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Show I j WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- 1S NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18. 1976 mm, 111 Mress Mental Retardation Meeting address by Matheson, the meeting will feature a welcome and introductions by Don Caffall, president of MRAU, reports from other Scott Governor-elec- t Matheson will be the keynote speaker for the Mental Retardation Association of Utahs NOTICE TO CREDITORS deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Hess, Van Wagenen, Page & Hess, 40 South 125 East Clearfield, Utah 84015 on or before the 10th day of February A.D. 1976; claims must be presented in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Annotated 1953, and with proper verification as required therein. 75-9-- 5, ELMER W. HALL, Administrator of the estate of Dee George Hall, Deceased Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Nov. 4, 1976 Last publication Nov. 25, 1976 NOTICE OF day, December hour of 11:00 1, 1976 a.m. at the by W. Clark Burt the Successor Trustee under the Deed of Trust executed by Merl Thur-goo- d and Nancy A. Thurgood, his wife, as Trustors, and The Lockhart Co., as Beneficiary, recorded March 11, 1976 in Book 594, Page 296, of the official records in the office of the County Recorder of Davis County, State of Utah, as Entry No. 429462: at the Beginning Southeast Corner of the Section 5, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence North 00350 East 99.0 feet; thence North 894832 West 440.0 feet; thence South 00350 West 99.0 feet to the South line of said ; . ; - Northeast right-of-wa- from the cor of said Sec. 21, and running th. N 89 2124 E, 151.58 ft; th N 104837 E81.6 ft; th. S 892124 W, 165.58 ft to y line the E of 1300 E. St.; th. S 05539 W, 80.0 ft alg to said right-of-wa- y right-of-wa-y SW right-of-wa- point of beginning. Lot is subject to a 7.5 foot wide utility Easement along the . Notice of Default was recorded July 29, 1976, in 570 of said November, of- -. ficial records. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Said sale will be made or covenant without warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, and will be for the purpose of paying : obligations secured by said ' Trust Deed and expenses of sale as provided for by law. CLERK-AUDITO- Volunteer advocates work with retarded individuals providing friendship and assistance with personal and affairs. Through legal MRAUs Community Schools program, retarded citizens enjoy leisure time activities and make new friends. W. CLARK BURT SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Publsihed in the Davis News Journal First publication Nov. 4, 1976 Last publication Nov. 18, 1976 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice is hereby given that Clearfield City Corporation has filed with the State En- gineer a request for extension time to make and submit Proof of Appropriation for Appl. No. 32753 covering 5.0 cfs. of underground water to be used of (31-270- for municipal purposes within Clearfield City in Davis County, Utah. It is represented that the City desires to maintain their right in order to drill the well at such time as demand on the system requires it. Therefore additional time is needed to complete the project and make and submit proof of appropriation. Protests resisting the granting of this request with reasons thereof, must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, on Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 or before December 25, 1976. A hearing will be held on this request before the State Engineer at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, December 29, 1976, in the Commissioners Chambers, Davis County Courthouse in Farmington, Utah. Protestants should appear at the hearing. DEE C. HANSEN, State Engineer Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Nov. 11, 1976 1976 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the North Front Door of the Davis County Courthouse in R Published in the Davis County Clipper on Nov. 19, 1976 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE - 8:40 a.m. ON REAL PROPERTY Civil No. 17217 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Central Davis County Sewer District will conduct a hearing on Thursday, December 9, 1976, at 8:00 oclock P.M., in the Kaysville City Hall, Kays-villUtah, for the purpose of CENTRAL DAVIS COUNTY SEWER DISTRICT By William C. Rigby THE BUSES will return to the same locations between 5:30 and 6 p.m. that evening. Anyone who is interested in Utahs mentally retarded citizens is welcome to attend the meeting. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH BETH LARAE MUIR, Plaintiff, vs. KENNETH EARL MUIR, Defendant. AT A TO BE SOLD SHERIFFS SALE on the 3rd day of December, 1976, at the hour of 12:00 oclock noon, at the north front door of the Davis County Courthouse in Births In Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hamblin have received word from Soda Springs, Ida. of the arrival of a granddaughter bom Nov. 