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Show WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 IS OODDSI&ti Mildred Porter gave a hisof a The lesson on old cemeteries was given by June Schaelling. Present for the meeting was Verda Knight, Elda Sparks, Melba Smith, Erlene Eddington, Sylvia Smith, Margaret Willia, Pearl Anderson, lone tory great-grandfath- Ferrin, June Schaelling, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Barber enterained at a family birthday dinner Friday, Nov. 5, in honor of her mother, Mrs. William H. Kings birthday anniversary. Others attending were Attorney William H. King; Attorney and Mrs. Mildred Porter, Gwen Bush, Martina Eldeen Barnes, Blaine, Iona Kelly, Wanda Nielsen, Harriet Daines, Roxey Bronson and Mrs. Ferrins mother. Randy D. and Sandy E. King have a new baby boy born on November 4. Felshaw King and children. Mrs. Irene Wright and her sister Mrs. Ruth Nielsen of Salt Lake City have returned vacation from an eight-da- y trip to Tahiti. They accompanied a KUTV tour trip and visited the Island. Classified Ad Deadline for DONATION Spearheaded of by Members of Pi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society recently donated books, charts, pictures, and teaching ideas to schools in Sugar City, Ida. Going through the materials are, 1 to r, Ann Carrigan, Ella Hoskins, and Loretta Johnson. EIGHTEEN boxes (over 400 pounds) of books, pictures, pj Delta Kappa Gamma Society, teachers Chapter charts and teaching ideas were shared, from personal files in this area. They were delivered to the elementary and junior high schools in from the Davis area presented an early Christmas gift to the teachers in the flood devastated Sugar City, Ida. schools. Sugar City. Ella Hoskins, Layton was in charge of the project with other members of the chapter helping in the collection of the numerous items. Loretta Johnson, Layton, former president of Pi Chapter and a former teacher in Sugar City, delivered the boxes to Idaho. BOUNTIFUL BRIGHAM CITY CLEARFIELD Five Points 47 South Main 391 South State 292-145- By NORMA PREECE 1 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Johnson spent three days at Ida. with their son Dr. Rex-bur- Dan Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Elison BEGINS TONIGHT T Thespians at Layton High ...School will present You : Cant Take It With You, a :;1HanoiiS e&medy by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman, tonight, Friday and Saturday Lynn Speirs, an unusual elderly character who quit work 38 years ago because he got tired o! the daily routine, and . wanted to settle down and enjoy life. ; ; beginning at 7:30 p m. in the Lancer auditorium. The action in the story revolves around Grandpa and his peculiar family, where YOU CANT Take It With : You, directed by Ronald L. : - everyone goes around doing his own thing, indifferent of whatever else happens. Petersen, takes place at the home of Martin Vanderhof (Grandpa), portrayed Lynn Speirs and Tami Bright rehearse for You Cant Take It With You which begins tonight at Layton High School Auditorium. It continues through Saturday evening with the performance beginning at 7:30 p.m. ALICE, (Laura by Crutch- Just moved in? I can help you out. Dont worry and wonder about learning your way around town. Or what to see and do. Or whom to ask. As your WELCOME WAGON Hostess, I can simplify the business of getting settled. Help you begin to enjoy your new town . . . good shopping, local attractions, community opportunities. And my basket is full of useful gifts to please your family. Take a break from unpacking and call me. 376-160- 3 - field), the only member sane falls in love with Tony Kirby, (Matt Alex), the vice president of his fathers company, where she works. An especially humorous conflict is created when Alice tries, hopelessly, to hide her unusual family from him, and his parents. Other major characters in the play are portrayed by Tammy Bright, Cyndia Thiros, Cosette Wiese, Mark Steve Petersen, Hill, Kevin Egan, Rick Wiggill, Don Douglas, Terry Calles, Bart Atwell, Michelle Almond, Tony Canfield and Karen Brimley. The three men are played by Mark Collins, David Nelson and Steve of the family, Shumway. STUDENT directors are Kay Thompson and Stacey Neville, and the set design was created by Norman Sullivan. Tickets are $1.50 for adults; students; and .50 cents for children under 12. The public is invited to participate in this exciting event with Layton High as they present You $1 Cant Take It With You. have returned from a vacation trip to Arizona where they visited with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Horne and children. En route home they were guests of her sister and