Show news aws review of current events the world over mrs hoover christens the navys big dirigible akron president forms relief plans for next winter by EDWARD W PICKARD 11 S HERBERT M MR 11 hoover over journeyed 1 from washington to akron ohio and there graciously christened the worlds largest dirigible the akron ahron which has been built for or the united states navy As the first lady pronounced the name of 0 the huge airship the tradition mrs mr hoover al ceremony of releasing a flight of white pigeons was observed before the christening the monster yas brought to life by the inflation of twelve of its cells with helium gas enough to raise it about ten feet from its cradle it was then walked sideways forty feet and secured as in actual operation by sand ballast so it was really afloat when mrs hoover set free the homing pigeons to carry messages of the event to the various navy stations the trials of the akron will take place in the latter part of august or early in september under supervision pt a board of inspection and survey they will consist of five or six flights of various duration including one of forty eight hours to determine speeds fuel consumption endurance structural integrity of parts and other details of performance and handling it if the trials prove satisfactory the navy department will accept the tha akron and have it flown to lakehurst tor for commissioning and docking ORE trouble for the federal farm M MORE board developed during the week in the form of civil war it Is now under fire from within its own ranks as the result of the fight between the farmers national grain corporation and the farmers union terminal association so of st paul on the one hand and the northwest grain association on the other like others the northwest grain association protests that the governments helping hand Is not hot abeln being 9 stretched out to all alike ten other operatives cooperatives co and farm organizations have effect supporter supported support eq a resolution to that the side the board has taken Is that of the management of the farmers national chairman james C stone reiterated that the file board would not finance competition among the northwest operatives cooperatives co which was tantamount to saying that the northwest grain association must come into line or it will not have its loan renewed the farmers union terminal association contains many of the old nonpartisan league crowd among its active supporters has been senator gerald geraid P nye insurgent republican of north dakota while the row goes back to fundamental differences between the two groups the more immediate cause of the crisis lies in the recent policy of the farmers national to take over the marketing activities of the awen ty five operatives cooperatives co composing its list of stockholder members the farmers union Term association was the first operative cooperative co in the farmers national and it now owns 30 80 per cent of the farmers national stock block outstanding acceding in the program of the central organization it sold out its marketing facilities to the farmers national the north west grain association however refused to sell briefly it gave as its reason that with the power exercised by the farmers Fan ners union terminal association so clation in the national and the close ties existing between the terminal association and the national management it soon would be forced entirely out of the picture 13 RESIDENT HOOL in a long conference at his vir it ginia week weekend end camp with secretary of lat k her bor donk doak virtually completed his plans 4 tor for the organization of government a and n d charitable agencies to care for the unemployed and others in distress during the s seely doak coming winter mr air hoover Is unchanged in ills his opposition to anything like a dole or direct government assistance and ft will continue to rely on organized charity lie ile Is willing however that the army should be used as a distributing agency as it Is in the times of flood disasters and to communities where distress Is ij acute there will be loans of army blankets and supplies the red cross will be as heretofore the backbone of the relief organization mr air doak presented t the president a report from the recent survey of conditions throughout the country neither of them would make public the estimate of the number dumber of people who wid be out of work during the tha coming winter but both admitted that it would be little different from last year however Ud wever it was leama that th thi president na as head I 1 0 the red cross has directed the red cross to start a new drive to raise funds and that the machinery i hn has already been set get in mo me lion lie he also has baa issued the necessary instructions to the army to have concentrated at the various bases most of f which are located near the Us big industrial centers all of the surplus property available should they be called upon to use it BY ny AN almost unanimous vote in a IJ provincial plebiscite catalonia gave its enthusiastic approval to a constitution which defines the liberties of the people and fixes the status of the province as autonomous within the spanish republic if this la Is not granted by the new government of spain the Catalon lans seem willing to fight for it und under erthe the leadership of that elderly patriot col francisco jacla the apparent danger of catalonia lies in the fact that jacla and his bis followers have given commitments to the who form the huge labor organization and who are already threatening a general strike it if thel demands including higher wages for family men are not granted jacla promised his friends he would be able to get out of this difficulty when the time was ripe R T H E it relief fu funcher A was given 0 e r many in accordance with the decisions of the london conference when the board of governors of the bank for international settlements at basel switzerland ordered extension 01 us aasma a assa one fourth share of the loan A H to germany for or a maximum of three months beyond august 5 the date it fell due it was assumed this action would be imitated by the other participants in the loan the american federal reserve bank the bank of england and the bank of france the governors set saturday august 8 as the date for the committee of inquiry into german credit needs deeds to begin its work the meeting was delayed until then to awatt awalt the arrival of albert henry wiggin member it was believed that mr wiggin who Is chairman odthe board of the chase national bank of new york would be selected as chairman of the committee there are ten members in all and their principal task will be to study the possibilities of converting a portion of germanys germanas Germ anys short term credits into long term credits there were indications that the french would try to convert the committee into an inquisitorial body new york fork bankers delegated to study the same question of german short term credits were busy throughout the week with the technical details