Show OF LOCAL INTEREST fait WEATHER REPORT date max mm alin pro pre char aug alig 12 85 57 00 clean 13 85 18 48 00 C cleir cle I 1 ear ir 14 80 56 00 P C 15 81 65 55 10 P C 16 85 50 T P ca C I 1 17 84 18 48 00 P C is 18 87 50 00 clear MRS 11 HE E BLAKE voluntary i observer eorge georky aryls I 1 lk a ifor p 11 TeSI deni now ow residing g in flagstaff ariz called 0 on friends here friday mrs ellza eliza pehrson who ho has been visiting her friends here heie returned to td her home in ephram saturday mr air and mrs H U butts of tile the bucolo ucolo district were in town saturday 0 mrs airs floia nielson and miss mi helen hammond Hamnio nd who lio to operations at the moab aboab hospital last wednesday are ketting along nicely according to rep oits they are aie expected home sunday 0 mis frank halls mrs mis lovina redd mrs airs H R lloyd hansen miss anna redd mr and mrs chestek Clie black birck and 6 E walton were among those who attended the stake uni union on meeting at moab sunday 0 mrs mis J L Whit whiting iniz jr and caldren and mr air and mrs maurice crammer and son who have spent the tha summer here returned to lo their homp home la in Spring springville ville monday mrs lave bertulson returned tu her home bome in provo monday D mrs airs may cooper returned tuesday from a brief visit with her sons soils in price A J redd and family and miss anna redd together with leland redd kedd and family of la sal enjoyed a three day motor trip tills this week over the million dollar hig highway hway be informed as aa to what Is doln on in our subscribe to the san juan record 0 mr air and mrs airs J W baker made it ft business trip to price pi ice the first of the week 0 ar J mcgrath left monday even ing for salt lake city where lie he will work in the main office ot of tho the state lindway hl hay department tor for two beeks weeks mis alm r F D B Hani hamford alin lips iss boen spending spen ilin some tinie time in moab while her da daugh lighters teis wei e in ali the hospital returned hoa homo mr air and mrs mis james hi 11 eamar mr air and mis airs 11 II lloyd hanson and ml All and mrs airs t 1 D Perl itris lett wednes adly for a trip over the million dollar highway we are glad to that miss ruth flot who wa operated operate for appe n at the moab hospital tuesday Is malting making satisfactory progress mrs airs H 11 1 n wake quietly observed yea her y with uh lier her immediate yli 1111 1 I last t saturday afternoon aftem oon 0 the following loAng fol have hae renewed their subscriptions to the san juan record since august ast 1st claude powell sandy ll carl call kansas city mo airs mi a fronic barnes bames pin knot calif N M A goodell G bodell salt sait lake city george r F burkett watson utah I 1 mrs 1 rs loretta doy boyd d point maude lanue west riverside call calif and mose J jones ones monticello we ethanic you ou 0 mr and mrs mis J P larsen L arsen and rd golda and claer of murray are aie geets at tile the P F B hammo hammond nt lionie home |