniiii". I-'I Niiiuraliahea. lidl" "I V.i' liBDtft und It l''-wnii nfniiinrnr, p(omi".orv n'-li , J.i Hln-cn, 7 Ihll- f n.iIc. )rt Jim,., h jien.K fn fiim lui,! vol unit, NiO )nfpf, law lindin(, tvill hq Hcnt t any adtlrocfl on if'-ipt of ;.'.o wil Ii litord?r. Addn K. It. AIVKKS, IulIiM r t : -lo'iigt JHaat, Ckl!i. j SALT LAKEJHEATRE CHRISTMAS EYE, Saturday, Dec. 24, '70, POSITIVELY The L,ast VigIit Of PROF. GSCHWANDNER'S (,'BLIBRATED Tyrolean Troupe. The Dramatic Company appearing in a Farce, Mr, J. C. Grahara'as John Buttercup. 3PB.O Or H- M Jfc PART It 1. Vu-torlom Marcli - saxiett 2. fleajnrea of Tyrol, - - - xtftt m. Amerirao National Pat-Pourrf, - Solo eu the Ziiaer; Prof. Gwhwandner. 4. Cow where my Lre LiesDrearaing, Qnarutt PART II: 1. The Klower and the Heart, with Warbling Chorus. 2. Sola oa th Zither aud Bow, by .Te. Cscliwan dr and Cborua. X I woald like to, bat l ia afraid, by Mr. Oachwandrr . Tf iao GhIop, freni Kuntz, Quartette PART Hit 1. Fexir Warblinc Sox. - ' - Pexrett 2. Performance on the Weod and Straw Imslm- tnent, by Prof. G-icnwaud'er. 3. Death Andreaa nIr, Solo, with Echo choniH 4. Trroleun National Bonjr, Choraa with warbling .". Ou the nico blue Doaaa Waltz frein Strftu-t, Qarut'U cenclude with the laughable Farce, entirlwl 1 JOHN BUTTERCUP. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a slock west'of Presi'lent Young'a Rasidonoa. JOHX W. YOUAG, Esq., Prop. Kattve BeawtSj Birds and Reptiles, WolTerinea, Beare. Foie, Mountain Deer, Ljdx, Wild Cats, Ac. i Important coll actio a of Native Minerals; Admission, 50 cts. Children, 10 " Opva every Hay except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feeding Time, 3 p. m. J.L. BARFOOT, Manager. GhristmaS HOLIDAYS. GEO. W. DAVIS Hei" tn mmkw v e that be L .1 n- ( Kereiv-d a fiidtnd'.d St'S-kK-T I'w Ilulidar-, I Choice Gunpowder Teas, Extra fine Natural Leaf do. Rio and Java Coffees, Raisins and Currants, Peel and Spice, Prime Oregon Bacon, New York Cheese, Nuts and Oranges, Candies and Candy Toys in Endless Variety, Cheap 04 Ihe Chtupttt Umtse in Toi' n For Sample nr the window ut DaTic' OPPOSITE HALT LAKK IIOVSK, And Tie. Door, ftorth of Kimball A. Ltnrtutt'i. z. cjyi. 8. A VOICE From the Arctic Regions. dtkim; the a a m mm -m"WMS AS'e will close out our lino lot of FURS! FURS! AT A VKKY LOW TRICE. Al.e ear Mik el SCARF PAISLEY SHAWLS, BEDOUIN WRAPS. Wo hure juft re'fivM lw ol' lh. iU-brftt iU-brftt od CASHMERE ROBE DE CHAMBRE. Children's fancy Woolen Setts. During the Holidays WK SIIAl.I. BK Constantly Receiving Additions TO nl R CHRISTMAS BAZAR In (lewis ilirrc't IVoin .T;i Cliinii, Ot'nimny anil KnuUml. Op.lt lilv.ry F'.vrlllMK until M. 17. H. ( LA WSON, SrpT. