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Show Horrible Scene at a "Wake. A few days ago ati oi 1 and re-pected citizen of the lir-c ward sickened and lied. The friends and relatives of the deeea-ed consi lered the matter over and concluded that the best manner in which they could signify their respect to : he lnouiury of the departed would L.j 1 u hul 1 a rc-tular old ft-hioucd wake over the remains, and in accordance with thi-gi'esolve a summons was issued for all f ir and near to attend. It was none of your common, tame affairs, but a rousing, stirring wail of lamentation, lamen-tation, the noise of which could be heard i'uur squares. Around the cof-lin. cof-lin. which was placed on a table in the centre o'' the ruoin. sat the grief sti ick-en ick-en mourner;: behind them were the friends, and still further lack such careiess spectators as chose to tr.ize upon the solemn proceeding. Evidently Evident-ly some difficulty was experienced in shriving tho soul iu a proper manner and procuring the proper certificate of admission to the realms of the blessed, fur the exercises, which should have been c. included in one night, were pro-longed pro-longed to three. On the third night the wake was ro-umed, but it was soon destined to come to an abrupt termination. termina-tion. The remains, from being kept in a warm room, de tomposed rapidly, and finally the body swelled to such dimensions that it burst the colliu with a report which an eye witness describes was as loud as that of a musket. It so happened that at the time of the accident one of the '"wakers" was entertaining en-tertaining the rest with a very gloomy ghost story, and he had just arrived in the ni '-t di-mal part whn a loud crash was heard, and looking round, the terror-si ricki'ti people beheld one side of the colliu collapsed, while at the same moment one of the arms of me corpse, reiievi q ot its Listening, f'eil down a-ide. Words tail to depict the diMieiv and c uifus:on that ensued. Son e of ihe pauy. laboring under the iuipre-sion that the corp-e ha I cmie to lile. bolted tor the door, and rushed into the mid lie of the street, while oi hers fainted outright. One lady, whoc name we were unable to obtain, u.i- so badly t'righte.ied that her lite i despaired of. It is needless to add tiiat ihe incident put a summary stop to the watching bu-iness.and measures w.ie taken to put the corpse, where it -iiou;d have been placed long before. 1 1 1 1 1 r :'.ound. In euiiehisiou we wiil a 11 li. it the above incident is strict iy true, oar reporter only having up-1 up-1 res-id the names of the parties to the aiUir. ' '.!Une Ti.nrs. |