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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 18. 1976 Q2ZZHS9(23C YOUR THANKSGIVING Davis SCD supervisor, Buck Holbrook, observes as students determine soil texture. Left to r, Pam Mikesell, and Ila Giles, Clearfield High; Scott Bone and Kris Cooper, Layton High. DAVIS SCD planning whether it be a hoinesite, business, recreation enterprise, farm or what- sandy loam soil. Each soil was judged on a score sheet by the students individually and the sheets later reviewed and scored. ever. KNOWING ments participated. Davis had the high scoring team consisting of Rick Harris with 252 points, Marlow Thurgood 244 points and Myron Smith 228 points. shallow to hard pan. Another had moderately steep slope and a fairly deep water table. The best was a good deep Most high school students will not become farmers but all will be involved in land use about soils helps in selecting a site or location for the desired use and knowing land treatment measures needed to keep the soil stable, productive and QflflBD STUDENTS from Layton, Clearfield and Davis High Vo Ag and Horticulture Depart- - CLEARFIELD came in second with Mitch Lower scoring 230, Steve Valentine 224 and Dan Carter 220. Lay-to- n High scoring team included Mvron Jaques 216, New residents at 637 Page Street are Layne and Jana Flake and their children, Taylor, Oliver, Jalayne .and on October 30 after spending a month in the St. Marks and the Doxey-Hatc- h hospitals in Debbie Field 214 and Lydon Layton 206. SCD supervisors Buck Holbrook and Robert Call conducted the event and they were assisted by the Vo AG instructors, Darrell Stokes, county agent and Max Phillips, soil conservationist. WE HOPE other schools will join in this event next year. desirable. A land judging contest was sponsored by the Davis SCD (Soil Conversation District) on SCD supervisor Robert Calls farm in West Layton. THREE soils were selected for judging. One had a very high water table and was - rltan7A1 hayJride Real live Horses ta Pull Hav RackM ' Lincoln. After completing his studies at B.Y.U., Mr. Flake secured a counseling job at South Ogden Junior High. The family then moved from Provo to their present home in Layton. Saturday, Nov. 13, Dan was Cooper Raymond married at the Chateau Reception center. Dan, who lives in Oregon, is the son of Norma Cooper. His 'g randparents are Mr. and Mrs. Glen Evans of Layton. Elmer Forbes came home v Salt Lake. Mr. Forbes was receiving treatment for rheumatism and diabetes. He is getting along much better of Canada Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Alleen Nelson. Those who enjoyed i now. Calvin Baker has returned home after serving a L.D.S. mission in Argentina. He is the son of John and Clara Baker. Mrs. Vera Morgan is in the McKay-De- e den. hospital in Og- the evening along with Mrs. Nelson were Katie ChristenJetha Christensen, sen, Carrie Maughn, Jean Maughn and Ruth Adams. Mrs. Edes, the mother of June Stevenson, is home after spending two days in the hospital. Larin and Reva Nalder have two-wee- Gary Randall showed slides with a tape recorded narration is just returned home from a rock buying trip amsim jud k that took them to Idaho, and Calif. n GARDEN IF I PRODUCE i ; t YAMS 3 3 (feifeir IFcddcis Safe j! JaKMti-y4lL!- & MSB yj LH id 32 BlNANHs dEKEGHR) 02MH33 AVORED WL QSumQffi Wallboard Compound (damaged) 00 3aSKmfi? GRAPEFRUIT stiff! fe Damaged Doors Slabs 2 oo 1 0 00 Bifolds ea. each Limited Supply on all items Asphalt Plastic Cement Reg. 2.80 BOISE CASCADE BUILDING CENTER 67 South Main, Layton-773-4- 243 or 376-345- 1 Gal. 2 25 (Miff GOGKiTAII! |