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Show WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 IS V Jll By ROSELYN KIRK The decision on whether major county department heads will be covered by the proposed county merit plan will be determined when the three member personnel board acts, Horace Rose, Davis County Personnel Director said. THE QUESTION was raised during the Mental Board of Health Advisory meeting. Richard Youngberg, a member of the council, suggested that Dr. Russell Williams, Executive Director of the Mental Health Center, should be protected under the merit system. Under the proposed merit plan, Dr. Williams, a department head, is exempt. Looking over posters which advertise a fund raising event for foreign exchange students are AFS student Saskia Tiedemann from Germany; Beth Cornia, art teacher at Layton High; Ana Maria Mendez, AFS student from Chile; and Connie Borup, art teacher at Layton High. An art exhibit featuring local talent will be held at Flint Stables this Saturday, Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. AFS ART EXHIBIT worldwide. An Center, mined how it was related to other jobs in the county, and gave each job a grade. The second step was the development of the salary schedule. The third step was to determine the procedure for applying the steps and grades. Since all of these procedural steps have been accomplished, Mr. Rose said it is not a big step to adopt the merit system. what each job is worth to the county, Mr. Rose said. An increase in grade should require more from the IF COUNTY employees understand the procedure, there is no reason to be fearful, Mr. Rose said. In the past, department heads have had almost a free hand in selecting people to work. With the merit system they will have to give up some of that." Under the proposed Davis County merit system, ap- DAVIS County employees are currently reviewing the merit system to see if they understand all the provisions. A meeting of county employees will follow in which the employees can question the provisions of the employees. MR. ROSE is hopeful that the proposed merit pay plan will go into effect in the county by Jan. 1977. He feels it will result in higher quality and greater quantity of work, rk pointments and promotion Brookhurst Farms, is being each exchange 'student 'at Davis High. The money will not go directly to the students but to AFS headquarters in - 2175 t . .... New York. Admission to the exhibit is by donation, $2 for adults,. $1 for students ' free. Items nnd children displayed will be for sale with the sponsors withholding a 25 per cent g The exhibit will continue through November 28, being closed November 25 and 26 for Thhhksglvitig ' holiday. Gallery hours are Tuesday 10 to 6 p.m., through Saturday Sunday, 2 to 5 p.m., closed -- Mondays. ; consignment fee: Alt proceeds from the tickets and sales will be sent to AFS. THE EXHIBIT will open 10 i fctat 2(D) years: taw . : Development Center Farmington-867-214- 1 V Ceramic - t 5 PEITEB a. t7S M ? and assorted other ceramic pieces We Take Trade - ins 1U I.- -. CIMVID b. loos - AI'FOAM Ho., " SfCTIONAL 7 'P j . . . And Giyl J1Q95 MAGMiriCENT bak d window panes patio doors, etc. FAST INSURANCE CLAIM SERVICE GUARANTEED AGAINST LEAKAGE Quality Glass DOLLARS 24995 fa- -. tWVB 10 --- X. '' uJP I HIT r I SSm. 20-ye- ar 7 1 59 "r ' rwM titnsoU 11,1 16095 T 7S (Prices shown are from actual newspaper ads appearing in Salt Lake newspapers inDuring that 20 year period, Mountain Fuel has lor creased your gas bill 47.6, about $2.15 each year the typical residential customer, to help defray our own increased costs for the hundreds of expenses that cost us more today. But government actions, both in Washington, D.C. and in Canada, have forced your gas bill up an additional 110.8 during this same period, or about $5.01 each year. These are costs we have no control over, and we either pay them or give up the supply. They do not contribute 1C to our profits. It nr no I ' onno VM.UE ! rm" --- or tj4.50 set TTCS TWV DRAW "memler: ionc! TURKEY PMd SALE! -- n- mrw 'ale; son! ? clo,t SorcownoH SBQ 0 VwlU "sa1 J Residential Glass HONEST decorator Nativity Sets WINDSHIELDS es. t i Airplanes 500 GOOD USED H A. Wooden Toys Trains - Cars - Trucks mm 1 , a.m. Saturday morning at the Flint Stables which. is of par- - , ticular interest itself. The barn was built over 30 years ago by Lee Flint for whom the street is named. Use of the building was donated Brookhurst by Farms which now owns the building and plans to develop a subdivision on the surrounding property. The Davis County -- each employee, indicates hmh at wtefs THE ART exhibit, sponsored