Show CUR washington LETIER LE by national E editorial association special to the san jua juan t record ki cord washington august 19 despite I 1 denials in administration elides circles tho the conviction Is becoming blather general around Ny washington ashington that president hoover booye will call an extras extra session oc Co conides Coneie ES about november ag the administration has been opposed to an extra session becaas e it il would b have be e to just so much longel 1 with ith the radical demands lone of the most difficult problems pro llerna with legard to 10 a special session s esdon I 1 Is to devise devis e ways a ys and means for keeping con kiess engaged on the pi for or it Is called the purpose in calling the legislators together three weeks before the regular session would he be to discuss and the mor tor liln aum upon which action must ha taken by decem december er 15 when ahen tile the next ii t debt payments frow abroad are due 61 li it Is thought thit that mr hoove hoodei will have we plenty of votes with alth which to get his moratorium stores 5 hp cause La norris and other mainstays main maln stays stas of the the pro i resolves will mill be found in tins this group they lieve baa e large german geiman populations tn in their states and are aie not akely to do anything to hold up assistance assist anre to germany afi many on tile the house side the matter or of or ionization must be taken care of before any matters are aie considered ellb may entail a little delay but bui not no t enough to tio pi prevent event passage oil 04 legislation tile alie trouble Is anticipated from the lie senate as i it Is bell bellevo evi a certain group intends to use the as a bai bargaining gaining medium this bargaining bri gaining group will unquestionably be able to hold up ratification fi during the special session not that they want vant to defeat the moratorium but because they want nani to use it as a basis for theli their demands for domestic relief one of the visitors to the white house last week eek was vas john hollister Hol llster in n Chichi nati ln lawyer e republican Republic in can in the election to fill tile the house vacancy caused cause by the death of r speaker nicholas longwith Longo ith imi Ir ollister is running as a wet V and ild it ft Is understood unkei stood that mi hoover will support him naturally tills this been the subject of considerable peculation Ps s to whether it rims a 1 modification of the he ciller chief P ati thes dry views etta this will vill be the iff alist ir t time line t tile the president has gileni p I 1 01 OI t to a wet candidate it will 1 be recalled called le that the administration dwightel 1 sought u glit to defeat bonow f 0 arow biven hen I 1 lie ie ran inn us its a wet et in fill new jersey control of tile the houie may tin turn a upon the outcome I 1 in n this hid district but of more moie importance impo Is e Is I 1 its bearing upon tile hie ad in in IS trat I 1 ons vanity nalty i in clearing tile tho area abea that is being swept V pt clear of private structures to make room for the new federal buildings many interesting louven lis irs and relies relics of tile the past have been found in these old houses the section that Is soon to be prepared for tre tie municipal center was vias the scene of most active social life before tile the war of tile the sixties I 1 here heie and there among these oia olal structures have been discoverer discover eo traces of the old life of the capital such is as bits of going far beyond tile the Il lemory or of men now living the latest relic to be found Is a plaster bust of a woman evidently ft a rolica of a marble sculpture tuie the corcoran Coic art ait gallery and other art authorities have endeavored to trace its origin but the lady continues to I 1 be e a mystery jt A is said that washington has a a commission or division of tile the government dealing with every conceio vable subject but it now has 11 as been suggested that a anew division div be created as a means of Protect protecting ln the public from advertising which contains more imagination than truth at present the agriculture Agil culture depart went and federal trade commission are the chief governia neat es engaged in the investigation of tin tile of of 11 overzealous oua in describing their pro pio luces under und r the suggested plan the I 1 investigation ln estimation of till nil forms form 8 of adjei using would be centered in one federal agency |