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Show OUTSIDERS ENTERING .'. MARKET IN FORCE By' Bade' Braa. Ptivat Wlr. NEW YOKK, OcL 19. Bullish pHlc operations are expected to conttnu. I Outsider are entering th market In j force. Thia mr mean U.at price will 'bo carried to tba extreme. But tha movement ahould laat for noma time, with usual reaction to repair technique. Keedjustment In tha war. department ahould at lt ba seen. Underlying Increased In-creased esets, hower, ahould ba a supporting- factor. Increased erodit furnishes) fur-nishes) by tha market advance ought to releaaa more funds for tha fourth Lib arty loan subscriptions. . Tha recent advance lb American Smelting 1a accompanied by private report re-port a front Guggenheim to tha effect that there la a, large relnalatetnant of fore Ian holding. It ta eald to o baaed not only on tha ending of t iw war but on the fact , that confidential advlcea received In Kng- 1 land are speaking very highly of Im- proving Matico 'conditiana and In forma- j tlon auggaating a recuperation of earn- In the Unties) Male. New York Klnanclal Newa. j NORTH SALT LAKK LIVESTOCK. 1 Cattle gaeatpu. St aaa atafr alear. 11 Tpail Tl, pmhI aiaara. MMpjIIW, fair Mn hM. vtm dmi aikt haa hnrra. ST IWt fl : fair u fvaal nai n, Mfn S(Mw; S rwiiora. MTtveiSk. wrmx. to Hi.; a: hn tau. HWimt . b?m taaa. at aa) r . nai ealaa, SI Shall e M Kaaatpu. tt. Ite p ChaSre fat kasa ITS la 7S pourtiU. llllMUft MhMp. SwjiH. VM rtwan artM uutn. lit akt !: nUMt SSfMN, fat mm. 1 Sm el . tmrnim . ai met at CLEARINQ HOUSS BANKS. By Aaaoclated Press. NRW YORK, Oal M) -Tha artaal etaMlHtaa af t-taar-tng hnaa kmnm arxt I um nmcniaa for lha aaaft hawa ihat law hnSj IS) Ml iwrt ui amaa af Na. raoaUwaaaia Tato k s 1 1 af t3i.ttl.ke) nwa teat |