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Show & ana $ ' LOOPINQ THK LOOP I NEXT. Ha kkld to bar. "Mr leva for you la drlvlnc ma qulta mad." She kkld to him. "How odd. It hll Tha aaine affaot on dad." PUNCTURED. "Hera. Vkltraaa. Thla dourhnut hat a tack In It." -Wall. I declark! I'll bat tha kmhl-tloua kmhl-tloua lltUa thine tblnka It la k fllvvar tlra." E Whar'a. thet aow yu" kkld you nil a'rolnc to Mil me for II T Epb Sbk tot welL Borne folke don't worry half aa much about what the Lord thlnkk of them . aa they do about what their neichbora aay about them. WEEK'S WORST POEM. Wouldn't It be terrible! Oh, kind Fate, epare ua, pleaee What a dlaxrace to the nation If Laddie Boy ahould have fleaa! A doctor telle thla atory on hlmeelf: After wrltlni a preeciiptlon for a patient pa-tient tha phyilclan told him that tha druRciet would probably chare him ft centa for fllllnc It. Then the patient aaked the doctor to lend him the money. Thereupon the phyalclan carefully ecratrhed out a part of tha preeciiptlon preeciip-tlon and handed It back with It centa. remarking: "You can have that filled for a dime. What I acratcbed out waa for your nerve." Thfre&cTitfon dajnoloTTneTnli:-" dren the atory of Socratea how wlaa he waa. how uniiappy waa hla married life, and how at laat he poleoned hlmeelf hlm-eelf with hemlock. When aha had finlehed aha told the children to write down the atory In their own worda. She waa amuaed to find one eeaay wound up triumphantly: "And Socratea died from doaa of wedlock." We heard a chap aay that ha would eee to It that even the Janltora in tha churchee would be arreated If ha caught them aweeplnt or doing any work on Bundaye. Ha will fall, aa Janltora don't do any work on any ; day, ao It can be aeen. The tightwad la unwept, unhonored and unatung. WHY MEN LOSE THE TRAIL. Little longer aklrta, and wa men will be looking where we are going. Ignorance of tha 'law la no azcuaa unleea aha happena to be pretty. HOW MIRANDY GOT OPP. Trafflo Cop Bay, youl Didn't you aee me wave at youT Mlrandy Yea, you freeh thing, and If my old man had a aeen you, he'd a knocked oft your block. The "Bare the Surface Campaign" doeen't apply to tha unvarnlehed. truth. . Oh, every fly that aklpa our awattera Will have five million aona and daugh- , tera, Kephewa and nlecea, acorea and doiene And countleaa flrat and aecond couelna. SO TO SPEAK. "How la aha aa a dancer f "Alwaya thinking up naw etepa and knowa how to ahlmmy." "I aee. Btanda abova tha othera head and ahouldera." TAKE NOTICE. Tou can be a helpful critter Aa you motor dky by dky, Juat by cleaning up the Utter When you plcnio by the wey. MUTUAL PROTECTION. Glrl'k Fkther (belligerently) Young men, are your lntentione eerloua? Suiter (healtatlngly) Are-er youret "I wonder If you've remembered that tomorrow la my birthday?" ' , "Indeed I did. I went Into a de- ' partment atore today and aaid to tha floorwalker, 'I want a birthday preeent for my wife.' Ha aaid, 'How long ma rrled.' "I kald. Ten yeare.' He aaid, "Bargain "Bar-gain counter to the right.'" Why kick on member of the fair aex wearing kntckera a much more Intimate view la poaalbl when they don their bathing auita. 1 . A woman beglna to enow her ag , . jylvjrjenjine trfea to iMe Itl |