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE 11 it 1: isi i(N( 1: nimv. . . . sS. 100. 11(10.00, .1. M. ,IOOII K, AR III, l'.. Itnllftlufh Knit LoUf lt . MORE LIGHT! KEW LIGHT! ! Cheaper, more Cteimly, and pcrlcctiy free 1 from theduriKer of Explosion. TIII3 JA.FOHTII t OX-EXPLOSlVE PETROLEUM FLUID 1,000 GnlloiiH Just Received, Only 7." Cents Per Gallon! Sole ujfeiiw for Utnh Torriiory. Depot at corner soulU of NViilker Bios'. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS, j I 1 ELIASON & HAULRBAGH, ext Door East of the Herald., Are workmen who not only repair Watches and Clocks, but will make Watches to order in any deaired style, or any part of them, from a pivot or pinion to an entire Watch. Work Executed 011 Moderate Terms. D. DAY. r- T. CCLMER. DAY & OU Lfl EH, V Uolu.-,ilc HU(1 KclKil DchItb i DRY G00S3, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEEHSWARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS, &C&C, WE MAKK BEST TEAS SPECIALITY. JtST KKCKIVKL), k mi LOT OF DY GOODS. Call and Se them. First Door South of Town Clock Store. T. & W. TAYLOR Ilave received a new supply of'DKY GOODS, consisting ol' SHEETING, BLE4CHED, CALICO, HICKORY, DZNiMS, FLANNEL?, LINSEY3, SHAWLS, ETC., ETC. WHICH TIIKY HAVE MARKED CHEAPER THAN EVER. Also constantly arriving, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, I5oots and $hoes. Cooking- Stove, Ktc. Besides their (joods being of the Be.t Quality, they assure their friends they 'will be undersold by none. CALL AND EX AM IN K IOK YOUKSELA'ES. "WEST SIDE EAST TKMPLE STREET. 1 i i CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR ISJO. 1S71. Tin; C'lieJi..--! an 1 1! I'lae: in Sa't Lake t'i'y to l!uv ail kind- FRUITS, (;ii()ti:uii:s, CII IS IST.fi AS IMJKSKA'TS A XI GIF I S VOll Till HOLIDAYS Main Siivel, where a larco o'laiiiiiv oan be fuuvl at i.rici-s that will (;i"ai;anti:k H'kciiasks. a .mi:i:kv chiustmas and a iiavpy new veau. AXOTIIKU ARK1V VI. of Hie rrlcliraled IlI.El'.s M:HI(, HVflllM:. 300,000 I'OUMIS OK SALT, At lh. 1DAII" M'OI'E. tim.-h U,..e JOHN W. SXKLL. C. II. fll?ITT. i. V. llonu- BHSSETT& HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All k iii-t- l HEAVY IIAUDWAHE, iron jiik! Mcfl, Stoves and Tin Ware II.ACKSMl I'll Tlllll.s. AKtvtiltiirnl I mtlrm-iH Altil l i til 11 1( 'l'nl , At I.otvcnt Kiitria OProslTK SALT I.AliK IKHM... THEODORE LUHliE, MaiiulnoturiT v( j LADIES'! FANCY FURS K,nl 'rititc S(iM'it, At ri'Toti.'o SiMinn M:i -liint' S.iU'-r...in Him dii Int mi umi t-r snlc it liin . ..rhurtit of HOME-MADE LADIES' FUSS Su. Ii .i . I Inli mill AlttiKn Mini., I rntiiti , i hint It II In , it ux h in it .siii 1 1 n , , nt i n knii, l'i t bIm it I. n in It, I It i nner, lv rl in m i-. H iiihI it n it ml Ki in- li ( 'mi v , tnli nml Knot rrii II n s It rn I . A ".... Whii U I nlW it oN.MT.hii. 1 I'l l' . All H'Hnln Miirnmlr-1 ii . ri'l'ini ntc il nr niom v rchirni'il. l,ni hrV 1uih il np pel i it un imi'ln tn itrdiT in ii ki Itinmillko nnmtii'i" i FOU SALE ' A lew huutlrrl "l'oot'' in the :'t il t-r t tlio liuroka." ihr "lintio LoJc" i- aisiojci ci. tut Joe, vi ill .