Show s BUYING Is the purchase of articles on the installment plan beneficial to business b business us iness or does it lead to extravagance and industrial depression some so me people think that thai excessive purchases of this kind constituted one important cause of the 1930 depression others hold that such buying encourages cou rages people to save money for substantial articles instead of frittering fritt ering it i t away in trifling expenses there has been a great deal of installment instalment buying for many years and there always will be much of it it is natural to that people who have regular incomes in comes should sho bild lild wish if enjoy some things while they are paying pay 1119 for them but a great wave of install installment instalment in ent boyi buying aig sweeps over the country in some boom year it is apt to b be followed by a period of depression while wilile these their old debts buyers are working off if they anticipate their wants in in one i 0 year they will probably slow in go buying while they things so are paying for these while a certain amount of instalment installment is is normal and helpful buying yet the business leaders should show some caution in the way they stimulate st such buying bu on a treat scale scalp a great 9 fr the machine of modern industry should steadily and evenly big bi booms and rushes ru ches at run one along time create over production followed by periods of slow operation when people are thrown out of work if installment buying reaches tho point where it is leading to a greater production than the people can find money to pay for it is time to display the danger sian signals als just at present while the country is recovering fro from ma 0 o bad depression an increased amount of instalment installment buying would probably bs be a good thing but when the country has f ully fully I 1 recovered prosperity it might lead to a dangerous state of inflation lati 0 n |