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Show I By Tokiiraph.J Vote on tlicKau Diiuilngo (iaentUii, Tho fo'lowing in the Senate voto on the Domtncian annexation resolution : Aye-, Abbott, Ames Brownlow, Carpenter, Car-penter, Chandler, Cole, (,'onkling, Corbel t, Cra,"tii, Kdinunds, Flanagan, Hamilton, (T:.;r), JIanilin, Howe, Ilowcll, Morion. Nye, Osborn, Porn-eray, Porn-eray, Pool, Jfain'-cy, JtuveN, Boss, Sawyer, Scott, Sherman, Stewart, Thayer, Winner, W'illcy, and Williams; 31. Nays, CasM;rly, Mi;f.Vci;r,v, Mor-rcil, Mor-rcil, ( Vermont;, Patterson, Schorr, Stockton, Sumner. Thurmuti arid 'J'ip- I ton; 0. Howard :,rjf Lcwh, who would have voted in the aflinnaliTo, lurid Bayard arid Johnlou in tlio nrg- ! ntivo, w-i( nb-ent. |