-ell tew lee; in iheceVo. a: ci "L'urcka'" iu.-le.il. E.itjuire "I .UiK M.MMO.NS. ! Omaha ilour h-w-ement- j . I 21 finnr'oijvD8 J.UUUlRONANQ STEEL A( lt;iss,-tt llonman's. 4)tttt.ile lt LhWc llnr. i F. V. IIOFF.M A. X CO. REAL ESTATE niuici:Ks ANO GiSL-Vl j COMMISSI JN MERCHANTS. (lllirn Klrt -nmh Slrn l. Klrsl iloor I W of KIiiiIihII A. I.nui'riirr, Suit l.nkr II j. I mli. l4..ili l-mii-lil au.l .. r I. l'"llivti...i n,;i.l',.. M, r Ii.hi.1im' uml ol hi-r im r.Mi.il ...i.ri ly li,m -M .,,,,1 i,v Jl'rn.il,' mIi. ,1 u....n. ,M ..ii,. ii-Hniui.l "M l""l'.'U I.. I.,- -l.l. I, l,rt..tl,.l.-,l. I .. :01.111c .lull' I .... . I-V liOMI Hi Iki h.mvi in lt.-i Klit .ti Pilri.'l liMKlll.'. 1 In in , ,-li,,-l , ,.,..t. Ill- nun.' ill l lu II,.., I l'..,i,, vt, I'. A. MOM .MAN A (M. ' H.iil 'i i" I1I.--V M. I'l H , vnlv lull' ii I'l. .,! i, ,.n ih,, i., i, iviiii.il i;.,,ii,,i,.i ii.il ..r s.-i;,.. I . t. II H I'M N .v 10. K.i.l I Oi, I,- At on i,. ' l'l.... ii. ,..,ir,.l I.T Im.iM,.,. rim .,. ,'ll M ini .ri il. 1 ii. inn o :it 1 1,,, i . il I , ,t,. tfi'l!,-. . I' . HnKI'M X , (-o. I M ..i,. mi. I il. Ilin s n in 1 1 I i,, rrt hi.iiii,. it 1'. A 1101 I MAN ,v oi, .-.,!V! ' "' Ki'.' T . ,.l.,i, :... (, ' ,,, ,', iiiul in LI.,, k .,, 'i, t ,, ,,,, ,,, 1'. A. IIOl'.lAN A to, F L 0 RE X C E NOis-L;ss KA.MIIA SEWING MACHINE is Tin; Standard Machine of the World ! Tlic Special Committee aijni.l,., , to tinmlne and report Machine, at the .Voitli Cnrni St.te Fair, Held ot llal,t " wetk, ananleil a Gold Medal t , " Florence Stulng .llncliliie for i' eae and l ni et ne8 or 1 1 move men! perfection and large v rlet j r ork' and its vulunlile new lealure, n,, king It Hie mot valuable Snv! .11 a Line for family use. w Partita con! ttnplat i ng lilt cliame of Sewing Machines are tt-fjucated tt-fjucated to read the following fr0m the Sew York "Tribune" of Oct 19th, 1670: SERVING MACIIIES. We have recently b;td occasion lorns some inquiries into the vroart of iiQ,.rt.TV ment la.tut iuecp.:iiii ta of .-ewing mufoi, and were r;"t a iiir.'e ?'Jr.ri-tii to lt Trj','rV: tbecr-ntrtl i fieri iri the 5r-t ivt-rj-jr shuttle still holds i: rl. ihoushcv attempts have been mie to f ut-trcie u The shuttle, in c-mbination with in? n?e"iV' is e til I the f ean.- u?ed to f'.no the --ri ',' the lead in sr ma'-hinpj. and v? 