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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 HiE iHITOIEOT 84 oz. Package cinim iura UUDi HEW , a s . 4 v f s tk Robert Higgs, animal control officer, says that this Irish Setter has been well taken care of and would be a fine.v.-- . hunter. She is available at the Animal Control Facility in for 5 Fruit Heights for $15 and the license fee. Call HUNTER $ v.v . vV. v 376-835- information. 128 oz. iLwiMK tMivlra ', By VERNA WILLDEN 825-35- June Schaelling presented a review of the book Papa a Married Mormon, recently. The book is an interesting account of family life and Mrs. Schaelling made the characters come to life. RADIOS TV REPAIRING ALL MAKES Calls H5" Anytime WOOm The Sunset Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers sponsored the event with Ver-d- a Knight, captain in charge of the activity. Stock retired from the railroad in 1968. They both served an Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Stephen, Blake and LaNae went to Salt Lake City last Saturday where they joined with other family members in celebrating Mrs. Willdens and her identical twin sisters Veda Esplin birthday. were their Attending parents Mr. and Mrs. Angus Esplin and their son Gary of Smithfield, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Esplin and their family of Richmond and Edna Carter of Salt Lake City. The family enjoyed the activity which brought them together. 825-039- 1 Moving into lovely new homes this past week have been Mr. and Mrs. Howard Criddle and Mr. and Mrs. Verl Garrett. The Criddles new home is on 2000 West near the Roy Hodgson residence, while the sary. The event was held at the home of their son Dr. Boyd Stock in Roy. were married They Oct. 27, 1926 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Mrs. Stock is the former Irene Whitworth. Mr. North, Sunset 825-36-76 Let the Insulation help save on your fuel bills Insulation pays for itself in added comfort and in the . homes. Schoenfeld. Mrs. Elton Briggs underwent surgery early Monday morning, at the McKay-De- e Hospital in Ogden. She has d been ill and undergoing treatment for the past month. Jim Vilos who is attending the Bngham Young University at Provo, was a weekend visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs. Katherine Having your home insulated NOW will save you money on your fuel bills ALL YEAR! Vilos. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL. . . TODAY 766-030- 3 Intermountain West Kaysville former residence. Both of these families were forced to leave their former homes because of the new and larger power lines that came through the area, and were run very close to their other two-wee- k If Insulation on 1000 of their Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schoenfeld and their two daughters have left for their home in Wisconsin, after a visit here at the home of Mr. Schoenfeld's mother, Mrs. Bessie W. We've been providing insulation for new homes for years. . now we are expertly installing insulation in older homes. year-roun- Prices Effective Nov. 18 thru Nov. 24, 1976 in the following town ( Layton ) IVORY SOAP 3 V2 - ZEST SOAP 10 oz. size On Wednesday evening the j(SS) $10.00 OFF j; Any i Re-insulat- ion Job, with this coupon Offer expires Dec. 1, 1976 J j Warren Rachel Layton Daughters of Utah Pioneer Camp, gathered at the home of Mrs. Rocky Palmer in Marilyn Acres. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Ruby Clausen and Mrs. Clarence L. Easthope. The lesson on Old Cemeteries, was beautifully given by Mrs. LaVaun B. Williams. There were 20 camp members attended. who count size 5c off 5c off label BIZ FABRIC SOFTENER Bounce Deodorant Bar 7 82 64 oz. 6c off label- FABRIC SOFTNER Downy oz. size 15c off label. Personal Ba 4-- House in Ogden. savings youll realize in fuel costs. you own an older home or an under insulated home, let us show you today how we can save you money and add to your family's living comfort. Pearl Anderson for the November camp meeting. She was assisted by her daughter. Mrs. Keith West was able to return to her home on Saturday, from the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City after undergoing surgery a week earlier. Mrs. Lola Frew, Mrs. Ray A Dahle, Mrs. Clyde Barber and Mrs. Zene W. Bennett, enjoyed a luncheon on Saturday afternoon at the Mansion experts U Sunset Camp of the DUP met recently at the home of Garretts is located West and just north By VIRGINIA BENNETT ii ib held its PTA meeting recently discussing as its theme Child Safety. They have been discussing safety measures with their students to get them aware of such principles. Congratulations go to John and Sandra Haddon who were blessed with the birth of a new son born on Oct. 31. 'WailGMS family dinner celebrating their 50th wedding anniver- 141 West 1900 Mis- School Doxey Elementary Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Stock Reasonable Rates Building Stock is a former Relief Society president and is presently serving as a visiting teacher. Their hobbies are gardening and landscaping. They have one other son Gordon Stock of New York and five grandchildren. Willden and family, Lorynn, were honored recently at a IV LDS sion in Samoa. Mr. Stock is a High Priest group leader in his ward. Mrs. - si COMET CLEANSER PRE-SOA- K T7D Laundry Detergent label.. , Large Size 21'2 oz. can Great Cleaner 38 oz. size 20c OFF LABEL mm f LIQUID DETERGENT ivory 82 oz. Bottle |