of the problem but the prospects ot of reaching an agreement were said to be small through suggestion was made to berlin that germany purchase large amounts of wheat and cotton now held by the federal farm board and it was promised that long term credits would be arranged the administration la in washington thought this would both aid germany ond and relieve the farm board and the idea was well received in berlin berila germany Is especially eager to get american cotton and for this reason might also take the wheat although unofficial reports said she had already contracted with rumania tor for wheat she needs in addition to her own production about bushels of the grain when it seemed such a deal might be put through objections to the sale of the farm arm boards cotton to germany came boom the southern producers senator william J nanis harris nan Is of georgia said he had received a protest to the effect that such a sale would tend to depress the world price of cotton and that the policy of 0 the farm board should be to hold its cotton and encourage purchases direct from the producers there were indications too that some foreign countries would oppose the wheat and cotton proposal on the ground that it would be tantamount to dumping and would put germany in an advantageous position over competitors was T versal grief and lev va anxiety when it was reported that thomas A edison had collapsed nt at his home in llewellen Ue wellen park west I 1 orange N 3 and was at the point of death members embers Bl of the aged inventors family were summoned in haste baste and his personal ph physician Y T A edison dr 11 S howe sped to his bedside by airplane mr edison was indeed in a precarious state but throe three doctors after thorough examination said bald be was not in immediate danger of death ile he it Is eighty five years old and is suffering buffering froni from diabetes brights ls disease and ad stomach ulcers I 1 re a sa well as blice literate poisoning but he declared he be was too busy to die now ao and that he would aon a on bo be adle able to resume sums his bis rf work nil ills determination apparently conquered ind and and within a few days doctor howe acknowledged that the wizard had bid a good chance ot of belna being able to return to his laboratories mr edison soon was recovered euffe clentry to sit bit in his library and read the newspapers and he bo wanted to smoke but this was forbidden ne a wan sleeping well and his son charles said his father was in good spirits and feeling very chipper III his 3 health had been falling failing since his cretu return m from florida seven weeks agnand ago and the collapse was no surprise to the physicians or his HARLES BOYD CURTIS of new C CHARLES york minister to the D dominican 0 manican republic has been appointed by president hoover to be minister to el salvador his place in dominica Is filled by the appointment of H F Y eschoen feld of rhode island as minister there TWO more reports from the wickersham JL commission were made public one deals with the federal courts those of connecticut having been studies in especial detail and the conclusion Is reached that prohibition cases dominate the whole character of the federal criminal proceedings prohibition cases in the connecticut district increased from 69 per cent ot of the total number of cases in the first year of the study the commission reported to 81 per cent in the study studs 9 third year which ended june 30 I 1 1930 the total increase in cas cases eshad had been furnished by prohibition cases it was explained other types remained sta ita flonary tlona ry the other report deals with the police of ohp country and it Is asserted that they have forfeited the public confidence because of their general failure to perform their duty this s Is blamed mainly on political power pull and protection the short tenure of office of the average police chief and the burdening of the police with a multiplicity of duties milwaukee was lauded as a city with an enviable record for the prevention and prompt detection of crime and the reason was found in the fact that it has had bad only two chiefs of police in 48 46 years YORK 1 ll 11 1 la NEW the throe of 0 f A an n V epidemic of infantile paralysis the total number of cases reported since july 1 being well over eight hundred the death rate la Is about 12 per cent the other day gov GOT franklin D roosevelt gave eave one pint ot of blood to ald aid gov roosevelt Rot sevelt in the fight against the disease it went to the state health i department de part ment for use as a serum ser um the governor was attacked by the disease some ten years ago but has practically recovered and doctors consider his case remarkable since blood from a victim who has recovered Is considered the best serum for treating others the governors action will prove of tangible help to the state authorities dr lago galdston secretary of the medical information bureau of the tha academy of medicine announced that more than former paralysis sufferers had bad donated from to SM cubic centimeters each of their blood at the cornell medical school mayor james J walker of new york city threatened with a physical breakdown sailed for germany to take the water cure at carlsbad nis ills blood pressure Is low and his heart Is weak MURRAY of 0 oklahoma choma GOVERNOR having been somewhat worsted in the war of the bridges he waged with texas found use tor for hla his national guard in the oil controversy he made good his threat to close down all the oil wells in the state except the small strippers if the price 0 of crude oil were not put at 1 a barrel A proclamation to that effect fe c t was issued and martla martial I 1 law was declared within fifty feet of each of the wells within the area national guardsmen guardsman Guards men with fixed bayonets bayonets were placed in control of the twenty seven oil fields designated in his order the governor defended i his bis actions on the grounds that he la Is protecting the natural resources of the state A considerable portion of the proclamation was given to an attack on the narce sinclair interests the governor charged that sinclair attempted to bribe forty members of the legislature and to impeach the governor that sinclair maintained a large oil lobby during the last session of the legislature and that the sinclair company has continually attempted 7 to break down of production T WAS an eventful week in aviation IT colonel and mrs lindbergh flew up beyond the arctic circle with success and precision and rested at before proceeding to point barrow parker cramer was found to be making an unannounced flight to norway by the northern route the news breaking when he landed at greenland lie ile was attempting to blaze an air mail route to copenhagen for the trans amerlean airlines herndon and Pang boro reached to boklo aklo on their world flight and planned to try for a nonstop trip from there to seattle just before their arrival in the japanese capital amy johnson Joh ngon the english aviatrix also lauded there |