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Show news journal. November is, Weekly reflex-dav- is 1976 YA Pension Checks Annual income questionnaires were included with Veterans Administration pension checks mailed to 1.2 million veterans and survivors on November 1, the agency reported today. h January 1 to insure continued receipt of benefits. the monthly stipend is based on the annual income of the recipient. Annual income limitations also govern amounts of DIC payments to certain parents of veterans who died of causes. WITH SOME exceptions, pensioners are required to file income questionnaires annually. Those 72 years of age or older, who have been on the PENSIONS are paid to veterans and widows of veterans with nonservice-connecte- d disabilities. Amount of nity compensation (DIC) checks. Completed questionnaires must be returned to the VA by Breads For Sr. Citizens On Wednesday December 1 Mrs. Dorothy Hansen of the Davis County Extension will be at the Heritage Senior Citizens Center in Clearfield with a special program on holiday breads. MRS. HANSEN will demonstrate, give samples and helpful hints in making holiday breads for the up- MR AND MRS. HECTOR FLINT Golden Date and Mrs. Flint has been an active Relief Society Visiting Teacher all of her The children of Mr. and Mrs. Hector J. Flint, of 711 South Main St., Layton are entertaining for their parents at an open house reception, afternoon, between the Saturday November 20 hours of 4 and 6 p.m. This will be held at the Chateau Reception Center, 2621 East Oaklulls Drive, Layton. MRS. DAVID B. WILSON David B. Wilson. THE COUPLE was married last Friday at the Hains I House in Ogden with Bishop Robert E. Gilleland performing the ceremony. A reception followed. The new bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Wilson of 930 Valeria Drive in Layton. . XI hi MISS COLLEEN Condon attended therbrideasnaid of honor with Mrs. Wallace Haun, as attending matron and Miss Linda Wilson and Miss Janice - Wilson - as bridesmaids. There were lovely in light blue crepe ensembles with white embossed flowers, long b' pw ?: t necklines. THE BRIDE is a graduate High School and has attended Weber State College. Mr. Wilson is a graduate of Lewis (Linda) THEY PLAN to make their new home in Ogden, mnm The Belle Lettres Literary Club met at the home of Betty Belt with Carole Ward and Anna McAllister hostessing. Sandra Butterfield gave the book review, The Life Story of Brigham Young by his daughter Susa Young Gotes with Leah D. Widstoe. The Kaysville - Layton Rotary Anns will not be meeting of during the month November for their luncheon meeting. They are planning to hold combined November and December meeting on Dec. 3 at the Lions House in Salt Lake City with a special Christmas luncheon and program for all members beginning at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Evelyn Call, president her home Friday afternoon. Members of the ALonas Club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Nora Miller. The next club meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. Z3 at the home of Mrs. lone Sandall. Mrs. Mary Talbot entertained the Mountain Road Neighborhood Birthday Club at her home Thursday even- happy for and one 38 'member in the State of Utah, announced. ' Mrs. Leone Cottrell was hostess to members ot the Neighborhood Bridge Club at following the special program was Mrs. Margaret Jost, Mrs. Sandra Smith, Mrs. Dana Thorsteson and Mrs. Thora Announcements invitations r Hough. Mrs. Gayle Whitesides is president of the club and was the chairman. Mrs. Janne Webster hosted the Orchid Club at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bonnie Crawley and Mrs. Darlene Kettenring were assisting and 1 Accessories Day or Evening Phone They wore copies of the Ladies Gowns worn at the Inaugural balls of six of the Presidents wives. First the dinner Distinctive Wedding f Merial Hawkins. 376-981- 2 grandchildren Most of all of their family members will be on hand this weekend to assist in the joyous occasion of their parents and grandparents , : Noritaki and Sango Linens Silver or Stainless Figurines Infants & Tittldlen Apfwret If you are interested in joining this Literary club contact Mrs. Delores Cook Marcus-se- n, SL- -, Senior Citizens Club of Layton but all senior citizens in Davis County are invited to attend. A pot luck dinner is planned with the drinks and dessert provided by the Heritage Center. THE CENTER is asking those who attend to please bring a casserole, salad or other pot luck items to round out the meal. The center will open at 1 p.m. with dinner beginning at 2 and a special program at Center 3:30. