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Show WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 18. 1976 IS nn lrlnnn ra Ulll he will assume as a commis- By ROSELYN KIRK sioner. Wendall Zaugg. who will replace Commissioner Stan Smoot as Davis County Commissioner on Jan. 2, says, from the day he filed for the post, he felt the job was his. HIS WIFE, Veneta, wasnt anxious for him to run, but their seven children are receiving the fringe benefits from his election. They are celebrities in their classes. Although Mr. Zaugg lives in Clearfield, he says his strong support came from the Bountiful area where many LDS Church employees live. Mr. Zaugg has been a building inspector for the LDS Church for five years. He said he also pulled a strong farm vote. HE ATTRIBUTES this support to the fact he came from a farming family who moved to the Clearfield area when he was five. Mr. Zaugg said he did very little political campaigning. I passed out a few brochures, but most of my support was by word of mouth. People knew where I stood. Mr. Zaugg went to the Davis County Court House on Wednesday for a meeting with Commissioners Glen Flint and C.E. Moss to decide what areas of responsibility HE SAID the assignment to oversee country roads would be right down my alley. He feels the commission will be wastmg my talent unless he is assigned to construction or planning areas. He has been in construction work since he was 16 and learned from the ground up. Mr. Zaugg is hopeful he will be assigned to oversee the courthouse construction work now being planned. Until he is assigned his areas of responsibility he will not sit in on county department meetings. ITS NICE to be interested, but that would be a waste of time," he said. Til wait until my responsibility is de- went on sale at the Weber State College La Traviata, cashiers windows. Adminis- tration Building, Nov. 15. THE presentation of La Traviata at Weber State, Dec. 3 at 8 p.m., will be the only Utah performance, said Daniel L Martino, WSC cultural affairs director. The house is scaled at $5, On Nov. 5, Gary Lee and K. Joyce Dawson became the parents of a boy that will be named Brian Gary Dawson. The infant has two sisters -- Michele and Pamela. HORALD and Doris Dawson of Layton and Leo and Elaine Barker of Layton are the grandparents of this new baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Bone order to phase out federal grants, Mr. Zaugg said county government will need to tap local funds. ment. MR. ZAUGG had campaigned on the issue of less big government and more built his house. The house still stands and has not yet been condemned for public access, he said. He built another house next to the first and chopped off the access road. Mr. Zaugg said this experience showed him how powerful property rights are. He calls this experience MR. ZAUGG wanted to know why and consulted an that, attorney. He foundcould be before the property condemned for public access, all property owners in the free enterprise. When he program is doing well, why not fund it out of our tax dollars? he asked. MR. ZAUGG has been to the county courthouse to meet some of the people who run County government. Many introduced themselves to him, he said. I think they wonder if Ill be their boss. He has also received many phone calls from citizens who attached. The government becomes like Mom and strings federal wouldnt have to worry about getting their dollars back from Washington if they could stop the dollars being paid to In the federal government. Dad who constantly have to be around to give out the money and say what to do with it, he said. ) want him to do something about government. Most of I the calls are anonymous. wish they were interested enough to let their names be known, he said. Washington D.C. becomes the parent." If a local HIS opposition to federal results from his money feeling there are too many takes office, he plans to study all federally funded programs in the county. He said, Davis County ) ONE WOMAN was vocal in her disapproval of the new commissioner. Mr. Zaugg said she approached him after the election, pounded him on the shoulder, and I didnt vote for shouted, you. BfL&gvg termined. Mr. Zaugg hopes to retain his position as a planning commission member in Im Clearfield. still MR. ZAUGG