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hamblin, former Kaysville residents. It is their sixth child and she weighed in at 8 lbs. 2 ozs. At home to welcome the little sister are three daughters, Karie Ann, JaeLynne and Lisa and two sons Michael and Matthew. Mrs. Hamblin will be remembered as the former Maxine Chatwin of Clearfield. Rejoicing over the arrival of a baby daughter are Mr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson of 99 North Angel Street, Kaysville. It is their third child and third daughter. The little new Miss arrived on Nov. 1 at the Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful and weighed 6 lbs. 132 ozs. At home is Kimberly and Brenda excited over the new t: Beginning on the East line of a certain street at a point south 920.0 feet and East 1.5 rods from the North west comer of the North Reflex First publication Nov. 18, 1976 Last publication Nov. 25, 1976 west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 5 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING and running thence Pursuant to the Provisions U.C.A. 1953 as amended, Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, November 30, 1976, at 1 p.m., the Board of County Commissioners will meet in the Commission Chambers, Farming-ton- , Utah, for the purpose of increasing the following budgets for the year 1976: . Recorder (Increased Personnel), $6,500.00 Buildings and Grounds (Utilities), 10,000.00 Building Engineers (Salary adjustment), 1,500.00 North 90.0 feet; thence East 130.0 feet; thence South 90.0 feet; thence West 130.0 feet to the point of beginning. of Section Located at 1648 North 1500 West, Clinton, Utah. PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES OF SUBJECT AMERICA. ANY LIENS. Exhibits (Increased Fair Costs), 6,000.00 Action Community Program (Increased Federal Programs), 35,000.00 Animal Control (Increased Operating Costs), 2,500.00 Inspection Building Personnel), playmate. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Arthur Johnson, both of Kaysville, are the grandparents. Dawson Lindsay of Kaysville is WILLIAM J. DUB LAWRENCE Sheriff, Davis County the their first child, a daughter are Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wilkinson of 600 West Mutton Hollow Road, Kaysville. The new addition arrived on at the McKay-De- e Hospital and weighed in at 7 lbs. She will be named Casey Lynn. The new mother is the former Kelly J. Hurst. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wilkinson, Layton; Mr. and Mrs. William Hurst J r., Clearfield; Mrs. Shirley Hurst of Ogden. Its a daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Rodger E. Dennis of 68 Nov. 393-84- By Leo Monks Deputy Sheriff Published on Aging (Ceramics and bus not included in Original Budget), First publication Nov. Reflex in The Weekly 18, 1976 Last publication Dec. 2, 1976 24.600.00 Davis Park Golf Course (Increased Operating Costs), NOTICE TO WATER USERS 8.500.00 Valley View Golf Course (Increased operating Costs and Equipment), 21,000.00 Parks (Increased Construction Costs), 8,000.00 Sheriff (Salary Increases and Forest Service tracts), Con- 24,452.00 Jail (increased personnel and salary adjustments), 9.584.00 Improvements (Purchase of property), Capitol 60.000.- 00 Mental Comprehensive Health Construction (New Federal Grant), 177,345.00 Funds for the above budgets will come from the General Fund unappropriated Surplus as of year end 1975, with the exception of the capitol improvements which will come from Revenue Sharing Funds and the Mental Comprehensive Health Construction which comes from Federal Funds. All interested persons may appear and will be given an opportunity to be heard. With these adjustments in the departmental budgets the total expenditures will not exceed the unappropriated 1976. The surplus for the year J. Fred Berger, 135 Daw84041, has son, Layton, Utah filed with the State Engineer to Appl. No. 47155 appropriate 0.015 sec. ft. of water in Davis County. The water is to be diverted from a 0 ft. deep at well, a point S. 700 ft. and E. 220 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 28, T4N, R1W, SLB&M, (Layton); and used from Jan. I to Dec. 31 for the domestic purposes of one 100-60- family, stockwatering of 2 cattle, 2 horses and 5 sheep; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 ac. in NW'4NW'4 Sec. 28, T4N, R1W, SLB&M. Protests r. Excited over the arrival of ATTORNEY: Dale T. Browning 2605 Washington Blvd. Ogden, Utah 7.000.- 00 Council TO DATED at Farmington, Utah, Davis County, this 9th day of November, 1976. (InInfla- The television special, The and other living combines drama, things, music and humor to give a Family . . . panoramic view of family life. SCHEDULED for release Family Week (Thanksgiving Week), The Family . . . and other living things was produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of during National Saints (the Mor- ... mons). In The Family a divorced the mother, weekend father, and their son take an odyssey from the world of their own dissatis- factions and incompleteness, to the realization of the possibility of a happier future, perhaps together again. What they see, learn and enjoy leads them to the threshold of change. AT THE beginning, the three principals (Bill Bixby, Brad Elinor Donahue, Savage) meet in an alter-egsituation. The father calls for the son and they leave for the day together at the zoo, the mother joins a friend for a matinee. But their alter-ego- s remain behind, because at o resisting the this application granting of with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, on or before Jan. 1, 1977. DEE C. HANSEN STATE ENGINEER Published in The Weekly Reflex First publication Nov. 18, 1976 Last publication Dec. 2, 1976 4 North 100 West, Kaysville. Little Reesha was bom Oct. 27 at the Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful weighing in at 7 lbs. 11 ozs. A little brother Craig at home is delighted to have a sister. Mrs. Dennis was the former Carla Fautin of Marysvale. