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Show Present Day Social Security System Offers Additional Blessings to Thanksgiving Season Our Pilgrim forefathers had little lit-tle security as we know it today, but it was a thing they strove for yes, even gave their lives for and it is a thing that most of us strive for today. Their lirstj harvest was a disappointment, clue, in the words of Governor William Bradford, to "ye badness, of ye seed, or lateness of ye season, sea-son, or both, or some other defects." de-fects." However, some 20 acres of com had done well, and the rations of the colony were doubled. doub-led. Then fo.'lowed a day of Thanksgiving, a day of rejoicing, and the Pilgrims and their Indian In-dian guests feasted on such varieties var-ieties of food as could be obtained ob-tained with great effort. For generations gen-erations the Thanksgiving festival festi-val has been repeated annually and has come down to us today by proclamation and desire. This Thanksgiving Day, more j than ten million additional work- ers, employed or self-employed, imav look forward to a greater feeling of security brought about by the 1954 amendments to the social security law. Now 334 years after the first Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing nine out of 10 peopje who work for a living can look forward for-ward to retirement benefits under the Federal old-age and survivors insurance program. Their dependents depen-dents may also count on benefits. Furthermore, nine out of 10 .mothers .mo-thers and children are assured of monthly insurance benefits in "f the death of the family workerj Tnese insurance payments represent rep-resent a basic floor of security a foundation upon which to build a future comfort for oneself and family. The desire of the Pilgrims and our desire today for a more secure life is the same. Our method meth-od through the social security program is a different means to attain the same end. Now, 20 years after the signing of the Social Security Act into Jaw, all of the '' efforts towards driving away the economic uncertainties of the future combine to made this Thanksgiving Day one of real satisfaction for millions and millions of people. A representative of the social security office will be at the Utah State Employment Service in Cedar Ce-dar City on Nov. 15 from 10 a. m. until 12 noon and from 1 to 3 p. m. Anyone wishing to obtain information in-formation concerning the social security program may contact him at that time. |