Show MARY H KELLAM FETED AT BRIDAL SHOWER mis mary eniy hayes bellani a cornier resident lesl dent who ho on june was vas married to emmeett nellam in ariz aitz retti ined home for a brief bile visit isalt and on tuesday evening was ns tendered a i variety shower b by her many friends file nils the affair took place at the homi of 0 mrs airs 6 J no poison mesdames Mes dimes T 11 evans cornee hoi ace pehrson Ieh fred fied morose blugh edwards edvards and myrtll D christensen were vere till alie hostesses A musical music it pi including two to solos by mrs mis frank redd was vas enjoyed during dm ins the evening as well ell na as rames games after afler which refreshments were li slad i ved A large number of ladies enjoyed the pirty party and presented teil the beriau alth loiczly vely and useful sifts gifts mis airs nellam left wednesday tor for lier her alicine in I 1 tuba city ariz aila |