'ficd r'rj-iV't'" growth of trade is chitSy with the -hutde u-ine machines. The improvenients that are taking hold in ijractictl u--e are. thert-:"..r-. nea-riiy nea-riiy in onnetion wi-Q the buttle, h: in the d.tail of the .-Lunit ii-' ; in other litis r-f the icn-.-hine tvLccTed with it. to c;iuse tieivho'e to ojien'f 2t,-e perfectly and un;:trrnly, and to liiLr-Hfj-Vt; U-". M-ny iu:''.rt.:nt ?:n; in directi'.n, m-le since ;he 5r-i rzi.: iLrer.iior. ire undoubtedly un-doubtedly c-u.r.,d.cd in the "FiortLc" ca-chi'it: ca-chi'it: and we re-.-oa.ii: end our re-jrs to t-ar:ii'l!y in-pect ihe "-Fwrence'' bei'-rema-kire a uh-'-ice. The points reculiur to this machine ire: An unu-Uiil a::..iun; : n:.' n-v i; i. n.&s Tier tiie "Fi --n-re' t s c'-fr.-r se-juriis ;i;e best maicri.tl seel. f ; ir.riin-t. others use c - -ir n , and i! t tl-: Zh' iuii'urtant j-Liris tLe rLaiilt. f r eiai':-bein eiai':-bein rijriiiy rv;-,:;?l i: i: v;r:- ir-i-V'" tajdard -' :h c i z.n ic.h : I; c-r-:rj-.-t--d on ih-.--ur.t -i l re prir. i-ij i., c air-vly d.si'-ir,,: vr',h th- c- t--. i a d link- w :.;-a j. : T.-:-ver;e ofordtran-i s"r- ly i- ti '-x efe-y ! b;; ti.e i rct:.-(.i ;. i: ; "r. y ;hvir LLa::-:-LZ.-af-le ircTk-. A ""Fi- rin-t.-'' ii ; e ;t ni:ma;c-l. m-A v n c rc;. iliy .en:. that an ordin.iry g :t i-l t-?r; h.iS -r; rr.nclt: enouch t run .: : r :"e--: ' y . 'i eivrt-stitch, eivrt-stitch, a- ciade ' y tie ""Fv.rtr.ce" L- verr I re . u :ir l per:-.-.!, very elas:::', ! ;tnd is drawn 'at-.- :i:e '.-.r.? evt-n 5, r-ii-1 u.iil . e.we ly. v h:- u rkir z. snd'wlo - Ciniilg the -.m f u r. tr..;--; :-e , thrc -u ... to c:,l.::;tr i:- i:r.. ,.k:r. : c ' ic juc-ntly, ve- y liuc tarcT i; ind lie ; -ar cr.u t-ii-u-ed. L-i.ies tn:. iiie ' F.-rti"' inai:bn; ihe ehc.-. est s:yl-. ciis three addiiiLii-.il ;i:;.i:; a d-ub.e i" -. 1 ; ;rjn,c tn-t .: i a .i u'.1 e kn-''. t-f . (T'..r.;tr -i.d n-.-re eitie tn.m aiy c;ie ; s; , a. j! 'i w ;. ;. i, re ll". ic i y r.? c ni-1 ni-1 chine, i tic "' 1 .r.-nce" t.e --D'y m.-ii l-. ; th.tOiis :i j-f-vcr-i' -? :-. i, r-.-'y tie a:-r'-tii-n e-f "ie se-;r.s cr.n be ir,;;ii:j-ehai ir,;;ii:j-ehai ye-1 -:iu-nt ?'..: the w.-.rs:, iizi enib iri: the nvern:-r ; o.iii: i-rezj-: with unu;-j j! :.o. A ;y. t sc t.i'kwri a;: easily 5trenp'h;n a seam fhtrtver drsirri. ud. C'.aiiv. fc a ;tw repeaL.d stuches, ;o fasten end? in ti.e 'iu:, -ct..-: sr.i s:.--:ff: wav. It is t': e only machine th;.t has ?-.:' .1 d; u s : . b : ii u ; ; i e -1 V. r e.; d t c n : 0 l, a : : a w-'tk? s i per le -: .y th.ii h e cii tls a er.'ss the c.vic-: s..-:-.ir s:. i ?t w i:.; linen a:ij the ;rii:k-.--t nr j.ioi-.-'h i diaie sr.oces-i. n m:r.oa" br. . k -. -, the irei and wi;hi-".: ci. :'. e vci'.-.. fi:m.j'ti te. :on. I r.e' ti -k-u-:c" dra lie :;:eJ int the c.e: h wi .h use ,r.:,U 1 re-: ii r, szJ eertint-", !. :.:" .,l au:-n'.aue au:-n'.aue 'ts e - u p" wheel, w'.: :b J '.