Show WIT A iD HTOIOR Ne < w York Evening World Dolly Im glad I dont like oysters ChollyWhy Dolly Brau3e if f liked em < Id eat cm and hate em L j Chicago Tribune Her friendI am orry you are going to marry old Tot terly I hear he is iii map who gets violently vio-lently jealous without cause She Dont worry dear Ill take good care he never does that 0 New York World Synlcus The president presi-dent got shot yesterday Slmplus You dont say so Why Synicus To go hunting London Figaro He So Bullcm failed SheYes but they only oweus a call so thank goodness we wonjt lose by it London FJgaro IloveGeorge mused Clara softly or is it simply a sisters affedtlon that I feel for Just then Bobby burst noisily into the room and interrupted her meditations Get out of here you little brat she shouted 1 f j5 f and seizing him by the arm she shot him through the door Ah no she sighed as she resumed her IntetrUpted train or thought my love for George is not a sisters loVe It is something sweeter purer higher and holler I Detroit Free Press A Crusty Opinion Uncle Theophllus what is a graS I widow Well shes a vidow whose husband didnt have to die to get rid of her Boston Transcript BamburyI hear that Stimpson is dead Did he leave his wife much MispahI suppose so Hs always left her as much as he could while he was alive Puck A CorrecfionIke know dot nopody should be extrafagant His motherNot exactly Ikey Dare is no reasonable obchekshun to extrafagance on der part of vuns gustomers TitBits One matron Since I have been married I have taught my husband good taste Another Heally It is a good thing for you that you did not teach him before you were married Punch Trafalgar day at the board school Teacher Now can any boy tell me why Nelsons column was erected In Trafalgar square Johnny Grime3 Immediately Please sir to sip im I up to eaven when e died in the arms of the Wictory |