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Show l j ' : : : - : : : : : yp if m -y-vk This nation has made, its Ideals the Ideals of the civilized world. The President of the m Eg United States is the recognized leader and spokesman in the battle of civilization for univer- 3 p sal democracy, equality and a lasting peace. 5- g What does this leadership mean to the future history and happiness of the world? ' li ' S- IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED ONLY THROUGH THE 1 CONFIDENCE OF THE NATIONS ABROAD AND 1 - J -THE-SUPPORT-OF-THE-PEOPLE-AND-OF-THE g- ' h CONGRESS AT HOME. THE PRESIDENT CANNOT 1 P MAINTAIN FOR US THIS LEADERSHIP AND CON- Jl -f- i F1DENCE ABROAD UNLESS HE HAS OUR CONFI- T & PENCE AND WHOLE-HEARTED SUPPORT AT 1 ix HOME. . ' jfj Ep ' A refusal to re-elect the loyal Congressman of his party will be given but one con- I3 jp s truction in Europe; it will jeopardize our leadership and diminish our influence with our d $M Allies and give comfort and encouragement to our enemies. It will prolong the war and j ;; p immeasurably prevent pur realization of the fruits of victory. s ' p "ifjl - There can be no reason for electing inexperienced and untried Republican congressmen " P in this state at this time. ' la JyS If v they are opposed to the President, their election is unthinkable. If they support the President, they cannot Conceivably do so as effectively as Congressmen James H. Mays and Eg ' h Milton H. Welling, who will have the benefit both of their information and experience in- S Congress and of valuable first hand knowledge acquired by visiting the nations and battle- g M - ----- fields of Europe. - - ' - . '. . , . I MAKE YOUR BALLOT REALLY SERVE t j - Cast YourVote-for BMVS andllLlIG 4 I STATE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE I S W. R. WALLACE, Chairman. R. B. THURMAN, Secretary. I ' v ' . I 1 (Pnll'WI A'ltwttMBffit ) Dc! . Buy War Stamps and Liberty Bonds with wht you tare by being your own dslivcrynuui. LUMP COAL, par ton 17.00 STANDARD FLOUR, ewt. ..$5.00 NUT COAL, par ton W.7S CORN FLOUR, par cwt. S.50 I ALFALFA HAY. par tan. ..123.50 BARLEY FLOUR, par cwt. . .17-00 STRAW, bala 40a RICE FLOUR, par ewt. ... 11.00 OATS, par hundradwaight ...13.29 CORN, par ewt. $4.10 WHEAT, per hundredweight. $3.79 JONATHAN APPLES, bu. ..$1.79 BRAN, per hundredweight ...$2.00 SEQO MILK, par caae $5.79 BARLEY, per ewt. $3.29 lb. pail CRISCO $10 Beet pricee are obtained by being a atockholder. One ahare, $50.00. Gonsumers Warehouse fi Storage Co. 204 WEST 2tST SOUTH. HYLAND 2233. IJ -' i .- X " . ' . |