has been interested in public office and ran three times for the city council in Clearfield and TURKEYS ill I? TOMS twice for Mayor. He was not fve & HENS & "N X2 always been intereston in whats going wli and $3, all reserved seats. The W'SC 0$ 1. ll'jli, elected to public office until he was victorious in the commission race. ed in HAM GRADE C interested m what goes on in the city, but it might be a conflict of interest. Canadian Opera Sets la Traviata Tickets to the Canadian Operas production of Verdis his initiation into govern- area served by the road had to approve. This was not the case m this instance. Mr. Zaugg investigated his personal property rights and government, he said. The interest started 15 years ago he applied for a buildhouse in ing permit to build a Clearfield. The permit was denied since the city council planned to build an access road through the property. cashiers office will sell the tickets Nov. 15 through Dec. 2, daily except weekends, from 8:30 a m. to 4.30 p m., and on Dec. 3 one hour before show time in the turkey. WSC Fine Arts Center. PERSONS desiring additional information about the ticket sales are invited to phone the cashiers WSC m pms A NORBEST-GRA- DE TOMS HENS STEAKS lb. 3 lb. can 5 lb. can BONELESS ext. 438. fice, CANNED HAMS S & of- SWIFT PREMIUM SIRLOIN lb. became the parents ot tneir first child on Saturday Nov. 6. lb. The bov will be named Kody Brent Bone. PROUD grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bone ot Layton and Ms. Joanne Bass of Kaysville. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bass of fants Kaysville are the lb. in- s, RIB lb. CHUCK lb. (K dmg i Is Manager For Gas Company Starts In Layton 7-- x J ?A -- ;y .' WAYNE SALTZGIVER Over 20 tears experience ith the company should be an asset to Wayne M. Saltzgiver who has assumed the position of Stan Stnngham at Moun w BONESWISS STEM SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ROUND tain Fuel in Layton. THE NEW district manager has worked m six other locations for the gas company in capacities as utilityman, serviceman, local agent, district agent, district manager, and util ization supervisor. Mr Saltzgiver was born and raised in Salt Lake City and educated in Salt Lake City public schools and the Unix ersityof Utah HE. HIS wife Helen, and their four children reside in Woods Cross. He has been active in civic affairs including president of Chamber of Commerce, president of Javcees. officer in the Lions Club, current member of Layton Rotarv. member of Uintah Basin Education Council, involved in beautification camand junior paigns achievement leadership roles, and a volunteer for Utah Symphony and United Way. He is also active in the LDS church die 11 Cut, Wrapped & Frozen Ham i 19 NO. HALF GALLON CARTON 71 MILK... 1 WINDOWS FAST, CONVENIENT lb. R lb. 23 lb. 17 73 COLD CAPSULES PICKLES Dills or Hamburger Jars 99 49' PAPER TOWELS CATSUP CAKE MIXES WESTERN FAMILY HALF GALLON ROUNDS ICECREAM Windows BATHROOM TISSUE NORTHERN SD0V SPRAY Vi Si. 10 Pack Dili Chips 22 oz. Specialists Guaranteed A' l) Prices VLAS1C SHOPPING. OPEN DAILY 6 A.M. to 12 P.M. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Effective November 18. 19 20th W DRIVE-I- N BANANAS Pack 16 oz. Btls. Plus Deposit SB78 dressing S lb. YAMS CONTAC DECONGESTANT dressing pcs., a "ef. 55 f 7.(0 CREAM OWEBER FIRST QUALITY pcs., a potato log and t;08 i PORK & BEANS -- Mirrors a sideline" Cheese & MIXED NUTS -- Storm Doors 123 Cross SL, Layton Where glass is a specialty-n- ot BARN FULL Windshield -- Store 84 16 LETTUCE -- Home Glazing 825-74- HOAGIE SANDWICHES lb. MILK 8 DINNER BOX vo&s 2 PACKAGED SNAKPACK Roast Beef Corned Beef Chicken Turkey Pastrami Bologna Ptorthe NOT TO LEAK or Q Other Sandwiches available & 376-42- 71 DONE TO PERFECTION IN ONLY MINUTES HOT -- DELICIOUS! Lb. BOtUNG BEEF . PHONE FRIED CHICKEN W l 69Lb. RUMP ROAST 8 Storm Windows HENNY PENNY PRESSURE jl45Lb. si .59 Lb. 5K Repaired lb. Si POT ROAST BONE POT ROAST Spvis Gountti "VBIeiss Ge. Screens $ 98 BONELESS POT ROAST WHOLE a- - J ROUND CRANBERRY SAUCE MORTON PUMPKIN OR MINCE KRAFT PIES 5oz. JARS 0 W2ooz can ILY PINEAPPLE Pack JELLIED OR WHOLE. 16 oz. CHEESE SPREAD JELLO 6 oz. BOX 4 Roll ASSORTED FLAVORS 1447 No. Main, ASSORTED CRUSHED. SLICED, OR CHUNK Highway 91, Layton, Utah |