Show c Abstracts rurmshed zltlea Insured and interest paid on pas by Utah Title Insurance and Trust company com-pany lOG Main street tliah Commercial and Savins nun Gner banking business pays 5 percent per-cent on deposits F Armstrong pres P W Madsen vicepres J 72 Jen nfS cashier 21 o E 0 1st Sout street The liquor and morphine diseases are positively cured at The Keeley Insti tute 166 West Second North Arrangements Arrange-ments have been made by which ladies receive treatment as secluded as in the privacy of their own homes Address Ad-dress in strict confidence lock box 480 City or W S Arnold manager Zions Savings Bank and Trust com jjanv pays 5 per cent interest per annum an-num compounded quarterly For the Convenience of workingmen the bank is open for deposits on Saturdays until 8 pm Write for any information desired de-sired to Nos 1 3 and 5 Main street Salt Lake city Utah Wilford Woodruff President George 1 Cannon Cashier c o 1 dnieU Correct Ui > to Date I Q The F W Gardiner company printers print-ers and blank book makers Telephone 5127 West First South 1 d 1W c l Z If Your Food Distresses You Take Horsfords Acid Phosphate I aids the stomach to digest the food and does away with that full feeling after eating e C The Weber Coal company Is prepared to delivor any quantity of coal from one sack to a carkad Rock Springs 4 75 per toil Weber p50 per ton For painless dentistry call on Dr E M Keysor 162 Main street ScottAuer bach building 000 KENNETH DONNELLAN stock and mining broker 15 West Second South Telephcne 670 c Bright fire no soot or smoke little ash in Black Butte semianthracite HalmB berger Coal company sole agents They sell all kinds 161 Main Telephone 650 C < 3D > 0 Improved and painless methods of dentistry Dr E 31 Keysor 162 Main street ScottAuerbacb building oasa o I For Good Work Go To the F W Gardiner company blank books and printing Telephone 5b7 127 West First South There is no remedy on the market that equals AntiCoryza Tablets for Coughs Colds and LaGrippe No ill aftereffects I C S Martin selW all HI ids of coal No 4 West Firat South SouthG 0 Commercial Printing In All Its Branches The F W Gardiner company Telephone Tele-phone 557 127 West First South 5 = Watch for J Gs new green package of Saltair Kisses the finest molasses candy on the market Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U S Govt Report Li akns 1k oVal C Powder 1 BOLtTELV PURE Ii tji c BMm j5la5JirfJ5 fe J5 a ftSt5 45i7 J54J5fr < 4 a aS4 ifc fe 7ATVv V II vyv ytJff Ttf itfw rwww > t VPWiJrf 4Y141 V WN Some Things England Is Still In aS IN L1 v4 I at the Lead 4r Vi7 4 We have on sale t jj3V VI 4 3V GENUINE ENGLISH ART SQUARES i AND BODY BRUSSELS CARPET tq Ll Have you seen the new novelty ART TICKING Ip 1 Beautiful Designs especially suitable for Cushion CoversSofa Pillows Couch Covers and Draperies jca1 A handsome line of MOLhSKIN J VELVETS especially adapted for 4 covering odd fancy chairs and sofa < I cushions tj5r 5r Our Rug Display Is Superb H DOTGODEY FOBBHDBE CO i ijl 4 V e ea3 8 8 eea mG8 aa e ea e WANTED 1000 BATHERS daily at the Sanitarium HEALTHY woman able to attend to business without Interruotton Box 2 I TO TAILORS and outfitters Experienced Exper-ienced cutter and taor wishes a position posi-tion good salesman in house or on the road would sew occasionally city or country Apply this office P G J SITUATION by mfddleageu woman as housekeeper or general housework Address F P Herald YOUNG LADY wants situation as cook or for general housework Address A K Herald IF MISS SINA HANSEN is in the city iSS it wi be to her inteest to call at SC6 East Srcand South street POSITION as cook or for general housework by young Japanese Address 45 East First South PUPIL nurses wanted Apply superintendent superin-tendent Training school St Marks hospital hos-pital TO SELL a lightweight top buggy with or without top new from factory this season Buckeye Buggy company make Cheap for cash Must be sold this week Address Box 131 or call at 10S Second street city PLUMBING AND TIN WORK MARE SPENCER 64 Richards street Tin roofing guttering and spouting iron roofng chimney tops gterng kinds of sheet ironwork iron-work Prices to suit the times THE DAVID JAMES CO plumbing and cornice work No 6 Main street WARMING VENTILATING p7 J MORAN STEAM AN HOT I water heating and ventilating Apparatus i No 70 West Second So t I LOST I A