Show F in intermountain r ITU r news briefly told ld by busy readers SCHOOL WILL OPEN olen DROUTH AID LOOMS FOREST FIRES FIKES RAGE HAGE AN UNCHANGED TAX AGED PEOPLE FETED OGDEN UT ogdon ogden cites tax levy for 1031 will bo be 12 milia the same as last year according to a resolution adopted by the sity city corn core IMIS mission s lou S ST T GEORGE WT UT one hundred bundred find and sixty two st george residents of whom were over 66 years of age and the other members of 0 committees and drivers of cars lou toured ed zion park recently AMERICAN FORK UT dr date of the opening of the utah state training school nt at american fork will depend upon the time it takes to obtain and install miscellaneous equipment purchase of which has been approved by the board of trustees the installation will probably require 30 days SALT LAKE CITY UT support ot of the utah state bankers association at the western agricultural economic conference august 17 was pledged by D G E davis vice president ot of the association in a letter to governor george II 11 dern farmers financiers and railroad officials will meet in salt lake to discuss emergency relief for farmers who tire are in need of aid as the resu result I 1 I 1 of the summers sunu ners drouth BOISE IDA attorney general fred J babcock las ruled that idalo falls must pay the halt balf mill per kilowatt tax on power produced in its plant under tinder the law enacted by the special session of oe the last legislature LOGAN UT an increase of 9 mill was made in the levy of cache county for 1931 over last year it Is announced BOISE IDA bids will be opened august 18 on grading and gravel surfacing five miles of the eagle Me We redlan highway in ada county and on surfacing with crushed rock miles of the north and south highway between genesee and thorn creek in nez perce and latah counties DOISE BOISE IDA forest fires have destroyed umber timber on over acres of wood land in idaho this season roberts IDA glenn frank bywater 25 salt lake nn an em aloye of the american telephone end and telegraph company was killed near inear here when a shotgun ho be was removing from an automobile aci cl ci dently exploded I 1 SALINA UT carol arol veda nelson nelbon 18 month old daughter of mr air end and mrs william nelson of tills this city die died an hour after she had ent eaten rat poison which she found in the home FORT UT the attendance at the U 1 I B C Is estimated to have exceeded ROCK HOCK SIt linings SIn iNGS RINGS WYO while repairing a shotgun dick lewis 45 tailor at CIS pilot butte avenue here was killed when a shell stuck in the alie barrel of the gun exploded the discharge entered the right side of his head and killed him almost instantly OGDEN UT according to an announcement made by officials of the amalgamated sugar company the price of molasses to the farmer his has been reduced from 15 a ton to 8 SALT LAKE CITY UT the state general fund will receive one 0 no quarter million dollars less during dart n 9 the current fiscal year icar than la list t year this became apparent when the state tax commission determined that the assessed valuation of taxable tangible property for this year will probably be in the neighborhood of RICI FIELD IFIELD UT only married men inen with families fam 11 les are to be hired in erecting the new armory at richfield UT bacterial cancer which affects tomato plants was checked considerably in utah county this by the lony hot and dry period OGDEN UT city engineer in its ills monthly report discloses that julys building permit I 1 ermit total of was double the total for july of 1930 and in fit excess of the total for june of this year BURLEY IDA grain harvest in the dry farming sections of cas sift fla county la Is now in full swing tind slid in many districts fair crops are being reported in others the long dry spell Is showing its effects and some fields have been found to be not heavy enough to harvest RIVERTON WYO gocs ln in lodge 80 year old chief medicine maker tor for the arapahoe indian tribe and the last surviving indian on the wind ivind reservation to take part in the custer massacres massa cies of 1870 died here SALT LAKE CITY UT ke at the state treasurers treasur ers office from stamp taxes la in july wore were PRICE UT the carbon fair board lias has delegated three members to attend celebrations throughout shout the state to line up attractions tor for the fair here september 12 13 14 01 SALT LAKE CITY UT an ah old muzzle loading cannon believed to have been brought to utah by the ahr mormon battalion of 1843 or united state bolder Bol dIr irs stationed here during daring the cs has been given tf to the deseret museum by julian it Bom amberger herger president of the barn berger electric railroad company |