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Show 1 A FLAPP.ER SPEAKS I . y WINONA WILCOX. How does a modem flapper feel? Having Inherited Victorian traditions. tradi-tions. I have often wondered about tho modern flapper, consequently I rejoiced greatly when one of them sent me a naive letter about her feelings and experiences, ex-periences, and what traedy enaue4 when ahe decided that "petting parties-do parties-do not pay. "I don't really feel Ike dying, but I wish I could turn bark a year of my life. Just about a year ago I met him. "I know I am not the girl my mother would like me to be. hut I know right from wrong and I try to do my best. Mother would have mo eomethlng like a 'prunea and prisma' person. But 1 am not! "Here'a my awful worry, "fie lan't ao very good looking, but of a nice family and Just enough money. lie la In school and ao am I. We had been going together a good deal, having our upa and downs, but always reluming to each other after 'caeca,' "Of course, I've klesed. And remember, remem-ber, I'm not bragging about It. I've klaaed ao many boya I wouldn't dare to atart to rount thm. "But now, oh, how I wish I'd aaved my llpa for tha one man! But what girl doea?. "Well, he came home for Chrlatmae and atarted In for 'a heavy petting party." "But aomehow. I had changed. I'd tired of the ellllness. So I told him. He eaid I didn't rare for him. And I showed him he didn't care for me or he wouldn't expect me to make aurh a fool of myself! j "I gave him back hla fraternity pin, 1 he gave me my ring. Wltb hardly a word, we parled. He haa gone back to ! college to forget me! - j "Iton't Imagine I'm alltlng at horn, looking at his picture! I'm only getting get-ting a little wilder, nut every evening, but all the fun la pretenae and mock- I ry. I "I uaed to believe In some kind of Meal love, but I'v. learned that moat i boya take a glri'a love quite some other w.y. I - "I f iv. t bowse Wt tv se We-rt-Mel htm.- But I ren t, lie hss lots of good , points. 1'ts told only the bad onee. . "I'm only a modern flapper puahed to a point where I don't know what to do." Surely, the flapper haa unausperted sorrow. Her wledom and her sophistication sophis-tication do not help her. Her walls are an eiart imitation of the heart i break of her Victorian aunta who were I not Initiated Into the secrets of mas- l cuiine emotions. Intentions and preten- f slons. I Kvea so what la ta be done? I |