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Dennis, Kaysville; Mr. and Mrs. Othello Barnev of Vernal and is the Mrs. Arvilla Catlin of Idaho. Announcing the arrival of a baby daughter are Mr. and Mrs. Ned Giles of 591 South Blossom Fruit Drive, Heights. The 7 lbs. 9 ozs. whisp of femininity arrived on Oct. 10 at the McKay-De- e Hospital and will be named Brandee. Welcoming the little new sister are three brothers, Brian, Blair and Brad and sister Denise. The mother will be remembered as the former Lorraine Rowley of Clearfield. The pleased grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Rowley, Clearfield; Mrs. Phoebe Giles of Washington Terrace, np home, together, is where they would all prefer to be. While the three are away, the scenes shift t- o- when Gary Burghoff enters a hospital nursery for his first glimpse of a newborn Osmond Brothers and At the Rainbows End. -- A future that is closer, if present trends continue, than we may dare to admit. In desperation, mother (Ruth Buzzi) turns to television in order to get her own message through to her children. He promises her a house warm with music, I want to learn your songs, and teach a nice you mine . . yard," a world free of old tin cans, broken cars, shrapnel so that, if shes inclined, she can go barefoot and not cut her feet; and a family . . . and friends . . . If its up to me, theyll all be the same THERES Ruth-- as daughter. .; Big people. Mom (a la Sesame Street), as Bionic Mom or guest emcee, Your Mother, on the Johnny Carson show. Kaysville Farmington, Utah, Davis e LDS BOOKLET Latter-Da- y County, all the right, title, and interest of the defendant, Kenneth Earl Muir, in and to the following described real property, Published in The Weekly (Increased Gayle Stevenson, president of the Layton Stake, left, and Ted Day, Layton Stake mission president, look over the new publication by the LDS Church which explains how to organize family home evenings on a weekly basis. semi-annu- Published in The Weekly Reflex First publication Nov. 18, 1976 Last publication Dec. 2, 1976 surance, Postage and tion), 74,000.00 has consistently supported and cooperated with the State Training School and governmental agencies in training, providing employment and recreational opportunities for all of Utahs retarded population. Transportation to and from the meeting will be provided from two locations in the Salt Lake area. Buses will leave from the Eagle Gate at State and So. Temple at 8:30 a.m. and from 33rd South and State St. at Reflex on Nov. 18, 1976 : Last publication Nov. 25, setting. President Clerk-Truste- homes throughout the state where retarded children and adults can live in a normal family Published in The Weekly By Franklin D. Maughan group eight MRAU THE HOME ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO., INC or- for the retarded. At the present time, they operate DAVIS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RODNEY W. WALKER DAVIS COUNTY 1976. of Utah, ganized in 1948, has pioneered a wide spectrum of services proposed increases subject to the hearing will be on file with the Davis County Auditor Farmington, Utah and available at least three days prior to the Public Hearing herein announced. States. Dated this 11th day of The said 1977 Budget shall be on file at the home of the Clerk of the District at 1234 South Highway 106, Kaysville, Utah, and available for public inspection at least three days prior to the above mentioned hearing date. point of beginning. Page THE MENTAL Retardation Association IN ADDITION to the main presenting, considering and adopting the 1977 Budget for said District. Quarter; thence South 894832 East 440 feet to the Book 610, VOLUNTEERS and staff members of the association will gather at 11 a.m. Sunday in the school auditorium to review current services for and the future needs of Utahs 33,000 retarded citizens. A Voice and a Choice will be the topic of Mathesons address. He is expected to stress the importance of cooperation between government and voluntary organizations in providing a variety of opportunities for the retarded, so their families will have a voice and a choice in selecting those services that best meet their individual needs. e, Northeast Quarter of : MRAUs Executive Director Elaine Sharp. Matheson is scheduled to address the group about 11 :30 a.m. and will be introduced by State Senate President Ernest H. Dean who is also a board member of MRAU. Tours of the training school will be conducted throughout the day. American Fork. A part of Section 21, Township 2 North, R1E, SLB&M, Beg. at a point which is N 05539 E, 1081.22 ft alg the W line of said Sec. 21, and N 892124 E 17.0 ft to the y E line of 1300 East Street, and N 05539 E 80 ft alg said from report progress in lawful money of the United The following described property situated in Davis County, State of Utah will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the County Courthouse Building, Farmington, Utah, on Wednes- I State of Utah, on Tuesday, the 21st