Show the po politicians politician liticia is are always willing to do the right thing I 1 provided it is popular nice summer apples 2 cents per pound mis 31 E adv adl 0 new fall and winter samples sam plea received come and see bliem NT n 11 1 1 young youn 48 at FOR SALE 1929 ford fold 1 ton truck chap ersilie Eri ilie ie of P r n D hammond 1 it fon A good coking range mrs arrs C I 1 E walton 0 subscribe for the record it inn may y be lc 0 r IC all y pt but its avi terrible to the radio fan i pw resistance ma may retard the bitle sale 0 f cars but the resistance of telephone poles makes up the difference another advantage of 0 old dobbin was that any a locomotive made flade him worthia wortha lot more it Is Is said that the chinese n gavern government uen Cwill hlll split the thir thirty t provinces of that auntry up into sixty nine provinces this may be ill all right in China where it wont add 0 the the num bre of state legislatures NOTICE i blanding irr irrigation company principle place of b business e sa ai at blanding S san an juan Juall county 7 utah 1 r there are delin delinquent CI upon upon ill thy ip following described stock on account of assessment levied the sev il i l amoun amounts 1 at set opposite opposite tile the names names or the I 1 respective sharA shareholders 61 s as fol foi lowb jews I 1 NAME ark amt due frank rank barton 1 t eva day bayles les B D black 1 I I 1 il z I 1 Be benig nJG G dlack black 1660 1 edsom n black 1 I M L black I 1 J james allies P F carroll I 1 dog douglas glas P galbralth galbraith 1 willard R guymon J prank frank hurst 1 oscar E johnson 2665 kumen union jones 2025 I 1 L K X jones E tat e L zenos laws lawa 1 platt lyman 80 pred fred S lyman 7 82 8 C lyman nielson brothers ployd floyd W nielson 1 I 1700 0 ipa ida P niel nielson son J jl py y nix ym J nix 1615 joseph M palmer 47 7 myrtle mrtle palmer 1 I 1125 win vm Z palmer 1540 brothers aadrew peterson r belbert redd 2331 L hardy nedd estate 27 0 john 1 D grocers 1 11 1 ac john S rowley 1369 tind and in accordance with law and art an arder of the hoard board of directors so many ehni sharps ps of each parcel of stock vs ns may inay bo be will be fold oll it at the die san isan juan state bank B 11 11 di ng the office of I 1 lie he secretary of sald said blanding irrigation company in fit BlaiK anding Hn utah to nay tile the delinquent together er with the cost of advertising and expense or of I 1 sale dite dile of ea sale le august 29 1931 10 A A M n frank redd secretary of blandino irrigation C company oni pany D blanding anding I 1 utah attili first pub AUK aug 13 last pub aug 20 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior IT S land office at salt lake city utah july aily 15 1931 NOTICE Is hereby given that kerman herman C Da dahlke lille of summit lt point utah who on oct 12 1926 made homestead tead entry no tor for el ea see sec tion ion 22 township 31 south range bangs 25 east salt lake meridian ha has s felled notice of intention to make final proof to establish clairn claim to the land libove described bero before i e 1 the he clerk or of the district court at monticello utah on the day of sept 1931 claimant panic names as as witnesses jim B black james janics Y black and 11 V perry till all of Surn summit nili point butali and warren F Willi anison of la sal 1 utah i GEO E WOOLLEY acting register first pub july 23 bast last aug 20 IN THE DISTRICT COURT count or OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OT OP SAN S AN JUAN STATE OF UTAH I 1 walter A janssen plaintiff vs john Q vance defendant SUMMONS t the state of utah to the said ie defendant fen dant you are aie hereby summoned to up a p pear within twenty days after tin ill service of tills this sumi summons lions upon you ou if served nerved within th county ln in which this acteon is brou glit otherwise I 1 se thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action and in case of yew failure so to do judgement jud gement will be rendered against you according to the demand of 0 f the complaint which has lla s been fil filed a d with etli the tha clerk of said court I 1 notion Is a brought to quiet title to tile following described lands in sari san juan county stats state of utah to wit the quarter oi of section 22 slid tile ho northwest quarter of sec sei tion 23 in township Towns blo 34 south range daniee 25 kast east salt bakri Meil dian containing acres anix IW X PATTERSON plaintiffs attorney price utah ciali first pub ith d IP of oc aldust Ali gust 1931 last pub 3rd ard day oi of sept 1931 |