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Show OGDEN OFFICIALS INSPECT WATER PIPES Mayor Frank Franrla of Ogden and membra of the Ogden city commission commis-sion made a survey of the Halt Lke City water system yesterday preparatory prepara-tory to the laying of five milea of water mains In Ogdf n. Mayor Francis stated that the Ogden officials are favorably consldcrlr the Installation of cast Iron main., the type used In Salt Leake, although steel mains, the type heretofjv-e uid In Ogden. tre also under consideration. The contract tor laying; the mains will be awarded by the commission Monday evening. Mnvor Francis rteircd that Otrden's water sspply nas b-n douhlel by the use of air lifts or. the artesi.ui veils which provld the clty'a water tupply. For ihe first time since 1901, summer restrictions on the uj uf witter have been removed, he said. |