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Show A I V U i WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- V NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 IS at Trying out the Kiwanis Park at 300 N. and Vine Sts., merry-go-roun- d Clearfield, are, 1 to r, Alan Taylor, past president and past lieutenant governor of KIWANIS PARK Utah Idaho District; Bruce Watkins, immediate past president; Leo Syphus, president; and Raymond Adams, board of directors. All are members of the Clearfield Kiwanis Club. report a suspected criminal Leo T. Syphus, Clearfield insurance agent, has been installed as president of the Clearfield Kiwanis Club for act, thereby assisting the to police apprehend lawbreakers. 1976-7- HOPE of America awards program for outstanding elementary school children will be continued and expanded this year. This program has been THE 1 i SERVING with Mr. Syphus will be Rev. Harlev Hunt, Pastor of the Clearfield Comas vice Church, munity president with Errol Nelson, also an insurance agent, serving as secretary. Bruce Watkins, past president, will serve on the Board of Directors along with Earl Jones, George designed to encourage the youth to become leaders in junior and senior high school in scholarship, leadership and general all good should contact EXHIBIT AT LIBRARY Richard Vasiloff at Fund raising for equipment in the Kiwanis Park on 300 North and Vine Streets will continue with the erection of a bowery this year. 825-087- Stan Racker, THE STRUCTURAL steel has been donated to the club and the city by O. Ross Sanders and the city will finance the project as funds become available. The Kiwanis Club will furnish the labor for the project. THE CLUB will also sponsor the Miss Clearfield Contest next June, for the sixth successive year, with Richard and Judy Bennion as chairman and director of the It is now -n f. vious of five cl rexv marriagi the grandparents The Kiwanis 1976-7- 7 Is Uriel t Cleatf4,b itself ,teKsapipwthe The for,, a ; Vvv. ' i tit wild - ti (trial rirgrinization in thfs purpose. THE CLUBS aim for the year was Safeguard Against Crime, by marking all tools and household equipment with some special inden-tificatio- n mark to discourage burglaries and thefts in the community. The club will also be putting out information on how to - 800 Cub Scout Leaders Hold Annual Pow Wow . i f Cub,$C0pt leaders' der, Weber, Mor- trom gan and Northern Davis counties met Saturday, Nov. 13 at Sand Ridge Junior High in Roy for their annual pow wow. THE SCHOOL, located at the site of the day long training event, held for leaders in 2075 West 4600 South, was every phase of Cub Scouting. Lynn Harrison heads a volunteer staff of over 100 experi'eji'ced'tepdgrs and 'professional people' vho prepared the Pow Wow since last May. The purpose of the Pow Wow was to provide training for all Cub Scout leaders, including Den Chiefs, in leadership skills, and theme helps for both new leaders and old so that they may more effectively serve the over 5,000 boys in the eight to ten year old bracket who participate in the Cub Scout program in our area. be determined by time to make plans before January 1. It is more than enter the annual Davis Countv "Make It Yourself to 1 ' at The Bountiful Art Center faculty exhibit will be held at the Creation Gallery II, Davis North County Library, Branch, 562 S. Falcon (1000 E.), Clearfield. 1 THE a m. their age sew- Paintings and graphics by Anton Rasmussen, paintings and drawings by Edith Roberson, leaded-staine- d glass by Robert Nolte, metal sculpture and jewelry by Robert McCall, ceramics by John and Diane Shaw, and photography by Allen Thelin , comprise the exhibit. HL VARIOUS categories ( levels of competition. will consist of junior division-- 1 IF MORE than one garment ages 14 to 16, senior division is entered - for example, a ages 17 to 21, adults over 21 coat and a dress, you must 10 to 13. and'p'ie-teins- ( 1 modfeT.thdrh'sepatately, they ; adults ,qrid Jyviot: s,e;iiqrs o 'dresSCs' coats J, cannot be worn .together nor . mayz-iuVyiece'suits.,'Afl .those who A considered as asingle entry enteVth-corife'sfA list select in any Step.-o- f the judging.. The decision of the judges will and construct the garment A garment, to be determine which garment will advance if one garment is ejlgilW-the competition, . selected to go pn tq higher mXsKHave . v. aftbr January of fife durreptif,' competition, ' Lorelei Mrs. Draper of year ' lf Kaysville is, chairman of the V .v .V. ' Davis County Make It Your' AIL ENTRIESVmust self With Wool contest. For made from loomed, knitted or in the Raku workshop, in addition to their educational displays are THIS exhibit of paintings will mark the opening of a new art gallery and exhibition will seek to introduce the community to new and innovative ideas in the visual arts and develop a greater appreciation and understanding of the various artists, styles, techniques and works both contemporary and his- Library at the North Branch Library. The new exhibit area, designated Creation Gallery II," is located on the main level of the building inside the library. It will be open for viewing during library hours. ' I . ; Raku is an ancient method . THE LIBRARY through its book collection and displays torical. Library hours: Monday Thursday, 12:30-5- ; ; Saturday, 12:30-9- 10-- Yarn'll Things East Gentile, Layton 123 THIS CONTEST is sponsored by the Womens Auxiliary to the National Wool Growers Association. The winners from the Davis County contest will be able to enter the state' contest on December 2 in Salt Lake City. "' Ronald Mills Cited At HAFB Clearfield resident Ronald P. Mills has been cited at Hill AFB for a suggestion to THF. MAKE It Yourself With Wool contest is open to all American citizens regardless of race, creed or