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jay Bodily have been visiting for the past two weeks with their son and daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs. Jerry Bodily, who reside in Northern California. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jay Cuth-beand Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Warren had as their visitors on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kidman of Salt Lake rt City, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mabey and son Sean of Bountiful. Clearfield, girl Saturday, November 13, 1976 Sandra Cordova, 1 1 67 20th, Ogden, and Randy twins, boy and girl " - Way, Layton, girl Monday, November 15, 1976 Salvadore and Bertha Reyes, 677 N. Third E., ' . Brigham City, girl Jesse and Karen Talbot, 1022 S. Lakeview Dr., - , JUNE PATTERSON Engaged The engagement and forthcoming marriage of June Linda Patterson, 41 W. 2300 N., Sunset, and Manuel M. Palma, 1081 Bryan St., Salt Lake City has been announced. The bridegroom-elec- t is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben M. Palma of Safford, Ariz. LDS Temple. The future bride has attended Weber High School and Weber State College. She has fulfilled a LDS mission to Chile. THE bridegroom-elec- t has attended school in Safford Arizona and Eastern Arizona College and is in the National Guard Reserve. np Beta Rho Plans A Bake Sale Beta Rho chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is having a bake sale on Nov. 23 from 12 noon to 6 p.m. in front of Safeway in the Fort Lane Shopping Center. THERE will be pies, candy, breads and rolls so come out and get your goods for your Thanksgiving dinner. They will also have tickets to purchase for a raffle on a beautiful quilt. proud K feature Hater (atlnr Baintitip. b M.D. Stewart knoit n nrtmt hdstnto Von jrf Nov. 24 Merrilee Bowman and Rolfe Andrus Laurelte Jansen and Kurt A. Mortensen Syracuse Center. Sunday, November 14, 1976 THE COUPLE is planning a late December wedding to be performed in the Salt Lake Valori? Webuter and Neil Tolley Mikasa and Vernonware Crystal THE EVENT is being hosted by the Golden Harvest ago today, Nov. 18. mnm James and Beverly Henderson, 979 W. Aspen Members of the Horizon Club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ruby Felt. The book review was given by Mrs. Sheila Garlick. The club has just recently been organized and new members are needed. Nov. 19 Pottery THE grand opening of the center was held just one year Friday, November 12, 1976 Warren and Karen Wimmer, 138 N. 1100 W. J THE BRIDE-elec- t is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex both Patterson, deceased. Vn of noil China Saturday, Nov. 20 has been set to celebrate the first anniversary of the Clearfield Senior Citizens Heritage girl ' Mrs. Marilyn Odd will entertain the Kaysville Literary Club at her home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Betty Hyer will and the book be review will be given by Mrs. Margaret Allen. 149 North Main. Kaysville, Utah BEA UTIFUL For Heritage Center Clearfield, girl Bridal Registry 376-271- 6 officer. Wednesday, November 10, 1976 i and Phone proud to own. Club adjourned to meet in December at the home of Bonnie Barlow, blm veterans organization service Paul and Peggy Varney, 200 W. 525 N., Layton, " I FT U HELENETanner introduced the guest speaker who told of many interesting services of the new hospital. He described the many new maemnes used and of their extensive costs. He stated the hospital was one any community should be Full information on the VA pension program is available from any VA office or ton, girl - Mrs. Rosetta Swanger was hostess to the DeLite Pinochle Club at Kens Restaurant in Layton Wednesday afternoon for their luncheon meeting. or Mrs. Ann munity hospital in Layton. pended. 1st Anniversary Set 17 members and the guest speaker, William Holman, director of the new com- before January 1 will, in lieu of receiving their January pension on February 1, receive a letter from the VA explaining why their pension payments have been sus- Wednesday, November 3, 1976 James and Debra Schilling, 320 S. Angel, THE COUPLES many relatives and friends are cordially invited to share this happy event with them and attend their open house reception. They request that gifts be omitted, vsb hostesses. Dr. Jeffery Poore, Salt Lake City, spoke to the group.The Sandy Creek Camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Norma Mrs. Ann Mumford. Buchanan was The lesson was given by Mrs. Jeanine Parrish and a history was read by Mrs. Susan Hartle. 