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Show WEARING 'FLU' MASK MANDATORY IN PROVO 1131 CASES Total Deaths in Utah Estimated at 100; Red Cross Unable to Pro- duce Enough Masks COMPULSORY wearing of gauze face masks haa been ordered for every citizen in Provo engaged in public business. busi-ness. The order has been promulgated by the city commission aa a final and desperate effort to curb the further spread of Spanish Influenza. Provo Is said to be " seriously stricken, and the most drastic preventive pre-ventive measurea are being taken against continued spread and more fatalities. Sixty new cases were reported re-ported on Provo bench and three deaths occurred In the" city. They were Kdward T. Palfreyman. former I'tah county commissioner; William Johnson, Provo policeman, and Mrs. Herman Grimm. 1434 REPORTED HERE. There are now 1434 active cases of Spanish Influenza In Salt Lake City alone, according to an authentic re- j port rrvmpilsH tnAmy by- -th CilV- board or health. While this number In- ! cludea only the cases actually re- , ported, health officials believe there a re scores of canes pre va lent which have not yet been reported, 100 DEATHS IN STATE. Rait Lake City had suffered a death toll of forty persons up to last night. Seven more death certificates, giving influenza as the cause, were received this morning. Health officials con- servaiively estimate the total number of deaths In the state at 100 since the epidemic became prevalent. MASK MAKERS WANTED. An urgent call for volunteers for the gauzeroom at loc.il Red Cross headquarters head-quarters was made today when a tre-( tre-( mendims demand for face masks was I received. Several small armies of mak ! makers are working day and night and still the supply Is several thousand short. Owing to the urgent requests for mssks the Hed Cross headquarters snd severs I other units will remain open sll dsy tomorrow until midnight. This is the firt time any Ked Cross activity has been carried on here during dur-ing Sunday. PRECAUTION URGtU. , Captain J. N. lkilph of Washington, who ia here siding the Ked Cross snd health officials In combating the disease, dis-ease, leiyied a warning to all volunteer nurses to take great precautiona. He characterized their work as extremely patriotic and humanitarian, but urged them to nleerve-4he strictest! precsu-! precsu-! lions against Infection. "If they are I not protected with masks in coming in 1 contact with patients they may soon 'become martyra to their heroism,' ,de-I ,de-I c la red Captain Dolph. NEVER REVERSE MASK, He also called attention to the fact that fn several tiff Ices and fat-tone where the masks sre being worn the wearers frequently reverse them when one side becomes sotied. This practice, he says, is almost certain to prove dis- 1 astrous. as the germa caught in the meshea of the gauze are readily inhaled in-haled through the mouth and nostrila , The masks should be boiled at least ' one-half hour each day. ASK DOCTORS TO REGISTER. Red Cross officials today requested thst sll doctors register st local hed- I quarters so thst they may' be called 1 upon for emergency influenza cases. Accommodations were mn.de today , for twenty-five more patients at Judge Mercy hospital. There were fifty-one ; patienta at the Institution last night, j SOUP DISPENSARY OPEN. Through the efforts of Mrs. R. W. ; Snsngler of the Red Cross, a soup dispensary dis-pensary for Influenza patients wss opened this morning st the community kitchen In Regent street. Hot soup snd J other nourishing food for the sick -wDt ( be prepared there during the epidemic and sold at absolute cost. Persons ! may bring their own receptacles and f obtain the prepared soup or get the stock for making It mvtheir own ! homes. V Salt Lake barbers have dokped face masks for the period of the epidemic. (Continued, on page 2.jT 1434 CASES (ntlnued from pagej.) at the request of the state health authorities. au-thorities. QUARANTINE ORDERED. Hlrld quarantines have been ordered at Ophir and Minersvllle on account of the epidemic. In Ophir no trace of the dlaeaae has so far appeared, but the quarantine was adopted aa a precaution pre-caution against Its Inception. At Win ersville, however, several families are reported 111. repartitions are being made for the distribution throughout the state by the Red Cross of several tlAVsand ! pamphlets containing Instructions In preventing and comtattng the scourge. ! PARENTS DIE, CHILDREN ILL I Three children have been made or-. or-. phans and are themselves suffering with serious cases of Influensa as the result of the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hchaelllng, 43 Jeremy street. The mother died Thursday and the father succumbed to in disease yes-; yes-; terday. PREVENTIVE CLAIMED. j Mrs. Minnie Altop, 73 West South I I Temple street, has reported what she j cpiinta to be an absolute preventive of Influensa. It constats of one tea-1 spoonful of cayenne pepper, two tea- ) apootifula of table salt; mix thoroughly j and pour on them one pint of boiling j water. Htrnln and add one-half pint . of vinegar. Allow to cool and use one spoonful every hour. HIOUERA FUNERAL TODAY. Funeral services were held at the fit cemetery today for Mrs. l.ena Ros Hlgura, wife of r'red HIguera, whose: death occurred at Berkeley, t'al., Mon- j day. Hcsldta her huattand and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harry, aha ta aurvlvtm j by an Infant son. three brothers and two j sisters. I 1 |