Show HEXING STATE IKES makes inspection C 0 pickle of state board of health ma makes kes inspection of water supply makes orders for its protection A suggestion duo due to hard times the county commissioners ners refused to make a ley levy sufficient to enable our schools to run nine months on a carefully pro pared budget the school board cut and slashed I 1 the lie budget everywhere possible and duemay be able to keep tile the schools going for eight months to do tills this it was necessary to cut salaries of officers and teachers the tha officers siw tile the point and mag suggested the cut in some instances a deep dead one tills Is I 1 to suggest to our county offic lers that they too cut their salaries when their salaries were set the average wage in tile the county was at least one hundred per centt higher than it is now bemid besides e one cone dollar will purchase at I 1 least e ast one and a half dollars moi more e of tile the necessities than it would two years ago when these salaries were set lets make tills matter or of cut in salaries apply to tile the whole county the schools should not be the only pubic uble enterprise antei prise to surfer 1 tull full realize that by law the salaries ot of our county count officials cannot be lovelea lo verea during their incumbency but there la is such a thing as living above tile the law although jf t Is seldom seen in these chis lays of dollar cclia hasloff ing one commissioner gets per year eai the other two to 5 bac eacle I 1 and corder leoid ei 1500 treasurer assessor I 1 anil and sheriff each attorney atto iney lon if these officers would voluntarily i art taip ke at a t least a 25 cut more would be a saving of 14 1750 per pel year bould go towards fit ln isi I 1 in ng employment to worthy head s of families and to feeding the destitute tills coming winter and thel Is apt to be ba a 1 lot of them without without malice ce r F n B Hamnio nd A problem that the citizens of the town face Is theli water supply lie accent report made by the state stata beani health shows the water of 0 montt cello in very poor condition so hall bad in fact that thai sanitary En elneer alneer C 0 pickle of the he state department was wan sent to town to make an inspection A survey of the pipe line from in takes down was made monday by mr pickle in company with mayor L frank flank redd hedd J M balley of the town tonn board F P jones manager of the lie blue mt alt irrigation company end a reporter le from the record the inspection started from the power house where samples of water were taken and then to the bankhead springs the condition around abouna the springs was deplorable cattle and have been cateria water iii and from the looks luve have been tor for some time according to mr pickle about lulf of 0 the supply ot of water from tills this source Is lost thru leakage enough to turn the water shortage into an over supply for the town aiom the looks planks have been ripped lipped up to provide access to the water tor for tile the stock anil and some of the leaks laks are ot ion long standing tte Is rotten and arl n places ei filled ed kiili leaf mould showing haa it Is s not of recent origin the main soul louice ce or of supply in pole pois canyon anion vas found in better condl tion ion and while fenced iu in his has bebik used ased to avater sheep while inspection of file entire entile fene dpn e around tha lep jell acius a ara wis s not made that hint near intake was as gool and in ordein cordei for foi these sheep sheep to get to the nat pitr the rence lence must lne been talea taken lown mr mi pickle was as emp lintle in his hia of the loll and that i a meeting g of the i 0 of the irrigation Ini cation company ile be called f foi 0 1 Ilo monday evening tint that lie might meet with them thein iani tell bhrin aliat liat must be done the meeting irie etin was vas held monday enli iff at the cobit house anil and mr pickle explained tile the situation to the members lie ile told them tint that lie must I 1 inist n t on allu fit water hocur hcan covered cohered io aiom r n source irce to tills this work lie ordered reil started nt at once alli the bond board voted doted to to do it he told dolfl then hiem that while lie ho at first intended to demand 1 diat ahat lion iron pipe he be installed lie he would 11 r consider tint that demand and allatt them to install wooden pipe lot 01 the lie present it would appear floell mr h Pic micklos klos statements st that there is no reason acason for a n shortage of water in monticello ind and thatis that it all the water itar at a t it its S source 0 aire was ft is dispi is as it should be there would bo be plenty of water n itei roi for all lie ile order older ell ed that several leaks in the alic distri dit tr aution system he be topped as lie ho claims they the are aie bi ceding brooding places for has good soft water and there Is no reason lenon wily it should not have bine as pure water ahei atei is as any in