by the Davis High AFS by Chapter and South Main, Maty M. Muir, I instructor inJ art history for the Bountiful Art Center and .native. ()f Kaysville, will give a J "gallery talk on the life and work of LeConte Stewart on Sunday, Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. THE PUBLIC is invited, 51 North Main - classification study. The classified and study described each job, deter- host medical costs in the students year away from home. Att BoUriUful die the county commission, could be vulnerable to a change in the commission. Mr. Blood suggested the A LIST will be prepared, listing most highly qualified employees. Department heads will pick employees from the top three candidates on the list The Davis personnel board will decide how to examine some clerical help. Other examinations will be scheduled through (he state employment office. Some examinations are oral while others are written, t Mr. Rose feels a change in grade should hot be automatic, but should come through experience and doing a good job. The Davis Compensation Plan, which determines the grade and step of held in order to raise $850 for In connection' with the LeConte. Stewart Festival at M While transportation expenses, provides a small monthly allowance, and handles all Og- Gallery I Williams, who is appointed by program and acquaint it with the talent of Utah artists. good Health Advisory said that Dr. will establish eligibility lists. These examinations, in addition to interviews, will provide a method for grading or rating each applicant and placing him on a register. families furnish room and board, AFS assists with t .11 Mental Board, experience and education. Competitive examinations MR. ROSE said the county has spent two years working on steps leading toward the establishment of the merit system. The first step was a THE THREE member personnel board, under the proposed county merit system will adopt personnel rules and investigate appeals and grievances. The personnel board will establish policies in conformance with state regulation, Mr. Rose said. The personnel board will be appointed by the county commission as soon as the merit system is adopted. County commissioners have received five recommendations from both the Democratic and Republican committees. One personnel board member will be chosen from each list. The other member will be appointed by the commissioners. SETH Blood, member of the job-relat- American Field Service is the organization that sponsors foreign exchange sutdents Connie Borup, will show landscapes and two potters from Bountiful, Jim and Steve Kirkland will display pottery. Ron Nolte, faculty member of the Bountiful Art Center will supply the popular stained glass pieces. Other itmes that will be featured are pen and ink drawings, sculpture, and ' policy-makin- will be based on knowledge, skills, abilities, merit policy, Mr. Rose said. The county has no option in adopting some form of merit system since it is required by state law, Mr. Rose said. The law is optional only in counties which have less than 130 employees. Davis County exceeds this number." 300 pound weaving loom. day, Nov. 20. TWO ART teachers from Layton High, Beth Cornia and weaving by artists from den and Saif Lake City. public is invited and encouraged to attend this event which will help support a THE KIRKLANDS will demonstrate the use of a potters 'wheel and Dusty Boykin, SLC, will show how to use a Artists from Layton, Bountiful, Ogden and Salt Lake City will display their works at the AFS exhibit, Art and the Environment, at Flint Stables in Layton this Satur- Mr. Rose pointed to the state code which says, The head of each major department charged directly by the governing body shall be exempt from the merit system. Commissioner Stanley Smoot said that department heads should be tied into the merit system since they are in g positions. matter be presented to the commission for further study. Mr. Rose said he feels that all department heads at a policy making level should be subject to the county commission so they can reflect the wishes of the commission. But he said he couldnt say what would happen until the personnel board acts. in November. 19 56) The cost of living has gone up 109 in the last 20 years. But because of our own exploration programs, operating efficiencies, and sound marketing efforts, our own cost increases to our typical residential customer have gone up only 47.6. Natural gas remains your most economical and efficient source of energy. Were doing everything we can to keep it that way, and to insure an adequate supply for the future. You can help, too, by conserving in your every use. MOUNTAIN FUEL |