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Show WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- IS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 latona Party By DONETA GATHERUM i great-grandchi- ld lt-'-"'- ' RYAN MCNABB 7 sS iliiiiliiiiig JOSHUA CHRISTIANSEN SHELLI CHRISTIANSEN GEORGE MONTANO CHRISTY ALLGOOD 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bemy Nalder hosted a family dinner party on Friday. The occasion was to celebrate the 78th birthday of Anetta Walchi. She is Mrs. Nalders mother. The Layton East Third Ward held a budget dinner Friday, Nov. 12. A chicken dinner was prepared by The Reflex Journal wishes to congratulate babies who are celebrating their first birthdays this week including Ryan Scott, son of Tami and Scott McNabb, 443 N. Fairfield No. 39, Layton; Christy, daughter of Dixie and Thomas W. Allgood, 277 E. 1150 N., Layton; George, son of Sandra and George Montano, 1907 N. 1575 W., Lay-toShelli Ann, daughter of Valerie and Richard Christiansen, 1140 E. Dover, Kaysville; Joshua David, son of Lynn and Steve Christiansen, 600 W. Mutton Hollow No. 20, Kaysville. The Reflex Journal will take pictures free of charge at the Layton office, 197 of N. Main, on Friday between 11 and noon. Please call for an appointment. Happy Birthday n; Primary workers. Center-piece- s made of wheat sheaves and miniature loaves of bread were attractively arranged along the tables. A movie was shown after the meal. The Preceptor Iota Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held its monthly meeting at the home of Jan Lcken. The lesson that was given traced the history of barbershop music from its beginnings in 16th Century. five-wee- volunteer guild. NEED HOME OWNER INSURANCE Get the best, with Fast, Fair, Friendly servipe from FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP DIXON P. REISBECK 197 No. Main St. Layton, Utah Mrs. Carol Morgan, Mrs. Oma Wilcox and Mrs. Marilyn Murphy are three within the past two weeks. k the is Wilcox Mrs. President of the Utah Heritage Foundation. Mrs. Morgan is a Vice President of the ed. two one-nig- ht Lake City. from Laytons six elementary schools, two junior highs and one high school attended the Davis School Foods Service Association (DSFSA) fall dinner meeting that was held Nov. 11 at Viewmont High School in Bountiful. In addition to a fine meal, bazaar items were sold, an afghari and a quilt were raffled off and a program was present- time. Ruth Campbell, who presented the stimulating information, used recordings of prize winning songs done by Sweet Adelines the to climax the evenings instruction. Refreshments followed the lesson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Evans are pleased to announce the birth that just a week, course on the restoration of historical buildings. The lectures, designed to help volunteer restoration workers, were sponsored by the Utah Heritage Foundation. They were held in Salt completed a Health Board. Evan Adams is back to work after undergoing hospitalization and recuperation caused by a sliver in his hand. Local school lunch workers England until the present of Layton residents was One bom to Cathy Anderson, the daughter of Carol Evans Allred. The Anderson family now lives in Casper, Mr. and Mrs. Wyoming. Evans other greatgrandchild was born to Patricia Boyler. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Adams are the parents of Patricia. Mrs. Haven J. Barlow spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Price conducting an inspection of the new Mental Health Center in Price. Mrs. Barlow is a member of the State Mental 773-49- Lnime Phone 376-42- 79 ft mm oca V 1 ; 01MDO8 Q(Mp (PJIlL dillllluUMi tv 0003GGED33 ... FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS SUITS 39" Values to 80.00 FRIDAY 8 A.M. , MENS SUITS rpj.ii m i GBSBI-liJLidii- ) FRIDAY FRIDAY 8 A.M. MEMS 2 PANT SUITS Values to 125"1 I DOORlBUSTER FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS SPORT COATS 49" Values to 80.00 pafliif FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS SLACKS Q33DGB0B3 12" Values to 20.00 U9" Values to 40.00 4, tv is r - 37: s?l x MENS DOWN COATS 39" Values to 60.00 MENS SHOES izmmm n MENS SHIRTS 9 99! Values to 18.00 v 7". Values to 3.00 91 Values to 7.00 91 FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS BELTS 1 MENS SOCKS Values to 2.00 GBEBGHBaiD FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS SHIRTS ii Values to 10.00 59 99 k FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS SHOES Values to 30.00 lli :ii nT GBEDGUEOID FRIDAY 8 A.M. FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS TIES Values to 18.00 FRIDAY 8 A.M. 29" w FRIDAY 8 A.M. Values to 6Q40iviwv 00030CEO1D J 5& Values to 50.00 ' . 5 MENS TIES lllll r FRIDAY 8 A.M. 1 MEMS SLACKS qggQSISuBI) FRIDAY 8 A.M. ih- DOORlBUSTER FRIDAY 8 A.M. A.M. FRIDAY 8 A.M. I .V FRIDAY 8 A.M. MENS DOWN VESTS ItTtWi.l : ft.j y,f 8 MENS SPORT COATS r.k- 9" Values to 75.00 99 Values to 7.50 MENS SWEATERS Values to 23.00 rrfaiiR O 'f, f ffl SUM) MS fr 4 f! i r! i n - ,' ft-- , tg X t mm h 'V,:j |