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Show UTAH FINANCIER FAILS TO BRING BDOKSTpOBT Judge Johnson Abruptly - Halt Suit of Great Basin Sugar Company by Re- manding Defendant to Jail TO BE HELDUNTIL COURT ORDER OBEYED w Telegrams Exhibited, Purporting Pur-porting to Show Demands oil Others for R ecordv Failed to Secure Approval J OQDEN, Aug. ft, Ernsct ft. Wool-tsy, Wool-tsy, prominent Utah finanoior. was adjudged in eontsmpt of court by Judge Tillman D. Johnson of th United States district court today for fallu- to produce tho books of tha Groat Bssin Sugsr company and th . Woo Hoy Land and Livestock earn-psny earn-psny as ordored. Th judgment csm after mr thsn two hours of argument argu-ment in which Mr. Wool ley was placed on th stand. Judp Johnson remanded Mr. Woolley to th custody of Urttd States Marshal J. Ray Ward with order that h be confined con-fined In the Sslt Lake county jail until he has produced tha books in compliance with the courts ordsr. Marshal Wsrd and his prisoner wsre to start for 8a It Lake at once. Attorney At-torney Arthur Woodsy, counsel for Ern)t advieod the press thst hs would ssk a review of th contempt proceedings. AUoffiey Arthur Woolley fnnsy entered his appearance before Judge Tillman D. Johnson of the United Plates district court aa counsel for Ernest R. Woolley In contempt con-tempt of court proceedings, growing out of the ault of Herbert R. MacMll- lan against Mr. Wooley and others, because be-cause of th defendant' failure to produce booka and records of th Great . Baatn Sugar company and th Woolley , Land and Livestock company aa or-..dered or-..dered by the refer In bankruptcy. S Erneet . . R. Woolley ad Roland R. Woolley wer ordered by Judga Johnaon John-aon Thursday to produce th books In question this morning or be ad- iudged In contempt of court. Macallan Mac-allan I attempting to recover on a 161.000 judgment given In the United Htatea court against Woolley Land tk and Livestock company. At th opening of court today. Attorney At-torney Arthur Woolley submitted to the court telegrams sent by Ernest R Woolley to Roland R. Woolley. H. S. Woolley and Kenneth Woolley In Lo Angel urging them to produce th book In question. Replies from th three Woolley stating that no court order to produc the books had been served on them and that since Ernest R. Woolley la not an officer of the companies In question they could not accede to his request, were alno submitted. . The telegraphic correspondence was Introduced in evidence and Ernest R. Woolley was put on the stand for direct di-rect examination. |