Show ruff BLUFF BRUS BRIEFS special correspondent FRY fay hansen motored from the hat wednesday ile he made the trip on gasoline from the mexican hat flat refinery the gas gag has hag also been tested out in gasoline lamps with satisfactory results an ali interesting intel estina event of last week was hag the fathers and son s the they came in trucks bugs voids fords and automobiles but from all outward signs those in the lium bliest convey bences enjoyed themselves equally as well ft ell as thoe tho in the best there representatives from la sal moab monticello Bla blanding and bluff they choose as their campins place the cottonwood cotton totton wood groves south or of town alter after camp was made and supper over the time was spent in listening to a spicy program pi also a talk by pros pres wayne 11 II redd and the playing of a number of 0 well veil chosen games As the stillness of the night was broken by bi tile the shouts and laughter OL 01 the boys and was wafted wafred by the breeze to tile the listening ears ot of those who avre w gie not included in the part we coul vt help reflecting that events of oc tills this nature are the things that make life really worth woith while and will linger long iong an fn i n the memories of the boys as an oasis in the desert day break found the boys up and ogar for the lays ilas adventures which proved to consist mostly of shimming and eating mellons me llona swimming lid ltd l id more moie nellon Si owing to the threatening the pirty which was scheduled to last until saturday coining moi nang broke up most of 0 the cars returning home friday evening only a few of the flie braver ones remaining till lill morning lisle nielson motored to blanding andins Bl F friday r I 1 day to have dent dental a I 1 i work v ork done don L ile he had as passengers geis miss may pa do vaugh ond nax a niel son on and eurda pei ills lisle and may alay ie turned alter after the they daie iby by miss cleoan bionson son miss dronson bronson Is the gust guest gu st lot ot the nielson girls gills allan adams of tuba city ariz aitz Js Is visiting ciomo ionic folks tor for a few days lAlli allm n is taking ills his summer va atlon I 1 lie brought with him bilm ills his a all children bioni whom I ioni he is mothe ilni vile mrs mis adams is in tile the hospI hospital ab it tuba luba city getting with etli their new son j master den ben hunt came down froni from tile the elk mountain monday to join it the fathers Fa theis and sons outing mrs mis vivian Shun iway vay of w ws as the guest of mrs mis jay powell row ell a couple of days last 1 lat week george adams passed timo through ugh 1 town monday to th the 0 goulden 9 j i ini post where it la Is understood understood food h in disposed ava of a load or hour flour A number of Bluff ites w watched the shower tuesday night lasic week i uriah butt and family j L in blanding I 1 I 1 mrs airs nellie 0 halsberger Hars berger n nd daughter daught Lr grace ol of valentine ariz i are visiting in bluff for a few days dayse th flioy came m e I 1 in ll 11 1 I 1 ith a mr freeman biot california A mr I 1 r freeman Is associated a with mr ali in the oil fields at mexican ilat hat urlah uriah naison took a load ot passengers as to union su sunday aday at least they left home for that purpose pur posa having received no word bordas wor das as nowhere to where I 1 tho the meetings were to be held the conclusion ric buslon was reached that ith they 9 Y would be either at blanding or monticello tl ti arriving at blanding th e ey I 1 were informed that moab was waa the place rye la is convinced that abai the old id saying dont doni jump rt at conclusions is a good one to adhere to i miss carol nielson returned to iler her nonia home in Di anding sunday y FM ing lier her father J P nielson will a asals as I 1 at i may AIRY at the store while slid she Is ajtay abay ayay rube allen alien and family of moah moab have been visiting at the john oliver home hoine mis allen alien Is mr air olivers oliver daug daughter lIter they returned home sun day afternoon M 0 hunt brought hla his family home front the elk mountain satur day mal malion mailon ion went vent on to levla colo that evening for roi a load of 0 baled hay which will be taken to the mountain til mils allis hatch entertained at dinner monday in honor of her brother brothel allen alien adams three men from mceldo canyon were here heie looking fora for a band ot horses tint that had been driven allay aay by an indian and a ii white liate man As no race of 0 the thet iniss r A I 1 uil n giorges wre found clity r beluin burn d to their homes frost head of tile tha do estic acice with two from the school rt at ignacia Ign acla jolo colo depont some time here monday monda of it last week meek they had with them elizabeth donshea in law of tommy navajo who lias hai been beed it attending school there elizabeths people had sent tor for her to come come home ii much against her wishes lie her varting parting with the school teachers teacher 4 was as little less than pathetic and 1 spoke poke all yell for the school the file home of sirs mrs jay powell was t cie e beeze ot of a 1 lively party sunday fiday v rv ening nevill and freeman passed through town ton monday on their way to salt lake pity city nak verlion young with a a number ot of Di andings popular maidens were down tor for a swim and mev mer long ions sunday |