BLACK embroidered shawl between I Brigham and Second on B street Kindly leave information at 101 Second street FOUND ONE gray horse Call at Tenth South and Nnth East STEAMHEATING THE DAVID JAMES CO steam and hot water heating No 6 Main street MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on real estate etc I Elmer Darling Railroad Ticket Broker COLLECTION AGENCY THE COLLECTION business Is no experiment ex-periment or side issue with us and business busi-ness intrusted to our care receives prompt attention Accounts are not pigeonholed I and permitted to outlaw Judgments given particular attention Merchants partcular atenton Protective block Association 118 and 119 Com I INSTRUCTION L T HAILE mandolin guitar banjo and violin Instruction Fine Instruments furnished free to pupils for practice Mandolin and guitar clubs opan to pupils Mandoln giar without charge Call or address studio No 2 Gladstone building liD Main street < FOR SALE I SE Tuttle Bros about i 1GO ain street ground floor r IF YOU WANT a new home on the Third street car line on the installment lne te instalment plan apply to the owner F A Grant I corner of SSD and Third streets or Nos 217 and 218 Dooly block West BOILER AND ENGINE 20horse power with shafting very cheap Brain ard flitter Ogden BUSINESS PROPERTY on Main street west side near First South street 78 to 118 feet frontage most of it 153 feet deep Alleyway at rear with permanent I right of way Terms reasonable L W I Richards 160 C street AN UNDIVIDED onehalf Interest or I the whole of my carriage business For particulars call on or address Phil Neder 1 West First South street 1I 1 1i i FOR RENT Ii i I SEE Tuttle Bros about i 160 Main i street ground floor an iI i I 5 ROOMS furnished for housekeeping 78 i F street i THREE nice large rooms pantry closets etc furnished for light house 4 keepIng Enquire 343 Seventh East street t RESTAURANT AND 20 furnished rooms central location rooms all occupied occu-pied rent of building only 5 per month I furniture for sale cheap Brainard Hitter Ogden i THREE or four rooms furnished for housekeeping ground floor range bath closet 377 Second East no small children IF YOU WANT a new home on the Third street car line on the installment plan apply to the owner F A Grant corner of S and Third streets or Nos 217 and 218 Dooly block PERSONAL LADIES wishing new and desirable stamped linens and art goods will find them at the Art Needlework and Corset parlor 147 West Second South 11 Vet Stamping to order Stamping patterns and prepara tions for sale beautiful designs for beautful desigs tea cloths Full line Brainerd and Armstrong and Belding Bros silks Embroideries Mexican and home drawn work for sale Order taken for the execution of em broider drawn work marking linens etc Fine corsets made to order from Si50 up 1 HORSES to pasture at Crismon farm 150 per month Enquire S05 Atlas block or J D Muir 10 East Twelfth South WANTED SITUATION Bv Japanese as cook or to wait on table Address 16 East First South The Utah Portrait Company Charles Peterson Mnnncrer Call and see our high grade free hand anl portraits The finest in the land We make them and pictures at popular prices ili4 West First South street four doors west of Dinwoodeys SOCIETIES MT MORIAH LODGE NO 2 A F and A M Keguisr communications held at a sonic hail the second Monday of each month Members of sister lodges and sojuorning brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend WILLIAM JOHN LYNCH W M CHRISTOPHER DIEHL Secretary PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNEYS OLE ZANE COSTIGAN Attorneys and Counsellors ataw Rooms 7 to 1 Deseret National bank building DICKSON ELLIS ELLIS AttorneysatI Rooms 512 t CIS Progress building DENTISTS DR E M KEYSOR DENTIST Rooma I 2 and 3 frt floor ScottAuerbach building HAPPY HOUR DENTAL CO 4G W 2nd So Appointments by mall wllclted MINING ENGINEERS S FECHHEIMER M E E M U S Dep Min Surveyor Mine brokerage Examinations and reports on mining property 6 ain street Salt Lake city and Eureka Utah OPTICIAN P AN EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL store eight years experience W B Rushmer manufacturing man-ufacturing optician 73 West First South street Eyes examined for glasses free street Special lenses ground to fit the eye DRESSMAKING MRS S T BENEDICT 3U315 Constitution Con-stitution New York building Patterns directly from |