376-447- Bowering, president, greeted the guests. Zelda Robins led in the club questionnaires THOSE failing to return the completed questionnaires Layton, girl golden reception. MRS. FLINT was born. September 9, 1901. She was the daughter of Charles T. and Elizabeth Sandall Ben' ' nett, of Kaysville. are active The couple members of the LDS Layton 276-53- Prompt return of the questionnaires will avoid suspension of monthly checks in 1977. a VA spokesman said. Tuesday, November 2, 1976 and Colleen Hinze, 796 N. 4500 W., West Point, boy David and Patricia Bowler, 539 Wasatch Dr., great-grandchil- d. ing. The Kaysville Literary Art Guild met Tuesday, Nov. 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor for their guest night for club members and partners. The group enjoyed a delightful program, Our Favorite First Ladies given by Dorothy McArthur and receive club collect. Luncheon was served to J BETA RHOS next meeting will be held Nov. 23, at the home of Mrs. Leann Morgan. Her will be Joann Adams. It will be a work meeting with refreshments being served after the g annuities. Val the oldest active Posse . of Vera Liston in Kaysville. The births for the Davis North Medical for the week are; Neerings, both of Layton. Mr. and Mrs. Flint are so operated a farm here and also was employed at the Clearfield Naval Supply Depot, and Hill Air Force Base. He was a charter member of the Davis County Posse organization, and has held numerous offices in this organization. At present he is of Clearfield .Weber State college with an associate degree. He is presently employed with White Pipe Co. in Ogden, and the new Mrs. Wilson at the Freeport Center in Clearfield. and Mrs. MR. FLINT was born April 20, 1898 in Kaysville. He was the son of Samuel and Mary Barnes Flint. He was educated in the schools of Davis County. He has owned and FOR HER wedding and reception the bride chose a gown of organza over satin with lace trimmed bishop skirt and sleeves and train. Steve Sandall performed best man duties with Wallace Haun, Marion Terry and John Pulver as ushers. Mrs. Gorden Howard attended a meeting of the Jessamine Literary Club held last Wednesday at the home suc- cessive years, are exempt from filing. However, these people must report income changes as they occur. Some beneficiaries who normally are exempt will Births THEY are the parents of one son Reed B. Flint, of Layton, and five daughters; Mrs. Lee W. (Eloise) Robins, of Bountiful; Mrs. Larry R. of Lawrence, (Beth) Onalaska, Wash.; Mrs. Curtis D. (Bonnie) Jones of Morgan; Mrs. Jay (Maurine) Higgs Kaysville Clubs S , . sary. The couple was married on November 17, 1926 in the Salt Lake Temple, and have made Layton their home all of their married life. puffed sleeves, and scoop VA pension rolls for two life. THE OCCASION will mark their 50th wedding anniver- Ogden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Penhorwood of 118 Ross Drive in Clearfield are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter Linda and 12th Ward coming season. The public is invited to attend this activity beginning at 1 p m., in the auditorium of the North Branch of the Davis County Library at 562 S. 1000 E. in Clearfield, mnm Jessamine Hears Director MARY cost-of-livin- service-- connected QUESTIONNAIRES also 'ent to 28,000 parents receiving dependency and indem- because of increases in We have good news for 19 out of every 20 people who read this act. About tour months ago we started charging for directory assistance At that time we predicted that only about out of every 20 phone customers would be affectectby this charge Well that s the way its turned out Only a tew ot our customers have actually been billed tor extra calls The rest have avoided the charge by using their published and personal directories more often This decrease in calls means a lot to us and we think it will mean a lot to you in the way of an even more efficient phone company We can only say thank you Now the people who use directory assistance the most are paying for it And the people who use their directories the most aren t Our new directory assistance number. Be careful how you spend it. Mountain Bell |