Show I BETTE IS BRISK 11 Much Bullrtln Going on in Which i Salt Lake Is Interested I Mr Robert Bowman manager of the Watson Bros company returned from Butte yesterday morning where he has been on business for a week or more ptc1 He reports he greut camp in a j flourishing condition and fays many improvements are now being made and are in the prospective Mr Bowmans firm has several contracts I I con-tracts in Butte among which are the furnishing of the marble columns for the school of mines and much of the stone that goes into the High school building now in process of erection thfre Utah material seems to be in high favor in Butte and Mr Bowman say he never met with more enter r rid prcref ive p npie than these same Montanians Jpe marble I pillars for the school of mines will be I made in this city and the stone to b I pie up in the High school building will come and has come from the Kyune Greystone company of Utah The prospects are good Mr Bowman thinks for many a carload of Utah stone to b Sent into Montana during the next few months because several new buildings are now being talked of and there is no doubt but that they Li h 1 c will be ommeneed just as soon as spring opens Nearly 40 carloads of stone have been sent to Butte from Salt Lake lately and unless all signs fail from 600 to 1000 carloads will go out within the next few months There are many oldtime Salt Lakers seen upon the streets and in the business busi-ness houses of Butte said Mr Bowman Bow-man and while they are all loyal to I their adopted city and state they all have the most friendly feelings for their old stamping grounds and are a unit in saying that Salt Lake has a I great future before it I is to be regretted however that we have not more men here with theme the-me push and energy and vim a they I have In Butte LaTEsr FRQ3I JIRCL |