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Show JDcd-Time :: Stories UNCLI WIOIILV AND THI TINOLI WHO. Copyrlcht. 1,21. by McClur, N.w.paptr V HOWARD K. OAKII. Onet upon . Urn, u Unci. Wlllr wa. hopping pt th. houM whtrt Nwt-dl. Nwt-dl. Rlubt.ll. Ih. boy bmp 1vnl, th bunny bun-ny ntl.mn mm Mr.. Bluhlall, ih. l1y hear, .landing In ih. doorway of nr cava houa.. "fJood momlnc. Mra. Stubtall." rmUtA L'nrla Wlrdly. with a low and pollt. bow of hla tall .Ilk hat. "How ara yon thta morning? How la Mr. BtubUII. and w aj. my . mil. h.ai filmiili, Wrd- die snd Heckler' "Well, remarked Mra. Btaht.il. as she rolled her paw. tn her apron, for she had been washing the di.hee and her pawa war. .till wet; "well, every on. la all right esi-ept Neddie." "What's tha matter with him?" aak ad Uncle Wlggtly. "He has the toothache," answered Mrs. Htuhtall. "I juat now left my dlehea half waahed to come to th. door to look out and aee If Iw. l-oeeum might be coming. com-ing. We had to eend for him hecauee Neddie had ao much pain from hla tooth that ha cried nearly all night." There loo bad." anoke fnele Wlg-gUv, Wlg-gUv, following Mra. Htuhtall Into tha cave houae, for there waa, aa yet, no elan of In. 1'oeaum. I'm very aorry." want on the rabhlt gentleman, for wall he knew that a big chap Ilka Neddie the bear had more pain with the toothache than a little chap like an ant boy. Heeidea ant bova haven't any teeth, thouatt some of them have pincers and atrong )ai for biting "Oil, dear " howled Neddl.. as Uncle Wlaally and Mra. Htubtail entered the room. "Can somebody do something to atop my toothache? Oh dear, how It hurte." "I've done everything f ran think of to atop in. pain, but the arhe ta stilt there," sghed Mrs. Htubtail. "I ll telephone tele-phone saaln for lr. 1'oaaunt. hut he la so busy he may ba a long while getting here." "Oh. what a pain!" howled Neddie, his paw over hi. w. "Something must be done." declsred Uncle Wlgzlly. "I remember when I was a young rabbit I used to ehew the leaves and root of the tingle weed to atop my toothache. I'll g. our and get aon.a tingle weed (or you. Neddie." "Doe it hurt?" aakad the boy bear". "Not at all!" laughed t'nele Wlgglly, -Tnie weed la what I call the yarrow pfant. it makee your tongue and the guma around yeur teeth tingle and men feel numb, as when vour foot gnea to eleap. Then the pain stops. I'll gat yoa some tingle weed or varrow plant." Out Into the field hopped f'nrle Wlgglly Wlg-glly and aoon he found the tingle weed growing. It had fine green leavea that looked Ilka fringe, and the flowers were brownish yellow and white tn rotor. The yarrow, alao called old rnan'a pepper, eol-dler'a eol-dler'a woundwort and noaehleed plant la one of our oldeat wede. . When veil grew of Troy, you will learn that the yarrow Is of Troy, you will learn that the yarrod la dedicated to thla mighty aoldler, wno la aald te have uaed the leavee and roota of the plant to haal the woiinda of hla aol-dlera. aol-dlera. Sowaver that msy be. t'nrle Wlgglly soon found some of the yarrow growing In the field, juat a. you may find It If you hava sharp eyea. "I muat try thla on myerlf, to aee If it u th. right thing." thought the bunnv ancle, aa ha pulled up one of the plan I a. washing tha dirt from tha 'roota tn a nearby aprlng of water, fncle Wlaally chewed aoma of the flbere, letting them reat on hla tongue and guma. In a abort lime hie tongue llnalecT and then nvgan to feel numb almost aa though he bed no tongue at all, juat aa It aeema ou hava can'lT' mt" " ""'a " "Thla Is the right thing!" cried the bunny. "Thle will stop Neddie', tooth-eche? tooth-eche? and be pulled many more roota of the tingle plant or yarrow weeT. "Oh. ho! But have you anything to atop me from nibbling your eara?" aud-denly aud-denly cried a moet unpleaaant voice ctoae beakle Vnrle Wlgglly, and, turning. Jl. aaw tha akllleeji akOary Alila.w "Are vou solo. 1. slbbls my eara aaked the rabbit. "I am!" grumbled the 'Oator "Well flret nibble eome of thla" cried brave I'nrle Wlgglly. and ha thruat a pawful of yarrow root Into th. open mouth of the Hklllery gcall.ry chap, who before he knew what be waa doing, chewed on It. Huddenly the mouth and tongue of the Alllgatoe began to-tingle and feel numb. Oh, my teeth are going to eleep' My tongue la going to eleap ! f ca t Uate anything! howled the bad creature "Wall, then, you can't taate my eara'" laughed Vncle Wlggtly. And the 'Oator . 7? '"gn'enea mat ha ran away to cool his tingling tongue la the brook. Bo f." Yl?. ' 'h b"nny after all. and 1-ncle Wlgaily hurried home wltb tha yarrow roota. They etopped Neddie's toothache until 2T' V??m " ly the boy had hla aching tooth pulled, ao It aev-r aev-r hurt him any more. "And when I get a pal. fn SM raP. row root." aald Heckle, aa ahe paaeed rnele Wlgglly the cabbage pi. at aupper that evening. |