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Show ) f WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 IS The new slate of officers to serve for the 1976-7- 7 school year for Davis Chapter of FFA (Future Farmers of America) are: Front row, left to right Malcolm Harvey, secretary; Kelly Criddle, president; Phillip Hill, vice president; Brian Law, treasurer. Back row, Flint Richards, reporter; John David Persival, sentinel; Robert Stewart, photographer and Jed Barker, historian. Advisors are LaVar Godfrey and Don Edwards. FFA OFFICERS The Clearfield Chapter held its Future the Greenhand recipients. Afterwards everyone went roller skating and enjoyed the even- Farmers of America Annual Greenhand Welcome on Thursday, Nov. 4. At this meeting the officers with the proceeded ceremonies and announced ing. be enrolled in a vocational agriculture class, learn the FFA motto, and know various information on the FFA organization. There were 26 members to the Greenhand TO ACHIEVE the honored award the greenhands must receive DM 1M Syracuse Lions transplanted three large trees last Saturday creating a nice park area on the corner of 1700 S. and 2000 W. LIONS PROJECT What was a corner of anything but beauty right in the heart of was j: transformed Syracuse, into a most : beautiful and artistic park in the matter of a few hard working hours there on Saturday. MEMBERS of the Syracuse Lion Club recruited possibly every member and other interested citizens available and commenced their project early Saturday morning at the comer of 1700 South and 2000 West, on property ownet by the Rubie E. Holbrook final W Along with heavy elrrlP moving equipment owned by Dale Smedley and operated by Vance Bennett, three very beautiful pine trees were moved from different areas around the community and THESE trees all are very old and show many years of lovely care and protection. One was moved from the backyard of Mrs. Rubie Holbrook, another from the front yard of Mrs. Lucille Moss who resides on the West Point Highway, and the third tree was donated by Dick Hirai, who is a member of the Lion Club. This one too was moved from his yard. fit top- - folk, wat hauled fo thearta ahd M trees artificially planted. This , was only a start for the Lion Club members who commence the Christmas season every year in Syracuse with some special Christmas beauty. IT IS anticipated that these trees will be beautifully decorated as soon as they have sufficient time to settle and begin their new growth in the new location. And will in At Howard Two more burglaries hive been reported at Howards Slough in Hooper this week, according to Lt. Dean Egbert of the sheriffs office. Gary DARRELL Anderson, 69 West Main, in Grantsville, also duck hunting at Howards Slough reported he left a shot gun in the parking Suits Warm-u- p Juniors Tube Acrylic Blend Iu Womens 9195 LI Sox 100 Size 4 Practice Soccer Ball aa uuu C95 Acrylic JELENK Sport Jerseys 595 VOMLA! Robinson of West Jordan reported Tuesday that several items were missing from his Volkswagen. The car had been parked in the parking lot at Howards Slough from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Monday. Dep. Bud Cox. Shoes mid-ca-lf Slough suit and rain coat at $100, 50 duck decoys at $75 and 12 goose decoys at $30. The window of the car had been pried open, according to VICTORY SPECIALS lot. He returned five minutes later to retrieve the gun, but it had been stolen. The automatic was valued at $400. LT. EGBERT said the burglaries are still being investigated. The time of the robberies has been shifted from mornings to afternoons, rk SPORTING GOODS 11 N. Main, Kaysville r Arrested Monday for tributing a controlled 99 Special BOYS PANTS db dissub- - LADIES BLOUSES Special Special campaign to immunize 6 YOUNGMENS JEANS $1195 Broken sizes Reg. 18.00 fare had estimated that 50,000 excessive deaths could occur if the swine flu reaches 25 Went Ml) South, Hountitul 1HY Otllt LAYAWAY PLAN 0wn Weekday! 