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Show GENERAL. I Through the Suez Canal. New Y'ork, 23. The steamer Art-;i::n Art-;i::n his sxl-.i ler llosg Korg. via Su-.z caDal. The Georgia Election. New Y"o:k. C3. The Tr.Hnt't Atlanta At-lanta special, lis; night, sayj a heavy PcmxTatie v.te was pollea throughout the Mare :o-djy. l at nnlarce enough. I th:nk. to overcome the Kepublieau o: the two previous days. , The Vlmh HoTcrnorthlp Chi.-ago. 2o. The T--tlunt'$ Wasa- iDg:n pec:ai says. G.ueiai ThotLas (.i.-ie.-u. of t.'h-ie..g. is being strong. y urged Ly Gen. But.er for Governor oi L la:.: a:.i tr.at lien. B:amun, o: pringac.a. is in aaingion. l.vawing alter te sauje arp immt-ut. But it ' don't a; p-.-ar that tue Presijerji is iis-1 iis-1 p-'ed io uiii.e any eaauge uuies Cui-; Cui-; iCui wii. ave't. Scui.nccd to he Hanged. t.lJvca:s, 113. Aruistroi g and Jolly, the muruereis oi 'lie Lopmc tauinv. near Pot.wie. lo .were vvt.r.iay K'uiu gai. y and sentenced to tie Lagged on tne 117. u ol'Jauuaiv. Senator A'anee Defines lit Position. Wa.shtecton. 113 A lerer of Sena-ror-elect A anee, of N 'rth Carolina published here to day. in reply to cor tain accusations acainst him. exciie-much exciie-much couiuietit. He declatx-s he acquiesces ac-quiesces m. and i.l maintain, ad legit-mate legit-mate results of the war: a.,d that he earnestly desires the unity and perpetuity perpe-tuity of the whole country, its prosperity prosper-ity and honor. Peace Congress of Women. I New Y ork. Dee. Co. A meeting of women was held this morning, by the 1 members of the I niop League, for the j purpose of arranging preliminaries for a world s peace congress of women Owing to the severity of the weather the attendance was slim. Among the more prominent present, were Lucr. t.a Watt, .India Ward Howe, Mrs. Blake, Prof. Wiieox. Cora Hatch Topner. and Kev. D B. Frothingham. M.rs. Julia Ward Howe presided. She pre- I sented an address, to be adopted as an expression of the meeting. The address ad-dress embodied the id. a that unices . 1 peace was necessary to the world's progress: and as the men ot' the world were occupied in making wars, women should undertake to bring it, about. Letters were read from Bishop Simp pon. Amasa Walker, John Stuart Mill, Madam Gaspariu and others. Addresses Ad-dresses were made by Kev. 0. B. Frothingham and others; alter which the meeting adjourned until this evening. even-ing. Cabinet Meeting Washington, 'J"y. All the members of the cabinet were present at the meeting to-day. excepting Seeretary Kobesou and Attorney General Aker-man. Aker-man. I nless something ol' impoi tanee transpires, there will not be another meeting of the cabinet till the lird ot January. |