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Show MADAM, YOlJ PLEAD GUILTY? READ THE INDICTMENT OF BASIL KING, THE NOVELIST . A r ft 4 mow aij6 The Amiiicm man today (a a eu-ftlnn eu-ftlnn rrnur who bowi rci1m(tlr be-aeath be-aeath tha censorious dictates of any eii-righieous person a bio to Impose hla In tolerant atandarris upon him." Not tha quotation mark. They Indira In-dira te that tha eentlmeate did not or-11 or-11 nut with ma. Theee ara tha word of ftaatl King, author. rir(rymn, humanitarian and t orient of phychlr phenomena. For tha laat It yea re. after a de-v-ttii llm'-aa which ruined hia eight, ha haa. devoted hla Ufa to literature, liter-ature, ohere ha haa been an uplifting and respectful force. Hla moat racant book la 'Tha Conquest of Fear." . And what do you euppnee haa mada man that "auplna creature?" prepare for t ho wont. Lt Baall King continue: "Tha woman ara mora than half re-eponsrhle re-eponsrhle for t h la condition. HXwmh rensors and dominant women American man ara becoming mora, and mora aplr-lilaa. aplr-lilaa. Woman, with thair anthualaam for running thlnaa, ara maklna; tha man a ra of nonreaiatanta.' All of thia rim out whan tha atmpla quaatlon tha4 avaryono paaaa around. 'Wht'a tha mat tar with Amarl?" waa put to ih novlit. (fa continued: "Amarlrana ara always al-ways trylna; to Itv up to atandarda tmpoaad hy In tolerant, aalf-rlahtaoua popia, who ronfound athtra with tradition, tra-dition, and right with ruatom. "ft la raally anpaltntr to aaa how In tha I'nltad fttataa wa acqulosra to mor-allots, mor-allots, no mattar how much our par-orl par-orl lll.artv la -lolatad. "ft ) alt rlajht for paopta to hava atanl rda. hut why should tha atan- -rf"ardAof or.a aroup ha Impnsad upon ' tha roat. whan tha raat do not bellavo j tham to ha r1a;ht? 1 "T'a dn a tot rti talkln." h. fon-tlnuail. fon-tlnuail. "about tha deplorable alata of our ! and our lllrratur. but wa do nothln.- toward ramedylna; or r.-movtns r.-movtns tha raui.. "Wa ara renaorad Into mediocrity. What ran ranaorahlp do but fill tha author, and artlata with Inhibition? er-atlva aanlua cannot thrlva on ra-praaalnn. ra-praaalnn. Ba.ll Klnc la a forca In literature, and far he It from ma to taha up cud-rela cud-rela avalnat him. Rut anr wlfa mlaht nell aak heraelf. "Have I mada a nnn-reelatant nnn-reelatant aupln. crctur. out of my huanand?" |