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Show Ben in the Draft j Chauffeurs Mechanics Telephone Operators Carpenters Electrical Workers The Students Army Training Corps OF THE Utah Agricultural College IS NOW OPEN TO YOU Unusual opportunities for direct appointment ap-pointment to officers' training camps from both the Vocational and, collegiate collegi-ate sections of the S. A. T. C are offered. Information may be obtained . by calling at room 416 Capitol J31dg. ' from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturday or j 8:30 a. m. until noon Sunday. j I Immediate Induction I Offered to All Men Who Qualify ' . 1 'S . .mm, ii i .. i iii . f . Precautions Against g J Colds and Grippe Combating epidemics of colds and h la grippe can be effectively aided by a - S rigid adherence to these suggestions: 'S. Al tha fim indication ol ht.ry cold or 3 U (ripp. ( bom. Call youf family ph.tician. I- Drisk on or two glaaatt ol hot (tmonada. Go to bed. Coret up well. Do not cough or roeeM toward olhcra. Inlata yoorwll, aa much u poaaibla, from other member of tha family. g The chances of "catching" cold, la grippe . jr p or influenza will be-minimiied by following g 2 these precaution!: ' S Arold crowd. Crowd tpread infeetioa. Take ; 2- adequate eierciac. Lira and work ia pure, freah J. 5 air. Get pl.nty of eleep. If powble, deep ia a ' room by youraelf. Keep your feet dry and warm. j If yoa ejeed a laaatin, take one. Don't orcraat. California Fruit Growen Exchange S 4 Hmffil. Q .n l tJMCrioin Lot Anfelce, California lan rZ: |