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Show WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 IS Members of the formed Davis Countyrecently Foster Parents Assoc, met in Farmington Thursday. A CLOTHES closet is being started. This is clothing kept in reserve for emergency youths shelter care. Anyone wanting to donate clean, usa- Family Services Farmington Office for pick up. Among other business dis- cussed was: -- Title 19 for Medicaid cards was explained by Gary Stokes of the Ogden branch of family services. -- Bumper stickers are being sold for funding of their Christmas party for Davis County Foster Children and f- are the interior line consisting of John Schroader, Dean Story, Russ Purdy, Brett F rod sham and John Wood. These linemen made the game of football look easy as the Darts stayed on the ground for their second score, with Webster capping the drive with a four yard touchdown spurt. Hill added another extra point and the Darts were out in front 14-- -' 6. IT WAS only fitting that the final tally of the game and the year for Davis was set up by the defense. It has been the defense who have kept them in ball games all year. Coach Cullimore is quick to point out that the defense is handled masterfully by his assistant went to a screen pass to in them and the things they teach the players. THE FULLBACK rambled to the Dart 20 yard line, but a clipping penalty wiped out the ITS GREAT to see a championship come to the county again. Davis has an excellent team and coaching staff and Davis them and lets them know th'e county is Reber. run and any hopes of the comeback. The way the Davis its defense was playing doubtful that the Flyers had enough time to score from the 20 but then no one will ever know, or care. Coach Cullimore was elated with the win and contributed the victory to many factors. I County-congratulate- without my assistants; I have by far the best staff I could possibly hope for. I have complete trust and confidence Bob Payne (Football Captain) presenting State 3A Trophy to Victor Rickman (studentbody officer and win over fellow, team mate) following a decisive Dixie lligh School. 21-1- 4 20 drive will McKay-De- PHONE 825-10- Hospital. arrived one day after his older brothers birthday. He is being named Ryan J. The brother who is three years of age is named Clint. Mr. and Mrs. Parley J. Hamblin of Syracuse are the He e off Quick Drying BM Uln - 87 "Always Prompt Courteous Service Insured Experienced e All work guaranteed ENJ0Y FRESH CLEAN CARPETS Free estimates owner-manag- IFFHK: HEVBOILEir M McKay-De- e Hospital, on October 26. Her parents have decided to name Steam Method The Gentle Method Safe for all types of Carpet service pin has been presented at Hill AFB to Robert A. Walker of n, She was welcomed into the house by sisters Michelle, Andrea and Stephanie and brother Michael. Cecil and Suzanne Hope, of 1125 South 2000 West, Syracuse, are rejoicing with the arrival of a baby boy who arrived on October 26 at the when she pounds, arrived at the Mr. A Mike Drakos, Robin Clontz, Sam Ortega, Keifner, Hess and Hill have been super all year and their efforts were capped off last Saturday when they forced a Dixie fumble with seven Discount Robert Walker Pat Benton, her Denice. for the Christmas Party. Early Fall s 10 Years For couldnt have done it Douglas and JaNae B. Bair are the parents of a baby boy. The lad now makes a quartet of boys for the couple. His three brothers are Brian, Shaun and Michael. There are also four grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burton of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell H. Bair, HARLEY and Collen Botts and Marge Tingey are in charge of the arrangements CMIPEJ proud of them, dw Ken Draayer. Jim Hales, Steve Criddle, David Bremmer, Roger Law-so- STATE TROPHY -- Membership begin in January. state championship game.' Dixie High School in the Pat Benton hands off to Bob Payne (41). Blocking are Brian Kiefner (30), John Wood (61), and Gary Parkin (78) in the Davis defeat of ;5t. -- MEMBERSHIP dues were set at $1 per person and $1.25 per family. DIXIE GAME munity Church starting with a chili supper. Layton. A new daughter has arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Waite of 1585 Melanie Lane, Syracuse. She came weighing families. - Dave Mull in, vice president; Dorothy Kirton, secretary-treasure- r; Marge