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Show WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18. 1976 IS Clear Lake What Goes On At Football Games? By DAVE WIGHAM Have you ever stopped and just listened to what goes on at a football game nowadays and wondered what a person who has never seen a game would think of what was happening? SUPPOSEDLY, I know a little about what is going on and some of the things I hear are a mystery to me. But try to picture someone who has never seen a game sitting through this sequence. The home team crowd is sitting there yelling to their team, Holdem team, hold them. The visiting team throws a pass which no one catches, but wait a minute, one of the four men in the black and white shirts has a yellow dropped handkerchief on the ground. THE ANNOUNCER forms the crowd that the home team has been called for holding. That seems a little strange to this person, the players were just doing what they were told to do by the crowd and now theyre penalized for their actions. The one thing that really gets to this newcomer to the sport is when the men in the striped shirt throw the flag. One time a player tries running through the line and almost gets his head taken off and nothing is said; but then in- Kevin Hamblin, 16, bagged this nice four point buck opening weekend while hunting with his father, Duane Hamblin. They were in Cottonwood Canyon above the Browning Arms plant when Kevin got the deer with the first shot of his first hunt. The Davis High student is manager of the FIRST HUNT football team and lives at 840 N. Brookshire Dr., Kaysville. t r an indication of environmental quality, Heggen added. It is another, reason for main-- v tajrting the constant surveys , The Utah State Division of Wildlife Resources Nongame Section recently released the results .of the 1976 Summer Raptor Survey:. S THE SURVEY indicates that the numbers of eagles summering in Utah have remained relatively constant ; the past three years while the i t trend of other raptors r served was - .By. observing roosting areas conservation officers .were ' ob-- ? higher than in U 1975. .Al..HeggeruJChief of the NongameResearch Section the Division, indicated that the surveys were part of an ongoing program designed to of identify trends of .habitation in Utah. :l'HEGGEN said, - raptor We ' . are surveying various species of z. raptors, including eagles, in " order to determine whether or species pop-- r not individual ulations in Utah are remain-- t ing stable, declining or build- ; ing : j 7 Because raptors are on the end of their food chain, that is, they are predators with no other form of predator that consistently consumes them as a food source, they can be THEN THE only conclusion this foreigner can make about professional football coaches is that they are all blind. Just before the end of the half and the end of the game when the big scoreboard clock reads 2 minutes remaining, these men in the stripes go over and tell the poor coaches that there is two minutes left in the half or the game. Just think of those poor coaches who must be blind not to be able to see the clock and how much time is left. THEN COMES the question that most people who are witnessing a football game for the first time ask. If only 11 men are allowed on the field, and there is a defense and an offense which adds up to 22 players, what do the other 50 players standing on the sidelines do? They are then'informed besides being an offense defense there are also that and the kick-of- f team, the kick receiving team, the punting team and the punt return team. All these for the purpose of resting people, but why do they need rest when after 15 seconds of action they are allowed 30 seconds to get DEVELOPMENT began in on this 4,700 acre marsh. The entire area is fed by a natural spring. Improvements made to the area have 1936 helped develop numerous small units by construction of dikes and marshy terrain. Clear Lake also provides some nesting areas for various species of ducks. Access to Clear Lake is by way of good graveled roads. It can be reached by traveling west from Fillmore or south from Delta. ' Boats provide no particular advantage on the small units of this area. area as a resting site after feeding in the grain fields around Delta and Fillmore. CLEAR LAKE provides good hunting opportunities for mallards, greenwinged teal and baldpates. The area is also noted for its goose hunting. Geese utilize the The distance from population centers in Utah alleviates Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barber attended the wedding reception on Saturday evening for newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wood. This was held at the Hains House in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Wilson have commenced the erection of a new home. It is located on 300 North, just West of 2000 West, near the new home of some congestion problems usually associated with the larger waterfowl areas in northern Utah. the Robert Christensens. THE ENTIRE area is open to hunting, except the small Spring Lake located next to the headquarters area. Travel by vehicle is restricted on some dikes, but good access is provided to all sections from graveled parking lots distributed the length of the management area. in a small huddle and talk to each other? For Residential LETS FACE it, American football could seem a little bit game that takes minutes to play the final two minutes of the game. A game that takes 50 people to play, although only 11 are allowed on the field at one time. A game that someone gets wiped out at the line of scrimmage and nothing happens, but try to touch a kicker and it brings or Commercial Buildings Various Colors Custom Made strange to most people, a Baked on Enamel with Precision on Job 30 GOUGIITLY RAin GUTTERS Don Pearson Manager -- FREE ESTIMATES -- - - or 394-856- 6 back capital punishment. A game that everybody 773-856- 6 LAYTON, UTAH No loves and enjoys. If you think football is strange, try to explain hockey to someone, dw ASH , THE 1976 winter survey included, for the first time, an actual count of the number of bald eagles wintering in Utah. when someone stands 12 yards behind the rest of the team and attempts to kick the ball, well he is barely touched and those yellow flags fly all over the field. Waterfowl Management Area, located 20 miles west of Fillmore, is an attractive stop-ovplace for migrating waterfowl. Seams Requires No Leaks Maintenance No FOR DAD . V able to count in excess of 500 . eagles between the months of January and March. Of the . total classified by age, 68 per cent were adults. Heggen explained that one reason for eagle populations remaining consistent the last was the several years jackrabbit population, a primary food source for eagles, has remained essentially the same for that period of time. BY WAY of contrast, Heggen also' noted that the Swainsons hawk and the prairie falcon showed marked increases over last year. Both species are highly dependent on small rodents as prey animals, and certain areas of the state did have significant increases in certain rodent Siachi t t . species. B'EftEIHKEEJ a GIFTWARE OF THE FINEST QUALITY SPECIAL! DM STORE VALUE LITR0NIX CALCULATOR No. 1101P 4 Function with percent key Retail $27.95 Dahnken $8.95 Special! $725 f ONLY AT BOUNTIFUL STORE Starting Nov. 26 our Christmas hours will be Mon. thru Fri. - 9 to 9 Sat. 10-- 6 Sun. closed. Shop Now for Christmas Try our Lay way plan Bridal Registry is now available at Dahnken of Bountiful. Ask for details. 544 West 1 00 North 290-111- Bountiful 1 Everyone Welcome Happy ALL BANKCARDS HONORED Tailored with the impeccable detailing you expect from Farah. Favorite styling in easy-car- e polyester knit with popular belt loops and slant pockets. Your choice of six handsome colors, man. and sizes for the most hard-to-f- it Ask about our lay-aw- ay db fASDi DON VOHQ-A0C- 251 West 5th South, Bountiful, Utah Phone 295-941- 6 Closed Sunday 10-- 9 HOURS: Mon.-Fr- i. Saturday 10-- 6 E plan |