Show = JJ I SAYS 31KHfLEY KNOWS TRUSTS I Pinsrree Adds That the President Elect Wrote the AntiTrust Plank Detroit Nov Governorelect PIn gree has just returned from a visit to Major McKinley He says If ever a candidate realized that he I owes his election to the peope and not to the gang the major is that man I talked to him about trusts and corporations cor-porations and found that he knows as well as anybodythat they are rotten to the core He recognizes that they are one of the greatest evils of this country He knows that something has got to be done and hes al right It was McKinley who wrote the antitrust anti-trust plank in Harrisons platform in 1592They They may talk all they want to about Mark Hanna being president but theyll find that William McKinley is going to r president himself |