-pcres ff t't.e fdack tii-e.-d let; a::er :;c::;r.;ia accurate pr u: p; r. ss :h.i: .: '.s a iEjrl ir.j er vir rp.rc 't s t i : -rs. aV.'.'- - t oi'onut t.- rt backward, t-r ra I li ai:d n -.4.u. , r ivt ;L.r-":'y. I It Lias an 1.. prvni tlj-:i- Le:..Ter. ei;.; sivoiy its n. whi "h i 1.:.::: .k. i miiti'l aui m.l ni.i'se a hern vt :r v r;,i:n ea J u:aten.,l It : ,-...- a pcr'ct fi'.rtf and sews i; 1 n btr.j ..; ..;.o , c-:: r.. ::i it hex?. n'.'A ::.a. .i .-. a: d - c.rd. .1 r. 1 .- i ;,ri r j wi hk'iit t'.-:ir.. m: a .-i'e" d p..'v;j:-;ii in. 1 if sa n-i in, uri"U- wi.ii t i: ; t 0 ' ;".'r-I'lioc" ;".'r-I'lioc" i? el a : ::ie i .t r.-t na 1 an ; eea by tie l J-p.iny J-p.iny to iwu-e 1 , c u a-.-..t snv other fhuiiio ir. 'h-ne m le ivri?L wiihout 1 he ?i ik.ii : 0.-1 d;L:e.ti ; . L'ert prl ot the "F .or..-c"' i ?o pe::..;:y a- .1 fr--nently a i,-;-tod. and it h..-- m U v ;: ' points vt 0:1. l.iii li ru' ,:i the -t; iv.-t t-.e. The ret tie i k: izi threads I. .u: 1 i'.,o h 1- U'ic'ICLt-.i, fhort ..r r.v.rt'd w;;h ;:e r.- no't d-e. u-ii.c ;t e "t'i Tcr.,'yr.-.zn the wot s nor 1 in 01 ei-.u t's dri'v- 1.- e be t:. 1 :.e ore:-.-e" -i ' c a: ii i -.i rioriiy. ci at : : saaie rv-t as .'iher e m ,e.;u e. l.t?e aa' WlO . I.: t'cral : ; v iv, uiaira'a fare; Siinplu-i .: o,iti:rac;ieii; F.i.-iluy o; ;r..,-.,;w-t-nient; V,n.;v ..j ; ii-he.-; H.-ver-i'e if. d; v'I;-iU.ii:ii K-ic, Auton.aiie i..ke-up; I nuTt ea in ;in cr; l'i o iMoii .i.ani-i e. -. r.ruv. ;,nd r ,,11.11,0:;; a h F-v ni o: rii.i.e.s.:--:- i I ea n 1 1 n i sn ,'hrn: 1 : -Tho iy..;j .....i i:;..h :.;.-!, ot v.m;'-Make v.m;'-Make t.:e "Fh :.-, :v. dor.Si:.' " w ir-t iune U:ch to be vs.uea. u''i- ;1 t O b r t r ', 0 i . No Pa .,.1.-e ;i atior.i to oe w::h m i;" inr nvti Iune. Jint e hope th t l1:. r - ?J one ui 1 ' louud v hoi e er "ihe Iro'"-' if welcome, TO THE ADci Uf Null liiikt (In. him) 1 hivU-11 hivU-11 ill 1 ttt I t i Hlxilo t'i I lh' Ittitlitt U.nnttit ttt V j oiniitk. NVo oxtond a oi.i.ir-.i wix t.,;: : n tuir t'llioo. ii:.d ,1 ; ; ne liA' '' ' Fmnilv ri ;udiipo. w i;e;i'" sii;nint- Hiun,-,i;;i!t' u'o.;s-e , r i our lni-inr- ri niV I'1 clout 0 siniPMl 1. -n s'l.l , 0 o:-s: i-o;i, lifi o ttti f it ; ' 1 1 : i . ' -, , 1:1 t ; o 1 r ( ' 1 l' 1'1' jr i-ailv tn t-vpoui p ot '' i'"0'--''- h:h ,. I....,,,' v"hilH t! :i: ;oi:- pv. I . ' ' 1 K '. I. I-..MT.V i:,.,-:. ; :..'i i ! A ll-.-n. I a ,1: .. -.1 ', '" ' ' ' M'li. It,. Ill; I nr n i :, " : ., . ' " ' ' ' ' N ,-1' mal inn -. I'., I I'.'"'' ll'. Will l-' U. ct ; .1 ';' I'hini.-I ia : -1 , ''','.!'.,. -,'in,' ,,1 ,ti, ui i mi :i 1.'''"1' -s 1 1 II, .,-r :i- :i l,v,.in.-;n o ' CHAS. S. HAMMER. l.rm ml k SALT I. AUK i I V, 1 Ml |