sex, who meet the age and other requirements, and abide wiih the general rules set torth for the competition. The category one enters will administrative improve procedures in his work area. HE IS an aircraft industrial engineer technician. Mr. Mills and his wife Phyllis have three children. Delayed Enlistment Is Available In Air Force Young men and women may now reserve a specific Air Force ob and entry date iip-tsome nine months in advance, local Air Force have announced THE NEW nine month op- tion, called the Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP), allows Air Force enlistees to accrue ser ice time for active duty and retirement pay purposes from the day they enlist People who enlist prior to January 1, 1977. will also be eligible for the benefits of the current (il Bill even though thev may not report for active dut until September 1977. SALE YMKLAP STORAGE SHEDS 10x10 (Steel Construction) INDIVIDUALS entering the DIP after December 31 'his ear will be eligible pai s EILWI1KI 1h wmT (Jmhl Clmlm cruoit.. PREVIOUSLY, the DEP allowed recruiters to offer a six month delayed enlistment option in most Air Force specialties with a confirmed entry date for the regular Air Force. For more information contact the Ogden Recruiting Office at 727 24th Street, or call collect. ftp CHRISTMAS SPECIAL I 3 Best you can buy 9 5 r Now only Guaranteed by us for L 1 year I g S FRAN BROWN & 3 use II 3 A professional 5x7 color portrait for A Sat. 20 - Sun. 21 , Mon. 22 - Tues. 23 - Wed. 24 Thurs. Closed. Fri. 26 - Sat. 27 - Sun. 28. Daily 10 A.M.-- 8 A.M. Sun. 10 A. M. 6 P.M. Fri. 19 - WOODS CROSS CO. 766-060- Choose from our selection scenic and color backgrounds Select additional portraits and save up to 'A compared to 1975 prices See our new large Decorator Portrait Your complete satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded Our last visit before Christmas of 8 CURLING IRON ROBERTS 825-395- ad- : 1464 No. Ft. Lane, Layton, Utah CLOSED SUNDAY guaranteed training in a specific job or may elect training in one of four occupational areas. They are fl p dit People interested in the educational and job training opportunities offered by the Air Force may qualify for Wonder Wand Cards Accepted Lasts-Cre- ipate in the October. . j Hurry! Offer Limited While Supply tic of to new con GI Bill benefits package signed into law this tributory mechanics, electronics, ministration or general. I 5. & Leos which produces some very unusual effects and has piqued the interest of many contemporary ceramists. The K-MA- RT -- Friday, bargello, florentine, 'mosaic Dec. 2nd 12 noon - 3 p.m. pre register, at , , lt additional information, she can be reached by calling, planned for the future. Seminar on Needlepoint Learn basics Continental, of glazing and firing hand-buiand wheelthrown pottery bl' Exhibits of various kinds of art as well as historical and other pottery, produced tea bowls which were glazed and fired in the traditional Japanese way. ALSO ON display is pottery from a Ceramics Raku workshop by students of John and Diane Shaw. , v 1 students program by Davis County November 30. just a 1 . which display at the library until ment before judges at all ielted fdhiicoryarn of 100 per cent Moot or of a minimum of 70 per cent wool arid no more than 30 per cent Synthetic fiber. This js ygur opportunity ' to enter youi7 knitting, crocheting or sewing items. The purpose of the contest is to focus attention on the beauty and versatility of wool, a to encourage use of this int comparable fabric or yarn in seu ing, knitting or crocheting fashionable garments, to.' ofler young experts the op-portumty to compete for, valuable prizes and win recognition for their sewing and crocheting skills. EXHIBIT, opened November 3 will be on ing, knitting or crocheting contest. It is also a fashion competition. You will be required to model your gar- contest to be held at the Wednesday, Dec. Dims High School beginning With Wool , hni-ma- display. ake It Yourself in Wool Contest Slated December Bruce Watkins will be in charge of the construction of the bowery and Allen Taylor will be in charge of building the barbecue pit. Plans call Stephenson. for restrooms and a storage area connected to the bowery MR. SYPHUS has lived in , ,wid wflt.be added when.pos-V- . Clearfield for the past pagTdnt. , ,v. ,7 . Opjuiy 4thf fcvvqnisAviit. visible:', v , V years when he was tranjM. A V. .V A Vigalif ferred by the Farm Burea Insurance Co. from St. George, aale.'and are .already, 'gathers' ,v INTHE. past the Kiwanis? has raised $1250 for where he had an office for 12 ing and storing items for the sale under the direction of Joe playground equipment which years. was matched by Clearfield ; He has been a member of Knight and Lawrence Ses- . . City andow the park Jias a.' sions. Kiwanis for 20 years, serving V '.qi r cyT a r q Ij'd e ,','a ,m er ry- - g i as secretary both in Clearfield l AT THE present timp'oVr fbund arid and St. George, before .swings, last makingan a tit active play membership is 32, and we - area becoming president-elec- t for families in the north wish to increase it to dt feasf year. White in SL George he 40 this coming year, said end of town. More equipment also ownecuuLiQRSCated a is planned as funds are Those interest-- a Mr.JSyphus. 01 H .. C dairy fa W Kiwanian raised, said Mr. Syphps. yt.ed.i n becoming HE A have bi married. is the father past 10 yi Mamanakis, Howard Stoddard, Richard Allen Taylor, Vasiloff, Raymond Adams and Golden Barbara Ochmanek, librarian at the north branch of the Davis County Library, looks over some of the paintings which are now on ONLY One sitting persubiect SI per subic! 'or additional sublets groups or individuals m the same family Persons mder 8 must be accompanied by parent or guard.an |