Show UNION ALEXS VICTORY Arrested for Obstructing flails They Sue for and Get Damages Milwaukee Nov 16The damage I suits of John ORourke and Robert Blair against the Chicago Milwaukee I St Paul Railway company and E W McKinna formerly assistant general I gen-eral superintendent of the company were settled today The suits grew out of the great railway strike of 1S94 and were for 6000 The St Paul company com-pany pays the plaintiffs a sum that is satisfactory and ha secured in return a release of all claims mentioned In the complaint The amount of money that passed is held strictly confidential by agreement ORourke and Blair were among the members of the American Amer-ican Railway union who were arrested in July 1S94 upon warrants issued by Court Commissioner Bloodgood charging charg-ing them with obstructing the United States mails and with conspiracy to defeat the ends of the interstate commerce com-merce laws |