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Show DENYINCREASE ON LUMBER RATE I. C C Order Schedule Held at Present Lever WASHINGTON, Aug. S. Ha tee oa iuotaer- tnm ml?rnn prorfuffn lotnte to ronaumlrig territory around Ht. Paul, Minn., which railroads sought to Increeee May 1. waa ordered held at present leveia today by lha Interstate Inter-state rommerca commleeton. After Investigating tha new ached-ulea ached-ulea which tranacontlnental ratlroada proposed to put Into effect and whlt.n Increased the lumber ralea concerned from el.f centa per hundred pounua to 7! centa per hundred pounda. the commission held t Uy that tha In-creaaea In-creaaea wera unreavmable. Tha Min-neaota Min-neaota railroad commission and shlp-pera shlp-pera opposed tha rates when first proposed pro-posed and they wera temporarily aua-pended aua-pended by a pravloua commission order. |