tile the state slate ile he told the board In members embers tint hat monticello Mon had ard a bid bad name with tile the tate state department due to tile the ber of complaints that have hae been bee Jec elved and that it some care was vias used in piping tho iho water vater at its course chere would be no rason for foi these complaints in ili his opinion tiie the ma jobity of the board was vas in favor of doing all that it could to eliminate the he poor condition and elpi essed themselves as wailing to du do ill all they could to safe guard tile the health of the r community it would appear from tile the state mente made that the irrigation co Is ii haling at a hard time to ninke minke ends meet and that it has never neve pay pied ed a dividend to its stockholders eis it would also appear that flie file cost of 0 installing Install inz the system was vat about twice what hat it should h hive no been continued on oa rago page 5 j SCHOOL SCHOOL superintendent continued from page 1 very drastic with any hope of meeting state standards in attainments it is us useless less to think of a school term 0 of frewer lever than eight mont months lis which alch mas as the term decided upon upon officially bhea the b budget was as made under the circumstances the board has dono aone the lie only remaining thin thing that can be done one however unfortunate the after 0 effects may be and it ft Is urgently necess necessity essaiy iry that the taxpayers tax payers school and everybody concerned shall exercise a high degree of loyalty ard and suPPOrt for tile hoard board feels eels ie weight of this responsibility it Is probable that our public pub lie business Is not generally genei ally given sufficient clent publicity but if people as a whole coll could id get into the habit of forming a correct understanding of that thai which Is published and then b be fall enough to render lender justice in 11 its rilei ther dissemination a much finer cooperation pe ration could could be attained among us with tills this in view and in order 01 del to lo clarify the present atmosphere tile following items are set forth the legislature in its last session his has fixed the school chool beai blaid A members salary at twelve dollars and fifty cents ai a month the school board in this I 1 meeting lias has decided that ten cents centa a mile shall be the maximum allow i ed for foi any and all school busi business in the future considering the needs and requirements of this sc school hool district it is that ills ais is 19 no unfair even een under the crellen prevailing pi e ailing conditions with every item in ili the budget cut that would stand a legal reduction even at the isk or ol impairment imp aliment ot or teaching efficiency it has been found necessary necessia necess ii to reduce sal salaices ailes of all the employees of the school district taking into account one IP cice id ed pal cruising of the dallai jt Is I 1 elt that if those under contract conflict can an tiling biang themselves to under understand stana fully the exact status of the problem they will ft take lake a vei deiy y generous gene ious view vip of lie he matter mattar and ai ii likel likely be willin and anxious tn in cooperate in every possible asay wa to meet this emergency that this arrangement airan gement Is but temper iry indans iiii hiis of meeting nie ellue ft a hard haid sit situa lift tion and that it is by no means permanent llla nent as f fai ar as any an official olt iclal rating of the superintendent and teachers Is concerned conce ined must be assumed by all the rhe business transacted by the board was as absolutely mutual every j member including the supe rinie dent arose aio e to the needs of tile the oc casion in a very creditable manner the changes in salary schedule dul are as rol roelowe lowe tell teh superintendent voluntarily volunta a i reduction to 2000 for or superintendent ard clerks jobs A for of ha jr t salaries over a were reduced 15 3 liles over oer vese nere reduced leil 10 salaices Sal ailes between and were eie reduced i 6 ipei per month and those under cut 4 1 a month considerable reduction was made oh on janitors and on supplies fis repairs and such items etem in spite spile or of the fact that the board Is reasonably sure of 0 an a ble able deficit at the end of the school year leal and in view of till all that can be lone done they the still a defuse cruse to cut tho the be school hool term tiny any further willi ath the con conditions editions as set forth to face it if is 19 reasonable to assume that those thoe who cater to the needs or of the teachers tea cheis 8 should hould reduce their a I 1 ton by a proportionate amount at least foods and supplies tire cheaper now than they have hae been loi for a long time and the i reduction should he so reflected ted this item hem meets meet the approval of the board or of education edu cllon and can be understood as tile the view point at tile the present time |