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Show PYTHIAN SISTERS ON WAY TO CONVENTION A special party of more thtfn ISO j persons, most of -whom are women. comprising the delegatea from many I KAstem cities to ths annual convention conven-tion of lythlan Bisters, atoppad In Bait Laks today en route to San 1 Francisco. An entertainment torn-i torn-i mlttee appointed from tho member-ship member-ship of tha local lode met the train at tha Denver Rio Grande Weatern depot upon Its arrival and acted aa guides for tha visitors during the dsy. A serlss of sightseeing trips about ths city filled the morning program, followed by a recital at tha Tabernacle and luncheon at the Hotel Utah. The ! party went to Saltalr thla afternoon and will return to the clly In time to depart at :ls p. m. by way of tha Kio Grands to Ogden and thence to the coast by way of tha Southern I Taclflc railroad. |