day of December, 1976, at 12:00 Noon of said day. Said property is described as follows: Its purchase price payable TRUSTEES SALE officers and chairmen, and a on meeting November 21 at the Utah State Training School in North side. . . mem- semi-annu- bership Farmington, Davis County, Estate of Dee George Hall - I IN THE closing scenes, back again with Elinor Donahue, Bill Bixby, and -- A montage of mothers (the Lennon Sisters) wist- A state-wid- competitive e exhibition of the current work of Utah artists is on view in the Weber State College art Thanksgiving Luncheon For Federal Womens Clubs The Thanksgiving Luncheon of The Federal Womans Club will be held Saturday, Nov. 20, at the Eagles Lodge 448 24th St., Ogden. Social hour will be 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. With the luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in FOR RESERVATIONS media possibilities, said Peter L. Koenig, of the WSC art faculty. The works include drawing, jewelry, print-makin- ny, CASH awards, ranging from $700 to $125 were awarded to the several artists whose works were judged by Utah educators. Eight pieces are in the display Richard J. Van Wagoner, chairman of the WSC art the conclusion of the exhibition at WSC art department, several of the works will be sent to other places in Utah, including all major educational institutions. Verla Davis County and Ogden call 825-115- Mrs. 2 Trujillo, Mary and Hansing, Pat Miss 394-067- call TOOELE Area Lourraine Peterson, grand prize of $1000 is being offered in a new poetry A competition sponsored by the World of Poetry, a monthly newsletter for poets. In addition, there are 49 cash and merchandise awards. SAYS POETRY Editor We hope to Cole, encourage new poets - even poets who have written only one poem. For rules and official entry forms write to: World of Poetry, 801 Portola Dr., Dept. 211, San 94127. Francisco, Calif. Lakeview BPW Bicentennial Commission. At THE EXHIBITS will then Poetry Prize Sets become the permanent possession of Weber State, Mr. Van Wagoner said. rt i THE LDS Church has prepared a free booklet entitled Its Next Week tells a family how to organize family home evenings on a weekly basis. Two sample lessons are provided in the booklet. Its Next Week may be obtained free from ward mission leaders or home teachers. album. FROM THAT setting, action moves divided by barbed wire, lighted by flashes of artillery fire. As lights brighten, its obvious the bunkers are an upturned sofa and sandbagged dinette to a battlefield set. The foes? Parents and children in the rubble of their own home, finally recognizing each other and calling a truce to resolve their conflicts. THE FAMILY other living things nel day, Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. at the Empress Supper Club in reservations. s Vitamin C High in quality Low in price Myadec contains 9 important vitamins and 6 minerals an ideal for- with minerals PARKE-DAVI- S ascorbic acid tablets. U S P. in formula recommended by many doctors and stop in today and buy some Myadec tablets easy-to-tak- 100 TABLETS 500 MG EACH e 0 FT. LANE SHOPPING CENTER Professional Homemakers. 773-227- 8 dmg Parke-Davi- Lay-to- SUBJECT for the evening is Women as Denise M. Bale, a home economist with Utah Power and Light, will be the guest speaker. Hostess for the evening is Mrs. Doris Mellor. Contact Mrs. Mellor at for 5. Vitami vita 27 NORTH MAIN. KAYSVILLE PHONE TV be it - Tuesday, Nov. 23 begin8 p.m. on KSL Chan- y y is should ning at Myadec is a vitamin formula with minerals. In fact. mulation for active people on the go. If you want a ...a and worthwhile viewing for all families. Remember to watch The Lakeview Business and Professional Womens Club will hold their monthly dinner and business meeting Thurs- that special THATS A far cry from the following poignant moments ratay MyacSec? pharmacists Capsules or Meeting comfort. Then the viewer will have a rare treat-DonMarie and Jimmy Osmond singing in three-paharmony. The engaging tune is Songman, from the Cashman and West g, textiles. Rosequist Mrs. the household. Between bursts of laughter at the antics, the viewer may ruefully note that the exaggerated chaos is too close to reality for sculpture, photography, and department, said the exhibit was funded by a grant from Utah American Revolution 255-336- -- A FICTITIOUS and distant place--Th- e Land of Perfect Marriages. Here Ruth Buzzi and Bill Daily rule over THE exhibition is highly diversified in styles and techniques, and encompasses all painting, ceramics, reemphasized in song, dance and dialogue: the challenges of family life will best be met, in good times or bad, when family members shed false values and communicate one on one . . . friend to friend . . . father to mother, deepening ties between one another. Besides being an excellent, The entertaining program, Family . . . and other living things can be used by LDS Church members to introduce friends to the principles of the church - especially the belief in the strength, unity and eternal nature of the family. too soon. . Salt Lake City call Miss Loretta Bartlett, Miss Florence Plumline, 322-365- fully, tunefully realizing that the accompanying Beautiful Noise of their, children, at play will turn to silence much department gallery through Nov. 30. Brad Savage and the entire cast, the shows theme is 376-42- 56 |