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Show EUROPE AGAIN IS BUYING U. S. SECURITIES - ; Renewal of This Character of Investment Regarded v as Good Peace Sign. N'i;W YORK, tct. 1J Continued recea- rlon in premluma on Ruropean neutral ' cxthsnss reniatns the single .dlstlnctlva ref1"Ction In monetary terms of b4ll piogreta and of pi.isilIUttes of peace through victory. When the lattr cornea definitely near, pronounced readjustment ' In sll exchangee may naturally ba ax- lected. In the preaent movement tha buying It)' pi jeKrua Kurnpean nvutraia of ae- rlitin 1 N-w Viu-L, mi I miti K . 1 i'J"t(l noleti Hiove mr, tY m tteen a inrtor. A dollar now commanda 4.S4 Mwi up fraiH', n c.i tnat 4. S3 a week ago and only affthe extreme premium; like- vflm a Dutch guilder ia now worth but 43 cMita, agalnnt 4H centa lt week and a high of U2 37 t enia. The reMseuve premiums over peace prity have thua Nhr'ii.k from 7 to 0.94 cents, and from I'J 17 1o 2 si) centu tither neuirnl ex- j fhnrri urm liktfwiMC clOheH re'fdln to- 1 i ward par. ho f;ir. In the general money attiiation. ' tther are no vIhiI algna of relaxation' of ihe rtalrtclle hanking-auperviaton ex- 1 ere la tl over the credit aitUMllon. deapite j I some t-.arller hoen that, the cloae of the ; I l.ilert !o:n caniHiign would vtitneaa, ! such a development. If the pullio tliruats j loo much of the loan ramiaigii nn Ihe I ttanka, su' h hopes rm:st be atill further j defeired. And there era rtt lit large f Inane- I ting burdena ahead before war billa begin 1 to tjjl'er materially. |