Show FIRE protection perhaps we speak out of turn during duri f aig these times of depression and high taxes but we ive cannot help khinki thinking I 1 ng that even at that it is mighty poor business to allow the lax condition we have here to continue to exist week after week and month after af tel month and even year after year we are fortunate in in that we ive have few fires and an d those that we we have had lately have been easily extinguished but such may not always be the case and we will find that like other communities we will have a disaster ous fire that will cause a large property and money loss if not a human loss as well there is no question but that fire equipment costs R money but like the doctor and medicine which also cost money we ned them bad when we need them it is usually the fellow who kicks about paying for such protection that makes the most noise when he does suffer a loss to his property this question is one that every resident of the town should consider and now is the time to consider it and demand action on the part of the town officials and not after we have had a serious fire that has hap caused loss money or loss of life or both |