Show COMES TO AN END Mrs Nettle Craven Withdraws the Pencil Will of Mr Fair San Francisco Nov 16The struggle for the possession of the millions left by the late Senator Fair was terminated termin-ated this morning when Dr Marc Livingston Liv-ingston the executor named in the celebrated pencil will of which Mrs Nettle Craven the reputed wife of the deceased millionaire was custodian withdrew his petition for the probate of that document Dr Livingston alleges al-leges that the will is distasteful to the Fair heirs who control the funds of the estate and as the supporters of the pencil will are without the means to sustain their claims in court the document docu-ment might be defeated That result would reflect on the legality of the deeds of property from the late senator to Mrs Craven On motion of the attorneys at-torneys for the Fair children the will executed September 21 1894 in which no mention is made of Mrs Craven was admitted to probate The amount involved is about 20000000 Mrs Craven will now contest her claim to the property for which she holds deeds alleged to have been drawn in her favor by Fair at the time of their marriage |