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Show Japanese High Officer Shows Army Training BedeckeJ in BriViant Unif jh.i and-Dtrc 'TMii'Mis 1'irSpri in Mj.1 io Han? Up Rcc-' oid on Rifle Kinge PEEKSKILL, N. T.. Aii. S (By A. P.) An American army officer jrea-terdayon jrea-terdayon the National Guard rifle ran re, aaked Major-General H. Hara- j tuchlH of th Japanea armr. th j commlaaloned peraonnel of tha Nip-lpne Nip-lpne force waa well trained, "from the round up." Th major general anawered an hourj later. In hla flneat uniform, resplendent resplend-ent In lta decoration of fold en lace, lta mrd.il- for bravery and dlatlnrulah-ed dlatlnrulah-ed aervlce, lta atrlpe and It leather fittlm?". General Haxavuchl. accompanied accompan-ied Adjutant-General J. L. Kinkald, N. Y. N. G.. down a line of Seventh Regiment Regi-ment men at practic on th 600 - yard j ranre. The detachment of National Guarda-men Guarda-men were prone; It waa raining; tha flrinir line waa a quagmire. In the renter of the line lay a private, mud-ameared. mud-ameared. and every time he fired a flag waved over the taget, informing him thnt hla shot had miaaed the mark. He mlaaed again and again, and the Japaneae general amlled. "May 1 take the eoldier' rifle T" he anked the adjutant. General Kinkald nodded. The private saluted, handed hla rifle to the major general and moved to the rear. Into the muddy hole alld General Harguchl. He fired ten ahola. From the pit under the target a aol-dler aol-dler telephoned: "Ten fttraia-ht bullaeyea. Some ahoot- -Ing. BuddlaV. v-, , Hrtraguchl, covered with mud, nailed. "From the ground up yea!" |