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Show VJL i. WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 IS 10W1K ROUND ROAST GROUND BEEF PRES. SPEAKS By DEE CARTER Club Layton Kiwanis members had an opportunity to ask questions about the gas company after hearing Bud Z. Kastler speak. Mr. Kastler, who is chairman of the board and president of Mountain Fuel Supply, was introduced by Wayne Saltzgiver, district manager of the Layton office. THE UTILITY company the president ' reason for explained recent rate increases. He indicated that there were eight last year, four thus far this year, and are expected. more Bud Z. Kastler, chairman of the Board and president of Mountain Fuel Supply, explained practices as policies of the utility company at a meeting of the Layton Kiwanis ' Club last Saturday morning. HE WENT on to say that the of the people is what makes our country great and that citizens should not feel bad when a company makes a profit. American oilmen have found reserves in the Mideast, North Sea, Borneo, and Australia and gas prices will escalate drastically if oilmen stop looking for reserves. The cornpany profits are what enables the continued search for new reserves, die Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Masons baby son Justin was bom on Oct. 28 and only lived three days. He was buried at Valley Memorial Park Cemetery at Hillsboro, Ore. on Nov. 3 with services being conducted by weeks of the Leon Heaps family. He entered the LDS mission home in Salt Lake City on Thursday, Nov. 11, and then will attend the Lan- guage Training School at BYU prior to leaving to serve a two year LDS Mission to the or 9 years while this area has a reserve of 15 years. frighten the public, he is concerned about the critical energy shortage. He told the group that there is no way to avoid a serious crunch in the 1980s even if the usage course were reversed right now, which is not the case. Members were informed that they should listen to the men who did the work rather than critics such as Ralph Nader. The only thing Ralph Nader did for the automobiles was to add a lot of buzzers that we endure until we took, them off, commended Mr. HE SAID that during the last oil embargo the United States imported 23 per cent of its crude oil and now imports 50 per cent. The national reserves have a supply for 8 $e049 Kastler. PHILADELPHIA 8 Oz.Pkg. spirit A GRADE NORBEST TOM CREAM CHEESE TURKEYS All of the rate hikes were mandated by the. Federal Power Oofhmist' sion because the price of the gas (Mat the ' company purchases. . ) , - Mr. Kaitler advised the men to compare natural gas the nation, say-- . ,V, Their. next stop was Mos:-- . , ingthar Utah has almost the. cow with. a piece and her. da- . lowest Tpe last complete Mrs. Steve" ; family, Mr: and ta revealed that the stale had Peterson and- on to Spokane, the third lowest rates. Wash, to visit with a nephew . ! costs-across- , -- Mr. and Mrs. NJorgan Moore. rr TIE : ; COMPARED heating "" ,Fn route home they were, "with gaS to using other fuels, guests at Portland, Ore. with another niece Mr. and Mrs. explaining that it costs less than coal, half of what fuel oil Amos Benton. dots, one third of electricity Mrs. L. L. Lake was a guest and a third to a fourth of what of her bridge club at the Og-- . . costs. , Lp gas den Country Club .on ThursAlthough .Mrv Kastler Said V;v - V that he,. was not. trying to day-.' . DUTCH-MAI- D JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 50 lbs. concentrate LAUNDRY DETERGENT Special 1295 Vacuum Repairs Models All Phone 773-50- 00 1679 North Main, Layton the grandfather, Russell Buhler. It was the first child for Mr. and Mrs. Olsen. She was the former Linda Buhler. Mrs. Lorraine Schofield accompanied her brother and sister-in-laMr. and Mrs. rsvPuW aytife ,, ' , Dan Weaver of Layton to , Mr Ventura, Calif, where they Aridersoh entertained at a' attended the Golden Wedding family dinner on Sunday, Nov. 7, after having their new anniversary open house of Myrle and Davinee Lythgoe son blessed and named on Oct. 30. They