brother-in-law- , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vaughn for a few days at Las Vegas, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Richardson have returned k from a vacation trip to California and Arizona. They will be visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Richardson until Jan. 1 before returning to their home at Juneau, Alaska. They are remaining in Kaysville to be on hand for his sister Miss Ora Lyn Richardson who will soon be arriving home from her mission to the South America - Columbia Cali LDS Mission after Dec. 6 so they can see each other before leaving to return to two-wee- -- Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lotz have received word that their son Terry Lotz has been sustained as second counselor in the bishopric of the Redlands First LDS Ward of the San Bernardino California Stake. He and his family reside in Loma Linda, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sprague and son Kyle visited in Magna with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Barton entertained at a family birthday dinner Monday evening in honor of their son Blairs birthday anniversary. Members of the family attending were Mr. and Mrs. Now we can combine your. AUTOINSURANCE with, your.HOMtf OWNERS insurance in a maste; policy's! considerable'savings to'youu camatso include your bpat,fcampersTand travel trailersWejcan; also' take care of your UFELHEALTHIand COMMERCIALfinsurance needs JvcMrwf (lie following Mark Barton of Clearfield; Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor and two sons of Bountiful Dr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Kunz and family of Provo were Sunday dinner guests of her mother Mrs. Lucile B Sheffield. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Malan have moved to San Diego, Calif, to make their new home. Mrs. Malan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Rasmussen. Mrs. Nelda Bloxham of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bioxham and Mr. and Mrs. Vemell Swanger of Kaysville, visited with relatives and friends in Downey and Pocatello, Ida. on Saturday. Mrs. Ruth Hansen is confined to the University Medical Center where she is undergoing treatment. Paul Rasmussen has returned back to school at Davis High after being injured in a football game. Paul is on the sophomore football team and suffered a brain concussion and was confined for treatment at the Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rasmussen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bourne had their infant baby daughter blessed and named Tamara Maurine on Sunday Nov. 7 during the Kaysville Sixth LDS Ward Fast meeting. The new addition was bom on Aug. 17, and is their third daughter. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Benton have returned from a trip to the Pacific Northwest visiting with relatives. They visited in Idaho Falls, Ida. with their two sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. David E. Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benton and then drove on to Boise, Ida. where they visited with her sister, Mrs. Mary Moore for a few days. Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Taylor for a few days 10-d- were Mrs. Avril Greenwood and daughter Christine of Liverpool, Australia. They are friends of their son Elder Craig Taylor who is serving at Liverpool, Australia on an LDS mission. Mrs. Greenwood and daughter were en route to Canada to attend a wedding. Golden Taylor has returned home Friday from a trip to Albuquerque, N.Mex. where he visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sandall and family. Mrs. Sandall is a daughter of Mr. Taylor. clintanaverageof8 EllEASErc AilBTb dTWF.OR' rnMPAPiormWfTFl LADIES APPAREL 377A South State Street Lakeside Square Clearfield, Utah 84015 825-893- 3 Leslie Garrison Anita Cook Thanksgiving Week will be 5 P.M. Friday, November 19th Display Ad Deadline is today at 3 P.M. 723-590- 3 0 825-227- 7 LOGAN 4th N. ai 2nd 752-116- E. 1 Unde rail I: a pantyhose with it's own panty. No more lines to show under your clothes, regular 1.95 NOW 1.55 (Nov. 19 to 27) Underalls are something new. They're pantyhose with their own smooth pantie knit right in. The panty lines are invisible under your clothes. No more bulges from elastic. No more outlines to show. What a difference they make in how you look in your clothes. panty seat is specially contoured to fit better and the waistband stays in place no matter how you bend or stretch. It all adds up to the most comfortable fit you've probably ever experienced. Leg colors: nude or suntan. Panty colors: pink, blue, beige. The Brief and bikini styles. PRESTON 53 S. State SS2-130- 5 |