10 0 Saturdays 295-941- 6 10-- proportions. Between 25,000 and 30,000 people died in the United States during the Hong Kong flu epidemic. munization program, could have cost 6 billion dollars and resulted in 1,130,000 lost productive years of life. DR. JOHNS said those who receive swine flu immunizations should not need to take other flu shot as well. We are not expecting old flu types this year, he said, rk UPON THEIR return they will give the total Clearfield Chapters slide presentation of what they experienced at the convention. ment hopes to immunize 14,000 residents at the mass clinics and other specialized clinics. DR. JOHNS said the success or failure of the flu campaign will depend on how many individuals are immunized. If there are not enough people who are protected when the flu season begins next month, public health efforts will not be sufficient to prevent an epidemic should one begin. The health department has immunized 22,000 people in Davis County-alm- ost 20,000 of them received immunizations the first week. The goal of the department is to immunize at least 60 percent of the 60,000 people in Davis County who are eligible. This would result in 36,000 people in the county receiving immunizations. all-o- Universal It seems that modern statesmen cant tell a lie, either. The correct name for it is official denial. Star, Minneapolis. -- SAW EWS7&AV CHfilM Dim saw conic WILL BE HERE FACTORY REP. FREE DEMONSTRATIONS NOV. 19 stance for value were two Davis County men and a juvenile. DANNY Leyba, 29, 989 E. Clearfield, Neil B. 1150 S Sutter, 29, 1869 N. 200 W Sunset, and a 17 year old 4 juvenile were arrested about p.m. Monday atternoon in the area of 1400 N. Main in Lay-toThey had in their possession 70 to 80 grams of heroin worth approximately $5000. n. Arraignment was held Tuesday morning where the men were given a week delay in order to obtain attorneys. Sutter asked for a court appointed lawyer. He was returned to Davis County jail but Leyba has already been released on bail. The juvenile was sent to Moweda Youth THE ARREST was the Bankcards Welcome All 6 epidemic HEW had estimated a swine flu epidemic without an im- The officers who received this opportunity were David Allen of Sunset, our chapter president, Kevin Birt of Clinton, our chapter sentinel, and Layne Waite of Syracuse, our chapter treasurer. They left for Kansas City on Tuesday the 9 and will return home on Saturday, Nov. 13. FREE CHAIN WITH EACH SAW Super Pro 40 plus FREE EXTRA CHAIN worth $16.59 Save on our finest, most powerful lightweight. New low FREE extra chain! price-ran- d in. 2.3 cu. engine, 14" bar, Anti Vibration System. Automatic chain oiling, Chain Brake. C CHAIN SAW SHARPENING Home in Roy. Special FASOi 0 W VOQ - O- AOE 1 ci- tizens. The U.S. Department of Health Education and Wel- HSiwsil 100 POLY. MOST SIZES REG. 28.00 13.00 Poly. Broken Sizes Reg. 29.00 to 14.00 100 Poly Most Sizes Reg. 10 50 to 12 50 which has attempted a mass 376-850- 5 LADIES PANTS 100 DR. JOHNS said the United to Dr. Richard Johns, director of the Davis County Health Department, after this date the vaccine will only be available by appointment through private physicians and the health department. iririssM KHIM convention. States is the only country ACCORDING ALSO THIS month the FFA organization is holding their 49th annual National Convention in Kansas City, Mo. The Clearfield Chapter was honored to send three of the chapter officers back to the He said the health depart- MISSING was a shot gun valued at $230, a shot gun case $12-1shoes at $29, an Arctic Salutes the Davis Darts State Football Champs JELENK unselfish efforts, time and expense for all to share, vsb 2 More Burglaries .'MIME m Leisure deed lend a great amount of Christmas spirit to the community this year. Much community thanks goes to this active group of club members, interested citizens and those who donated these beautiful trees, for their The last free mass immunization clinic to administer swine flu shots is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 20 from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m. at Layton High School, 440 Lancer Lane, and the Valley Music Hall, 835 North 400 East, North Salt Lake. The Clearfield Chapter will hold their Annual Chapter Farmer Welcome at the end of November. Degree. cul- mination of a three month investigation by the Clearfield and Layton Police Departments. Five cars were involved in the arrest including Rick Rendon and Chuck Chadboume from Clearfield and Chief Lamar Chard, Kent Lewis, Phil Bodily and John Lybbert from Layton. They were assisted by two drug enforcement officers from Salt Lake City, die (Mi gmhh? 0 an DOGE Q7u3 oa3ra.03aaBog ay? 37.614267 |