also attended Spencer Lee during the Kays-vill- e the John H. Watt family 10th LDS Ward fast reunion at Santa Barbara meeting. He was bom on Oct. with 60 descendants in atten13. dance. . Guests for dinner after the Miss Georgia Heywood special event were Mr. and accompanied the University Mrs. Samuel Bloxham, Mr. of Utah Band students on a and Mrs. Vernell Swanger, special trip to Mesa, Ariz. last Kaysville; Mr. and Mrs. week. Marino Ganz and family of Owen Wright and son PaSunset; Mr. and Mrs. Dean trick and his brother-in-laPierce, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Keith Nielsen of Salt Lake Nelda Bloxham, Ogden. City spent a few days in Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. on the pheasant hunt this past Buhler returned home Sunweek. day evening from Portland, Elder Rory Morgan from Ore. where they were with San Antonio, Texas has been a their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Owen houseguest for the past two w son-in-la- Australia-Sidne- 5 jr. GUT YAMS mission y which will be a Spanish speaking mission. Attorney and Mrs. William H. King, Attorney and Mrs. k Felshaw King and two-- i children attended the Univer- -' : sity of Utah football game on' J Saturday in Salt'Lake City. Lex Marcussen spent Saturday, Nov. 6, in Gunnison where he conducted a woiksliop for Special Education Teachers in the southern Utah area. The workshop was Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Haslam IReHiremeimfl Accounts in her honor. Other guests at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Qualified retirement plan for persons not in any other private or government plan. can be made with full tax deductions of up to $1500 or 15 of your pay, whichever is Con-bributio- ns less. AVAILABLE NOW Barnes Banking Co. Kaysville, Utah Since 1891 First Bank in Davis County Earl W. Snell and family. Salt Lake City; and Peder Leth from the Brigham Young University at Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Berrett and children attended Mrs. Berretts grandmother, Mrs. Jessie Iris Critchlow funeral services in Ogden on Saturday. Mrs. Janie Heaps flew to atWhittier, Calif, where she Mrs. tended her Frances Homers funeral services on Monday. She spent a week with her father Paul Homer before UBBYS No. 2Vi Wednesday evening and Mrs. Leon Heaps at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Christensen of Ogden along with their family members. enter-taine- his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bacon of Silverton, Ore. who were en route home a cross country PEPSI.A&W ' 41 CRANBERRY SAUCE PUMPKIN bro:d:u:ge WASHINGTON GOLDEN DELICIOUS BANANAS 7 lbs. for $j NO. YAMS 1 RUSSET 10 lb. BAG POTATOES 2 lbs. for F.ROZENr&lDELH PINT 9 OZ. COOL WHIP WHIPPING CREAM PARKAY 1 LB. 3 $ For U d Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bacon were from . ; 32 oz. BOTTLE can MAR GARINE i v WESTERN FAMILY returning Mr. : 75c OLIVES step-moth- home. BAG. LB. SUGAR PITTED LDS Ward. On Sunday after Sacrament meeting Dr. and Mrs. Snell entertained at a family dinner 2V LIBBYS No. 300 can Marcussen is a therapist. His wife Ann accompanied him on the trip. Mrs. Margaret Bachman of Ogden visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Dennis and family attended the funeral service for her father, Reese Fautin at Marysvale, Utah. Her father was in Kaysville with she and her husband when he died suddenly at their home. He was 61 years old. The funeral services were held Thursday at Marysvale. , 289 under the direction of the State Board Education member, Phil Hardy. Mr. and children and Mrs. Thelma Haslam of Wellsville were Wednesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stuart. Mrs. Joseph Olpin of Heber City spent a week with her daughter and family. Dr. and Mrs. George F. Snell. She came to be with the family for the baptismal of her granddaughter Beverly Olga Snell who was baptized on Saturday, Nov. 6, and confirmed on Nov. 7, in the Kaysville 10th Mivoduall WESTERN FAMILY , POWDERED OR BROWN. No. 2Vt can PRINCELLA PINT SOUR CREAM |