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Show fa&& 2& mvtren jtxJ mux nboare'ttouii j Queries submitted to the Heartitoriuro are limited to two ques tions each. All queries must be written by pen or typewriter, and carry the full name and address of the writer; also name or initiali i by which the answer is to be identified in the, column. Queries will 1 'VF be answered as nearly as possible in the order received; failure to r see your answer in one issue means that it will appear later. Do not ( ask for a private reply if the query may be taken care of m the department. If a private reply is absolutely necessary,' send self-addressed, self-addressed, stamped envelope. Communications not written in compliance with the rules of this department will be ignored. papsra for ths adaption of a child? What would bs ths charge? Thsnkmg you for your trouble and wishing you success. j r'r- ; Any lawypr who handles general 1 practice will be fflud tn tke thla cane J for you. It would be Impossible for me to etute th fe. but tho attorney conwiilted could be aaked to make that ' mat-mcnt before you heed an gags miir Orar Misa Kayai Will you plcsas answsr tha following fol-lowing questions? If I send for a private reply, will you send ms tha nams and addrsss of a Sammy with whom I can correspond? I am 17. Am I too young to . writs frisndly letters to soldier boys if I 1st my mamma rsad them first? I 2. Will you olsass tend ma a I picture of you? I thank you in advance. ! ALEVA. Because of the rapid chance" of nhlrenn of the boys in service, H In impoaelble for me to supply you with h corrpspondent In khnkl. AVIth mother for n cennor. you nre not too young to write war letter ! to eoMier boys, but I rio believe you are too !NlOI,FNT! Shame on you! Naturally, my denr. t do not ncct ; every person to bo a petfect speller, 'but such lack of preclnion. hi writing I "cor " for "correspondent!" and i leaving me to guett the rest, is tin-i tin-i iwrdonable, and brands you as an I Indolent shirker. I could not thrust I you upon a soldier correspondent if T jhad one until you develop sufficient energy and pride to consult a dic- tlonary when In need of one. t. Really, dear. I am not hnmlsome enough for public distribution sorry. Dear Miss Kaya: I am a constant rssdsr of tha Heartitorium and think it very interesting. May I trouble you to answer these questiens? 1. What ara tha addresses of Owen Moore and Hal Coolsy? How old ara thsy? 2. What is tha causs of snlargsd pores, and what will eurathul skinaruptFon? BlLLIE B. Owen Moore does not tell his age; his address is Famous Players 8tudlo. New York City. N. Y. Hal Cooley is 3n years of age; his address Universal City, Cal. 2. Please send for private reply. My Dear Miss Kays: Will you kindly permit a 75-yssr-ld youngstsr to tsks a peep into your charming circls? lAii-.i,, i j - i j in partmsnt first, but givs tha Honor Poll that place (I have two boys Over There), tha war news nst tho sditorials, itsms of gsnsral interest, in-terest, snd thsn YOU. snd at ws of tan do, after a rs.risr unsatisfactory unsatis-factory dinnsr, find ths detsert nmathinq del i (jH tf nr1 " Many timss I hsva been nsiped by your vsry apt solution to soms t rouble toms problem. In s rscent issus, in answer ss t whom wsrs entitled to wear ths tsrvics pm, you msntionsd ths mothers, wives, stars, brothsrs. eweetheerts snd I gusss thsrr uncles, un-cles, cousins and aunts, but not a word about ths FATHERS! Don't ws count? G. A. R. r.lr$R vimr rifftr Iady-heart hy, of course, you count - almost no re than anyone else In trie world. nd I wouldn't have vou foe jllt;hteti .y the JlPiirtltonum fr anything- not even th;it button off the l:aiHr's ! roitt. -ahich MY iiuhlicr is striv-in; to K"t for me; W h y the I hi dtl y - hoys re in y verv favirtte.s. and h id I orUinated th t lint, they should have been right t the top! next after the nv tlicra, of course-- i hut you crp it wns this way: Hi m j alert jcwelr, with a commercial in - ' stinct, rather than sntimertal or pa- triotic. in'iirt ion. originated tne ser- i vice pin. am! the ll?t of possible wear- ! ts. frim whom he excluded the sterner 1 sex. evidently conaidnring this hit of ' enamel a strictly feminine frill. j 1 , Hut he reckoned without his public! k!V The little star that be-speaks pride, J C hnnor, J(y and grief, sliinen out as bravely now-from, tha"twed lap I aa from the chiffon bodice. Ho flaunt your stars, dear Daddy-. Daddy-. man. and may their bright blue ne'er e turned to gold! ! Desr Miss Kays: 1 I sm a rssdsr of your Hsartito t num and enjoy it vary much. Though I hsvs profited by many of your answers this is ths first time I nsvs writtsn. 1. I have bssn going out with a vtry dsar boy -fnand of mine far whom I care very much, but in some wi wa hsvs had a falling out. Wa ussd to go out toqethsr quits a bit, but Istely he doesn't even csll ms up. What would you do if you were in my place. 2. Is a girl supposed to invits a boy friend to hsr horns, or is he I supposed to ask so come? CHICKEN. ; Welcome. ' It would appear that this tn a 'plain j ease of hrk of interest on the part of the young man concerned. If you rouM I not hold his interest wnn h was once 1 centered upony ou yjtu wiud b.e mak- ' ing a hail matter woie hy attempting to attract him now. Cloak your eager- ress with indifference, and If It were Intended that he should he a part of your life, he'll come again. Meantime, add to your personal rnarm by Improving Improv-ing your nil nd and by cultivating a 1 tweet, kindly, unseifiah deposition, and do not l'se sight of the fact that every man admires modesty and dignity above all else In a woman. 1 1T s young man wishes to call upon you, he will ark for that privilege. privi-lege. x My Dear Miss Kaya: In Tha Telegram I noticed a query in your column relative to k , the use of gssoline for clssnsing purposss. Perhsps I can suggsst ("aaa. something helpful. uaaonna or j henxms mskes a better cleansing gent by adding ana-fourth its volume of csrbon-tstra chloride, which also lessens ths dsnger of handling. A CHEMIST. : Armpt my thanks; Mr. CTirmfnt- also the thanks of the many ecormmi-cmI!' ecormmi-cmI!' Inclined who wish to do their cleaning at home Just now and save the expenso of sending to the professional profes-sional cleaner. Misfhty good of you to take the trouble trou-ble to write me this, and it Is truly appreciated. May I not serve you in some other wuy? Dear Mtsa Kaya: 4 Will you please answer th fol- lowing questions for me? 1. Whsrs shall I oo tn ehtsi- |