Tingey, membership director; Wilma McClellan and Andy Robertson as consultants. Christmas party will be Syracuse Births ble clothing may contact DAVIS held on Monday evening, Dec. 13 at 7 at the Bountiful Com- -- OUR NEW officers are Bertha McGee, president; Criddle recovering the ball on the Dixie 30. ' CONTINUED FROM FRONT execution on the part of the front line. ALTHOUGH most of the time the backs get the credit WASTING little time the Darts marched the distance with Beckstrom scoring from the one, Hills boot gave lead. This turned Davis a out to be the Darts last score of the season, but it also turned out to be all they 21-- 6 for the running game, the Darts who should be heralded needed. 4 For the most part of . the fourth quarter, neither team could generate into the enemy territory, but with time running out in the season the Flyers went for the old bomb pass play. As old as it is, they proved it still works as Read connected on a 55 yard touchdown pass to Allred. Heartfelt gratitude 'tto my "friends DIRECT FROM CHEVROLET ON ANY NEW VEGA or CHEVETTE AGAIN the Flyers went for the two points; this time they were successful with quarterback Chuck Ence hitting Craig Esplin for the two points narrowing the lead to for thier generous support of me in the recent school board election. LIMITED TIME OFFER! 21-1- 4. Dixie then executed an kick and recovered the ball on the Dart 46 yard line. on-si- Lucile C. Reading After an incompleted pass intended for Allred, the Flyers OUR 77 KICK OFF SALE CONTINUES WITH REAL SAVINGS ON ALL NEW 1977 CHEVROLETS. imcmstSDim SIPStSDAL ANY ONE WALL DECORATED FOR ONLY BLACKNER-376-8- Exp. 11 -- Stock No. 382 Luv Pickup no. TRUCK SPECIALS Stock No. Under New Management 631-0- Stock No. 1 And dump bod, S yard, 4 ipaad, 2 pend rear axle, truck & bed In excellent condition, low mileage 469fJ Special W.-Scottsd- We Welcome Shopping Center ale Phone Orders-Pho- ne 825-942- 3495 Sale Price Ice Cream Fountain & Selections FREE COFFEE Steering. Air with Sweet Roll Or Donuts 482-- 21 Stock No. Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. ' t ft 3 like new 7795 Sale price St. Thomas Stock No. ft. 731-- 11 It. Shewn. Camper Self contained. Was 4905 1299200 554-- 23 Stock No. Now Sen Jacinto 4495 Slock No. 13989 622-- 22 El ft. Carefree Van Salvador Was 10.647.50 Minihome Now R. Commenche Stock No. 753 Eldorado Carefree Van Camper Complete Sett contained. Was 3295. Now Line Ml UN LAYTON, UTAH 959800 13524 305- -8 Was 10.998 2895 PHONE Now 825-22- OO AM FM OO Wat 15522 Now Now 646 NORTH MAIN 779-0- Minihome Stock No. Sandwiches 4 PB. Was 14568 595 of 2495 Stock No. Minihome Now Morning Special During November 1 1976 Corvette Cpe. cond.. speed trans., Radio. PS. Wet 15630 Expanded 206-0- RECREATION VEHICLES Slock No. 1417-0- 1 Auto. Trana., power ateering, air cond., RAH 1 OO 2995 Auto, trans.. PS. PB. RAH 639-0- 1 1095 ' 1974 Dodge Swinger Cpe. Brakes. RAH Sale Price RAH Stock No. 495 Vinyl .. 1 Air Sale Price Irene.. Sale' Price 28-0- 1974 Mustang Cpe Cond.. Aulo. Trent.. PS. Engine. 645-0- 1 1968 Ford Sta. Wagon V8 RAH Auto. ton 1972 International Suburban Special 1 2995 Slock No. 649-0- 1 Vi VS 1969 Caprice Coupe Air Cond.. P. Roof, Power Air Cond., Auto. Trana., P.S. PB RAH Slock No. (formerly the Buckboard in Sunset) 1974 Chev. 1969 Chev. 2 ton Truck Sale Price 1265 N. 250 349900 Stock No. engine, custom trip. RAH. low mileage Engine. 995 Sale Price 632-0- 1 Stock No. 26-76 Auto, trans.. power eteering. RAH 1975 Monza Town Cpe. 4 cyt. 657-0- 2 1969 Chevelle Spt. Cpe. 4595 Sale Price Sale Price Rod. Was 3908.35 3465 n.. (with this ad) Includes Labor & Material 41 Stock No. 193 Stock No. 1 trans., air cond., V8 Engine, Radio Healer, Power Steering, Power Brakes Stock No. 357000 Chevette Hatchback. Was 3985.20. 713 A Was 4100.80 no. 626-0- 4x4, Auto., Vega Station Wgn. 949500 no. No. 1974 Chev. Blazer Slock No. 249 Stock No. 112 Cab & Chassis. Was 10,979.55. LIQUID WALLPAPER Our Used Car Deals Compare Stock These 76 Chevys Discounted To Below Olsen Cost 2 Ton TYLER Get our best deal on any new Vega or Chevette. Make your purchase and take delivery from stock before January 10, 1977, or order one by December 10, 1976, and you will receive a check for $200 from Chevrolet. If you wish, this can be applied toward your down payment. - 48 OPEN EVENINGS 9798 OO |